Any real Asian wives on here

I am new to this site and see lots of posts from men claiming to have hot asian wives and posting pictures or stories. Their comments not mine. I am just curious if this is real or not.
I am new to this site and see lots of posts from men claiming to have hot asian wives and posting pictures or stories. Their comments not mine. I am just curious if this is real or not.
At least they're not claiming to BE those wives... which distinguishes them from half of the female-sounding usernames on here.
I am new to this site and see lots of posts from men claiming to have hot asian wives and posting pictures or stories. Their comments not mine. I am just curious if this is real or not.
Anyone saying they have a “hot Asian wife” is after your money or your dignity. Real people don’t talk like that, it’s the 21st century, FFS.
Not many women identify as 'Asian'. We belong to at least a dozen different cultures and countries.
Just wanted to say that your avatar pic is dynamite! It fits your profile description so I take it that it's you. Really hot! 🔥 Hat's off to you! LOL!
Why? I have never heard that before. If had said oriental then I would have agreed with you but I hear asian used all the time in public on television and in the movies.
Why? I have never heard that before. If had said oriental then I would have agreed with you but I hear asian used all the time in public on television and in the movies.

I'll refer you to the map of Asia posted above. "Asian" means so many different, diverse countries that its use as an appellation is fundamentally meaningless.
Same for Europe and America, all filled with vastly different cultures. I don't mind if someone calls me European, British, or English. In real life I have some friends from different parts of Asia and they will sometimes describe themselves as Asian or more specific. Depends on the circumstances. I'd actually like to here from somone from these areas to see if they are offended.
So, by “Asian” wives… what are you picturing in your head? Russian? Indian? Iranian? Emirati? Malaysian? Chinese? Bangladeshi? Japanese?