Any others?

Jumping aside to avoid the avalanche......any particular type of stories?
Come here and let me tell you a little story.

That's what I was wondering.

She must have graduated from the Evil-in Wood- head school of porn speed reading.
yes... there are several free story sites. (none as good as Lit ofcourse)

Go here and do a search by typing in "free erotic stories" "free fuck stories" "free stories" (pick any variation of those.. you should get a few hits)

RawHumor said:
Yes, but Laurel won't let us link to them.

Laurel??? No doubt she can be found having a party with Bigfoot, the Loch Ness Monster, Jimmy Hoffa, and the Crew of a UFO.
JennyBenny must have found what she wanted. Think of all the Lit fun she's missed...