Any asain lovers?


Really Really Experienced
Jun 24, 2013
Hi all,

I just recently joined literotica after turning 18 and was just curious as to how many people out there have a thing for asians. I happen to be of filipino decent. I was born in the Philippines but raised as a Cali girl. I would love to start uploading some audio stories soon since I've always wanted to make one. Any advice or suggestions or even ideas?
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Hi all,

I just recently joined literotica after turning 18 and was just curious as to how many people out there have a thing for asians. I happen to be of filipino decent. I was born in the Philippines but raised as a Cali girl. I am currently studying molecular toxicology and would love to start uploading some audio stories soon since I've always wanted to make one. Any advice or suggestions or even ideas?

Hello and welcome from a fellow filipino! ;) 34/m from MI here...

Some ideas could be uploading to sites like soundcloud or audioboo, or ever the Literotica site itself.

Well, it's often been said that you should write based on your experiences. Are there any fantasies or kinky experiences you've had as of late? Maybe just an audio of you when you're alone is inspiration for some... ;)

I'd love to continue this conversation over PM or Yahoo IM, if you're interested.
Hi all,

I just recently joined literotica after turning 18 and was just curious as to how many people out there have a thing for asians. I happen to be of filipino decent. I was born in the Philippines but raised as a Cali girl. I am currently studying molecular toxicology and would love to start uploading some audio stories soon since I've always wanted to make one. Any advice or suggestions or even ideas?

Hi hon! Italian 30m here...i definitely have a thing for much so that I married a filipina. :) Unfortunately things did not work out with us...give me a holler if you're lonely. :)
Hi all,

I just recently joined literotica after turning 18 and was just curious as to how many people out there have a thing for asians. I happen to be of filipino decent. I was born in the Philippines but raised as a Cali girl. I am currently studying molecular toxicology and would love to start uploading some audio stories soon since I've always wanted to make one. Any advice or suggestions or even ideas?

Dear delicious, Welcome to the wonderful world of literotica! I bet you'll find many men who would love to listen to you! I myself are a great fan of audio stories, you should check the ones allready submitted to literotica!
Another great place to share your sexuality is the amateur picture feedback forum... If you are into that of course... I think you might just fit right in ;) have fun!


Dear delicious, Welcome to the wonderful world of literotica! I bet you'll find many men who would love to listen to you! I myself are a great fan of audio stories, you should check the ones allready submitted to literotica!
Another great place to share your sexuality is the amateur picture feedback forum... If you are into that of course... I think you might just fit right in ;) have fun!



I actually have! I'm a huge fan of all the adio stories on the site and it's also for that reason I have decided to finally make a profile and begin making some myself! Also, thank you for your warm welcomes so far. :)
I actually have! I'm a huge fan of all the adio stories on the site and it's also for that reason I have decided to finally make a profile and begin making some myself! Also, thank you for your warm welcomes so far. :)

Haha, good girl ;) What kind of story do you like best then? someone reading a story? or when the person in the audio is speaking as if his (her?) words are meant for the listener?
and everyone deserves a warm welcome in this loving comunity ;)
Haha, good girl ;) What kind of story do you like best then? someone reading a story? or when the person in the audio is speaking as if his (her?) words are meant for the listener?
and everyone deserves a warm welcome in this loving comunity ;)

I listen to all types! Although I do like when the story is spoken directly towards the listener. :)
I love the sound of a woman's voice reading erotic fiction. It is such a turn-on. I've often thought about asking if anyone would be interested in recording one of my stories, but I'm not sure what I would be able to offer in return. Maybe reading one of theirs? Do you think any women would be into that?

In any case, welcome to Lit! I'll keep an ear out for you ;)
I do like asain women, those from your homeland are in my #1 spot. Welcome to Lit, enjoy your time here and make lot's of friends.

Hi all,

I just recently joined literotica after turning 18 and was just curious as to how many people out there have a thing for asians. I happen to be of filipino decent. I was born in the Philippines but raised as a Cali girl. I am currently studying molecular toxicology and would love to start uploading some audio stories soon since I've always wanted to make one. Any advice or suggestions or even ideas?

Welcome to Lit. As with the other responders, I too am a fan of Asian women as well as audio erotica. Lit has a lot to offer from both a receiver and a provider perspective. I too have dabbled with audio. Since I am a bit shy, I did not post. I have shared in private, and hope to get the guts to post for all to hear one of these days.

Good luck and I look forward to hearing one of your posts soon.
Hello and welcome. I also love audio stories and am a huge fan of Asian women. Maybe it would be good to start with some phone play to get an idea of what works best for you. I for one would love to help. Again, welcome
Hi all,

I just recently joined literotica after turning 18 and was just curious as to how many people out there have a thing for asians. I happen to be of filipino decent. I was born in the Philippines but raised as a Cali girl. I am currently studying molecular toxicology and would love to start uploading some audio stories soon since I've always wanted to make one. Any advice or suggestions or even ideas?

Filipino women are so amazingly sexy... but a smart woman is even sexier.

Thank you all for your kind responses! Also, I just recently posted my first picture under the "Post your b&w pix here..." thread under the Amateur Pic Feedback forum. I've also done some brainstorming on some audio story ideas that I hope to get out there to you all soon. :)

Thank you all for your kind responses! Also, I just recently posted my first picture under the "Post your b&w pix here..." thread under the Amateur Pic Feedback forum. I've also done some brainstorming on some audio story ideas that I hope to get out there to you all soon. :)

loved your pic!
if you are interested in a bicurious guy twist to your story, hit me up for ideas! ;)
Thank you all for your kind responses! Also, I just recently posted my first picture under the "Post your b&w pix here..." thread under the Amateur Pic Feedback forum. I've also done some brainstorming on some audio story ideas that I hope to get out there to you all soon. :)

WOW! that is an enormously hot picture... I love your breasts love, I would really like to hear your voice I think!

Hello gorgeous and welcome. I do gave a thing for asian ladies especially those from the Philippines as I was in the Navy and have been to the Philippines. You are a very beautiful lady!
I am looking forward to listening to your audio stories. I have a few ideas for you, but your PMs are not on...send me a PM if you want.
I am looking forward to listening to your audio stories. I have a few ideas for you, but your PMs are not on...send me a PM if you want.

Sorry, I wasn't aware it was off! I just turned my PM's on so feel free to send me one! This goes for anyone else who wants to send me a quick message!