any experience with lithium


Loves Spam
Jan 4, 2013
because i am bat shit crazy:eek:the doctor has just prescribed 500mg of lithium carbonate each day. i already take 25mg of valdoxan, 100mg of seroquel and swallow alprazolam at will:rose:did i mention i was bat shit crazy:D my partner and i go thru a nickle bag of hydroponic each day too:)i am still a successful scientist. what kind of ride am in for on this lithium:confused:
Stay on the lithium and off the weed. I had a bipolar buddy who went off his meds and thought he could self medicate by smoking weed. Within 6 weeks he was locked up in Bellevue, and upon release, jumped off a bridge. Real talk.
I am also a scientist. Today's lab involved the properties of Under Armour brand long underwear (cold gear).

In order to determine the value of it, I placed the under armor (top section) inside out on my towel rack for several hours.

When I removed the garment from the rack, the exterior (actually the inverted interior) was warmed to approximately the operating temperature of the rack, around 105 degrees F.

I then reversed the garment and discovered that the interior (actually the no-longer inverted exterior) was not heated, the garment did not permit the heat to penetrate the fabric.

This proves that under armour does indeed retain heat and I feel that my $49 was not wasted.

I did this without eating Lithium or smoking dope.
because i am bat shit crazy:eek:the doctor has just prescribed 500mg of lithium carbonate each day. i already take 25mg of valdoxan, 100mg of seroquel and swallow alprazolam at will:rose:did i mention i was bat shit crazy:D my partner and i go thru a nickle bag of hydroponic each day too:)i am still a successful scientist. what kind of ride am in for on this lithium:confused:

Not a good combination. I was a psych nurse for 17 years. Be truthful with your doctor about all your medications prescription or not prescription before it's too late.
I used to smoke a nickle bag a day and I thought I was a scientist, too.

I took some lithium and now I don't know a test tube from a bunsen burner.

It is great for squeaky hinges.
if your heart starts racing, call your doctor ASAP. seroquel and lithium can have negative interactions. if you're on lithium, i hope you're getting thorough blood work done every three months. it's also important not to drink alcohol while on those medications. :rose:
Double check your lithium dose. I'm not aware of any combination of lithium products that would give you a dose of 500 mg, unless you're using liquid (which is typically dosed in meq rather than mg, since it's a citrate salt rather than carbonate and the two are not interchangeable in mg to mg units). It would be very unusual to start someone on a liquid lithium dosage regimen, or on any regimen other than an established first-line dose.

How often do you take your lithium? When are you scheduled for your first lithium blood level?
because i am bat shit crazy:eek:the doctor has just prescribed 500mg of lithium carbonate each day. i already take 25mg of valdoxan, 100mg of seroquel and swallow alprazolam at will:rose:did i mention i was bat shit crazy:D my partner and i go thru a nickle bag of hydroponic each day too:)i am still a successful scientist. what kind of ride am in for on this lithium:confused:
Experimenting with your own brain chemistry doesn't make you a scientist.
Double check your lithium dose. I'm not aware of any combination of lithium products that would give you a dose of 500 mg, unless you're using liquid (which is typically dosed in meq rather than mg, since it's a citrate salt rather than carbonate and the two are not interchangeable in mg to mg units). It would be very unusual to start someone on a liquid lithium dosage regimen, or on any regimen other than an established first-line dose.

How often do you take your lithium? When are you scheduled for your first lithium blood level?

250mg tablets, once in the morning, once at night. so far, i feel nothing different. i've not been scheduled for any blood work yet. i assume the doctor will tell me do that the next time i see him.

it will be difficult to give up smoking dope. i don't drink alcohol.
They may slowly need to increase it depending on how you are responding to it.
It slows down the brain function for sure.

People on a heavy dose of Lith after awhile have a certain way of speaking and thinking kind of slow and spaced out.

On the other hand you don't walk around in parking lots talking to light poles and think you are Jesus Christ either.
We put lithium in water in chem class. Makes a person think twice about eating it.

i am looking at a lithium pill do nothing in water but slowly become a pile of white powder. although stoned, and bat shit crazy, i am quite certain nothing else is happening in this experiment. damn, you made me waste a pill:mad:
Why did we put lithium in water or why shouldn't you eat it? I'm not reading a rock star scientist-like brain here. Are you sure you're Stephen Hawking?

i should not think that anything you can manufactor a battery from is that healthy. however, it is naturally present in the human body. i suppose medicine weighs the toxicity versus the benefit don't you.
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I'm a nurse too..
and I've been one long enough to know that people who self-medicate rarely have an accurate account of what they're taking..

it's like people who overeat and are surprised when they keep a food journal.. (and I'm not slamming obesity... merely drawing a parallel)

I assume you have a doc.. and a nurse.. and a therapist..
not sure what you're really looking for..
but I hope you find it without hurting yourself.
good luck.