What??? You know me, did you really think I could let this opportunity pass without a tiny little bit of sweetness?
I try to express my sentiments to you along the way, but so much has changed for me, that sometimes I feel guarded, and I let those moments pass. I'm gathering my courage as I type, knowing full well that this may not go well.
I am not going to make this a list thread, my buddies know how I feel about them. As nice as it is to see our name on a list, it's not the best feeling to be overlooked...so, what I want to do is tell you in general how I feel, with a few highlights thrown in to those that have struck some chord in me for whatever reason, that I do not normally correspond with, have noticed, or have lost touch with.
Laurel, first I thank you. You have been kind to me personally, and even more so, you've given us a gift. Thank you.
This gift for me personally has enhanced my life in that it has opened my mind, a mind that was pretty much closed most of my life. I've been fed by the experiences of others as they've shared them, by the stretching of my brain when I met with something I knew nothing about, or simply realized another way of seeing something. I can never adequately articulate what the people of Lit have given me, so I'll just say a heartfelt thank you to you all.
Now, there are a couple people I want to give a little nod to because I'm too uncomfortable doing it privately as I don't know them well enough, and do not want to offend by putting them on the spot. Just let me say thank you. Pardon me for using a bit of code...its the whole list thing...OK?
Lady of the seas...you know why, just know you've been a tremendous help to me, and alot of fun, and I miss you. Alot.
The one I stripped for...lol. I know you still don't get what that was about, and probably felt like running away screaming, but at the time, it made sense because of another incident, and I'm too damn embarassed to try to explain it. Thank you for handling it so kindly, in spite of how you must have felt about it. Also, thank you for the little suprise side of yourself you showed me recently. Very cool.
To my "troll advisor in another country"...I know we've had a few rough spots, and I wonder why that is? Just know that though you frustrate me and are the most confounding person I've encountered in a very long time, I enjoy you. Sometimes you hit the nail on the head, other times I'd like you to be the nail so I can hit you on the head.
Deep down, I know you like me....and I like you, too.
And lastly, to those that I've knocked heads with along the way, I thank you, too. I used to be extremely uncomfortable with confrontation, and saying what I feel/think. In ways, I still am, and thats probably a good thing because it reminds me to seek my words carefully. People matter to me, and words are powerful...in the end, it did me good because it made me think more. Thank you.
To the people that have shown me kindness and friendship and offered support and advice when things were rough, well...I'll spare you the mush, but you matter to me. Thank you so much.
And yep, you trolls did me a little good, too. Gave me lessons I'll never forget, while screwing me til the cows come home.
Happy thanksgiving!
Feel free to play the "code" game here, if you like...
I try to express my sentiments to you along the way, but so much has changed for me, that sometimes I feel guarded, and I let those moments pass. I'm gathering my courage as I type, knowing full well that this may not go well.
I am not going to make this a list thread, my buddies know how I feel about them. As nice as it is to see our name on a list, it's not the best feeling to be overlooked...so, what I want to do is tell you in general how I feel, with a few highlights thrown in to those that have struck some chord in me for whatever reason, that I do not normally correspond with, have noticed, or have lost touch with.
Laurel, first I thank you. You have been kind to me personally, and even more so, you've given us a gift. Thank you.
This gift for me personally has enhanced my life in that it has opened my mind, a mind that was pretty much closed most of my life. I've been fed by the experiences of others as they've shared them, by the stretching of my brain when I met with something I knew nothing about, or simply realized another way of seeing something. I can never adequately articulate what the people of Lit have given me, so I'll just say a heartfelt thank you to you all.
Now, there are a couple people I want to give a little nod to because I'm too uncomfortable doing it privately as I don't know them well enough, and do not want to offend by putting them on the spot. Just let me say thank you. Pardon me for using a bit of code...its the whole list thing...OK?
Lady of the seas...you know why, just know you've been a tremendous help to me, and alot of fun, and I miss you. Alot.
The one I stripped for...lol. I know you still don't get what that was about, and probably felt like running away screaming, but at the time, it made sense because of another incident, and I'm too damn embarassed to try to explain it. Thank you for handling it so kindly, in spite of how you must have felt about it. Also, thank you for the little suprise side of yourself you showed me recently. Very cool.
To my "troll advisor in another country"...I know we've had a few rough spots, and I wonder why that is? Just know that though you frustrate me and are the most confounding person I've encountered in a very long time, I enjoy you. Sometimes you hit the nail on the head, other times I'd like you to be the nail so I can hit you on the head.
And lastly, to those that I've knocked heads with along the way, I thank you, too. I used to be extremely uncomfortable with confrontation, and saying what I feel/think. In ways, I still am, and thats probably a good thing because it reminds me to seek my words carefully. People matter to me, and words are powerful...in the end, it did me good because it made me think more. Thank you.
To the people that have shown me kindness and friendship and offered support and advice when things were rough, well...I'll spare you the mush, but you matter to me. Thank you so much.
And yep, you trolls did me a little good, too. Gave me lessons I'll never forget, while screwing me til the cows come home.
Happy thanksgiving!

Feel free to play the "code" game here, if you like...