anyone else suffer this prob?


Feb 18, 2001
often times after a bout of bed rocking sex with mr dot, right after i've cum, my hips tend to start cramping(usually only in missionay position). they cramp up soooooo bad that there's not much of a chance for post 'o' cuddling yet, have to make him move...QUICK cuz it hurrrrts soooooooo bad.:(
You need to eat more chutney. Look out for the Papaya hot dogs, though, they have a lot of nitrates.
no, but that sounds awful :(

Talk to your gyno.

Maybe try practicing yoga regularly if you are not generally limber?
Or potassium....Cramps are usaully related to a defiency of this....

emerald_eyed. that's exactly where roughly it hurts...makes me have to straighten my leg(s) out immediately or risk bursting into tears!
gotta heat those "nanners"............

april-wine said:
Or potassium....Cramps are usaully related to a defiency of this.... me on this.............

I have this problem also.. but I thought it was because I was heavy and cutting off circulation to my hips.

I'm a pretty limber person.. I can put my feet behind my head. But having my legs up in the air, or around his waist even, for a long time causes me to have a charlie horse in my hips.

To keep from having this problem.. we change positions a lot during sex.
Re: gotta heat those "nanners"............

greybeard said: me on this.............


Yes, I was just going to say that....Eat lots of bananas....:D
Re: Re: Re: gotta heat those "nanners"............

Emerald_eyed said:
oh shit, I thought he ment fuck the bananas:D

I like it when you talk dirty.........;)
Re: Re: gotta heat those "nanners"............

april-wine said:
Yes, I was just going to say that....Eat lots of bananas....:D
or radishes, but they are not nearly so suggestive.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: gotta heat those "nanners"............

april-wine said:
Peel me baby.......;)
See what I mean about the radishes?
*blink, blink*

hmmm...all this talk 'bout :nana: is makin me wanna go and jump on mr dot & eat him alllllllll up!:p
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: gotta heat those "nanners"............

that happens to me all the time when i'm on top with my thigh. i hate it, cuz i love being on top. when it happens we take a quick break till the pain stops then resume a different position
I've had that happen to me occassionaly in the last few years... I just attributed it to getting older... LOL