Any1 in the Binghamton, NY or Long Island, NY area?


Really Experienced
Jun 23, 2002
Hi I'm a 20 y/o bi-curious male. I go to school at SUNY Binghamton, where I spend most of my time, and sometimes I'm go home to Long Island. I've been a fan of this site for a while and was wondering how many people live around any of those areas. Feel free to email me at
I just want to say something about online personals in general.
I know it may seem pathetic, or pointless, to post a message on a Discussion board or personals site and just hope that someone will respond. I also know that some people only respond to those creative, well thought out personals.

The fact is that although it may be rare, some people do meet online. The way I see it is if I can just take a few minutes to post something and there is a chance of meeting someone, why not? I'm not going to post an elaborate, eloquent, Pour my heart out kind of message, at least at first, because why go to the trouble if there may not even be anyone interested. The fact is I have a life, and I don't just sit in front of my computer all day waiting for someone to respond. I figure put a simple message out there, and if anyone who lives near me is interested, I am more than happy to say more, either on the thread or in private.

I just felt like saying that because I think there are plenty of people who feel the same way. Now that I got that off my chest, I know that so far 36 people have already read my post. Maybe some people were just really bored or curious, but out of 36 people I tend to think at least a few looked because they might be interested. So please don't be afraid to post. Come to think of it I guess a lot of those people were straight guys who were disapointed that I wasn't a hot chick waiting to fuck them but even if that is the case I am curious how many Lit members are in my area even if they're not interested in me. I'll shut up now, sorry but I tend to be a bit verbose at times.
I am in upstate NY,near Albany...and juss wanted to say hello,and bump your thread up too:)
good luck on your search!!:)