Antisocial Personality Disorder aka sociopath aka "Serial Bully"


Biker Chick
Jun 30, 2001
The term "sociopath" popped up in another thread tonight and made me wonder, how many of us would recognize a psychopath and/or sociopath if we met them on line or in real life.

I have met many and there are times when their charming veneer, their wit and charisma cover insidious and potentially dangerous personality characteristics.

The on line world is a wonderful venue for those with Antisocial Personality Disorder (sociopaths) as there are so few boundaries, so few rules and the net is a great milieu for their prowess at acting or role playing.

While these people are seemingly good company, they also have difficulty building and maintaining relationships, have no remorse for their actions and as such, think little of harming others emotionally, physically or financially. They lie frequently and enjoy causing conflict between others.

They often hide behind the "rules", using the rules to protect their interests, can be found repeating themselves in a discussion as though no one else is speaking and have have visions of grandiosity. They have assertive, domineering personalities.

The danger lies in their ability to manipulate others and their lack of concern for the welfare of those around them.

Point blank: One article I recently read stated that Hannibal Lector is the purest fictional creation of a psychopath/sociopath.

So, if you aren't sure? Here is a link that tells a bit more.

Could you identify a friend, neighbor, online friend or foe as a sociopath?
That doesn't sound like anyone that would hang out at Literotica.
If you're trying to say that sexy-girl is a sociopath, just come out and say it. None of this tiptoeing around. It's unbecoming.
Harbinger said:
That doesn't sound like anyone that would hang out at Literotica.

Sure they would. The internet is one of the prime territories for sociopaths. It's very easy to misrepresent yourself here. I'm sure there are a few sociopaths lurking around here looking for sex and willing to deceive anyone to get it.
Oops, sorry. That was intended to be rather heavy handed sarcasm. I guess I'm being too coy again.
Harbinger said:
Oops, sorry. That was intended to be rather heavy handed sarcasm. I guess I'm being too coy again.

**banging on the side of my sarcasm detector**

Is this thing on? Work, damn you!
MissTaken said:
Could you identify a friend, neighbor, online friend or foe as a sociopath?

Hmm. Sounds like a co-worker of mine. Also sounds like a number of people here at lit, but then again, cyberspace tends to make sociopaths of everyone.*Shrugs* The definitions fit if you look for a way to fit them; this should be left to a trained professional.
Mischka said:
If you're trying to say that sexy-girl is a sociopath, just come out and say it. None of this tiptoeing around. It's unbecoming.

* is arrogant, haughty, high-handed, and a know-all

Now that you mention it, it does sound like her. I'm sure there are a lot of other clues. Does it say anything about punctuation?
Oliver Clozoff said:
**banging on the side of my sarcasm detector**

Is this thing on? Work, damn you!

The rolleyes smilie. I always forget to use the damn rolleyes smilie.:rolleyes:
Thanks MissTaken....

point taken. We never truly know what a person is capable of until they are pushed to a certain point. Let's say their computer was hacked into. Let's say they saw another person saying harmful words and dragging up information from the boards that he would not have known since he was not registered here at that time. Let's say it was about friends of that person to that they care for. I think a sociopath behavior can be stirred through a vigilent move. Something about seeing people that are vunerable and another using that to his/her advantage while using many personas to do such acts. A person that befriends them when he thinks that the other person is at their most vunerable point in life. So things like this can stir another to become enraged.

Now for the person being all friendly and what not with more than one nicname I think would say fits the true definition to a sociopath. It is a person that is seeking to control for they have a dom personality. To him/her they find it as a rush. They have nothing in their every day life to control cause they are so out of control in life that they seek to do this within this forum. So hence choosing his prey carefully and with precise decision. Developing hours of false relationship and then turning on them in public. This is a sociopath to me.

Things are unravelling here. I have vented through my words and I might continue on tomorrow. It felt good to get out my frustration than to bottle them up inside. However I have a lot of tolerance but tonight after similiar things I have seen and the way a certain person went about rehashing hurtful events in others lives sent me into I had enough with your crap. I said it before I tried to ignore, I tried to play with him, I tried to be nice but tonight I realized a person like him does not understand kindness. How could he if he is manipulative and strategically planning on who his next victim is.

Again I am part of this community. If I choose to leave it will be on my terms. Perhaps the end is near for me to bide ado. Then again perhaps not. All on my terms be it I get hacked or what not. I have nothing to loose. I have lost much in the last two years that any computer geek here cannot take away. I know what is important in life and that is human beings and love.


Im happy just being a cunt. :) That should suffice for now.

Stop picking on Hanns again!
Something we should all think about

Especially here on the net. Miss Taken makes a valid point.
While all of us can and do exhibit sociopathic tendencies from time to time, we've all met people, on the net, and in real who exhibit these tendencies routinely. Maybe we should familiarized ourselves with the "symptoms" of this disorder. If, for no other reason than to better protect ourselves so that we don't fall prey to these people.

The following is a few exerpts from articles on the subject:

Sociopathic individuals are extremely self-confidant, intelligent, charismatic and persuasive of others as well as themselves
Success is proof of the accuracy of any claim they make. Words and sometimes bizarre ideas become a substitute for reality. They surround themselves by supporters who worship them and believe they can do no wrong. These loyalties persist even when their world collapses around them
They have enormous drive and ambition but few qualms about how they accomplish their objectives. They are focussed. They deal with conflicting evidence, by selective perception, compartmentalising, rationalising, by attacking its credibility, or by demonising the messenger.

When these people hold the floor they are persuasive but their ideas do not stand up to critical scrutiny or questioning. They talk only to the converted. They seldom engage in open debate or give press interviews where they are confronted by critics.

Primary psychopaths/sociopaths are considered to be the true sociopath. This is the sociopath who appears to be very normal, calm, and educated on the exterior, but on the interior, they are incapable of experiencing any form of emotional content. They rarely come in contact with the law, but when they do, they are often able to talk themselves out of trouble using their verbal skills. Despite this verbal eloquence, the words often have no real emotional meaning for the sociopath. When the primary sociopath does commit crimes, they are usually petty, meaningless, and without logic, such as daredevil acts and disturbing the peace. It is believed that a constant state of boredom and the lack of ability to truly feel deep emotion are what lead to this random misbehavior or thrill seeking. This form of psychopaths "can basically be thought of as emotional shells; the surface is all there, but there is no substance" (Culwell, 1998, p.7).
The sociopathic individual usually displays a superficial charm to other people and has a normal
or above normal intelligence, and does not show symptoms of other mental diseases, such as
neuroses, hallucinations, delusions, irrational thinking or psychoses. They may have a serene
countenance on normal social intercourse, and have a considerable social presence and good
verbal fluency. In some cases, they are leaders in their social groups.
Lacking in conscience and in feelings for others, they cold-bloodedly take what they want and do
as they please, violating social norms and expectations without the slightest sense of guilt or
Thank you *goddess*emi*

Based on that description it seems like we have a few within this forum. If Hans has or does offend you in any way state it in tulip2lipservice people court thread.

Now for the 3-d life stuff simply be careful if you opt to ever meet anybody from the internet. The main difference between a person who is a sociopath and who isn't is that they do not care. They look at others simply as their amusement. To be discarded when they are done with them. It is a person that wants to have control. To be the pupeteer and to pull the strings. IN reality the person is not but in his or her mind they feel they are. They feel like they are winning a battle nobody else is seeing. Just be careful with the information you post on the net. Use your common sense.

Fawkin "A"

But I have to leave to go work out...


...but I think I was just debating with a pair of sociopaths on another thread, they just kept calling me names and making fun of me the whole while patting themselves on the back at having made ME look stoopid, WHICH WE ALL KNOW, I REALLY AM!
Good reading here. Very thought provoking stuff MissT, tulip, and G-emi.

Glad you thought so, Ishmael.

I just felt that there was a warning to be heeded.

Too often we get too cozy and lax on a bulletin board of this nature.

And in fact, some of the sociopathic personalities I have worked with seemed as safe and caring as the next guy. Certainly, their friends and neighbors didn't know.
the big bad sexy-girl is here :)

hmmm i've noticed lately mischka is desperately trying to get me in trouble :D
We're on to you sexy-girl. Just slip up once. ONCE. :)