Any weekend football widows want to escape together?

Feb 19, 2023
As a Another weekend full of College/NFL football approaches do any of the following describe your house today?

Your living room is currently filled with loud, obnoxious, men. Are you wondering how a “couple good friends from work” turned into 13 including 2 guys no one seems to know?

With every Touchdown celebration are chips and salsa being ground into your new carpet? Don’t look now, I think someone just wiped their hands on your designer curtains.

Did they order Wings and Pizza? When the delivery guy arrived you heard this “Sugar, Is there money in your purse?”

Are you expected to whisk in cold beers and bus out empty cans during TV timeouts? Seriously?, he asked you to dress like a hooters girl for the game today?

Right now someone is in your guest bathroom doing things that could require a Hazmat team to clean up.

Oh, and that email alert.. It’s from your nosy neighbor... Informing you that a drunk guy is puking in your landscaping

Ok, I admit those are probably extreme examples, unless you live in SEC country. If you are a bored football “widow” let’s chat, flirty to dirty what ever your mood. If you use lit chat, I am usually lurking around in “detailed role play”

PS. You might want to check your Microwave, I just watched a video on YouTube of a kitchen very similar to yours featuring an exploding jar of Queso cheese

It is a cold boring Saturday, I know there has to be some football widows on Lit today.. I would love find the perfect match and use our minds and imaginations to create a scene so real so intimate that the world seems to stand still.

I look forward to your response either here in PM…if you use Lit Chat.. I am usually hanging out in detailed RolePlay .