Anti-Obama DVD Claims that Obama's mother posed for porn


skates like Eck
Dec 24, 2007
My local news channel has shown pictures (sexy pin up girls)- that a DVD claims to be Obama's mother, Ann Dunham.

People online are asking about the free DVD that they got in the mail- Joel Gilbert's "Dreams from My Real Father."

Osawatomie, Spring 1976, centerfold with Che shirt, red bandana and AK 47...
My local news channel has shown pictures (sexy pin up girls)- that a DVD claims to be Obama's mother, Ann Dunham.

People online are asking about the free DVD that they got in the mail- Joel Gilbert's "Dreams from My Real Father."

The fringe right is very frustrated that they haven't been able to land a glove on President Obama in almost four years... they're going after his deceased mother instead.

As AJ's mentor Sensei K once said,

"You have opponent you declare war on? Also go after his mama-san! Hai!"
The controversial cover of The New Yorker magazine on July 14, 2008 in New York City, carried an illustration
depicting Barack and Michelle Obama-President Obama dressed as a Muslim and Michelle Obama dressed up as
a gun-toting militant.

People with common sense, took the cartoon for what it was- A Joke!

Then, we have people like Bobbie Lussier, a retiree from Manassas, Virginia.

BOBBIE LUSSIER: I just - I don't like him. [President Obama] Can't stand to look at him. I don't like his wife. [Michelle Obama]
She's far from the first lady. It's about time we get a first lady in there that acts like a first lady, and looks like a first lady.

Shapiro probed Lussier, saying that last time "you said she doesn't look like a first lady. ..."

Lussier: "No, she doesn't. She doesn't look or act. I mean, can you imagine you know, Kennedys
or the Bushes or anybody doing pushups on the floor? I mean you know. That's just not a first lady."

Shapiro: "A lot of people wondered if there was a racial undertone to your comments."

Lussier: "No, it's not. I don't care what color she is. It's just she just doesn't act and look like a first lady.
I mean she's more about showing her arms off. ... I think that's very inappropriate for a lot of
functions that she goes to."

hapiro: "So do you mean it's an issue of modesty?"

Lussier: "Yeah. It's respect and ... for being in the White House."

Shapiro:"Fewer sleeveless dresses, fewer pushups ..."

Lussier: "They talk about more like her dresses and how she looks and stuff and her arms and whatever. [...]
You see her walking around in shorts, and you know, just real casual wear. And to me ... I mean when I go
to functions, I kind of dress up other than today, but you just gotta look the part."

{gsgs comment- Do you think Ms. Lussier watch the DVD and cluck about the indecent pictures ?}

In 2001, the Republican activist Barbara Olson was quoted saying, “Look at Bill Clinton’s mother, as opposed
to George W.’s mother. Is your mother a barfly who gets used by men? Or is your mother a strong woman
who demanded respect for her ideas and always received it?” ( She was widely condemned and issued an abject apology.)

Will President Obama get an apology for what is on that DVD ? (The DVD that has been and will be popped into people's mail boxes.)