Another TEATARD with a gun tries to


Literotica Guru
Sep 15, 2012
change a law. I heard she was practicing at her local Civil War reenactments.
Too bad she didn't have mental health insurance.

And, she brings her kid with her? Start them young on the road downhill.
Do we know the whereabouts of julybaby? jebinflorida?
Police official on the News said that he will give more information, in a half hour. Just in time for East Coast prime time news!

Injured officer ?
Uh, I haven't read anywhere that she had a gun or any reports regarding her political affiliation. She tried to ram the gate, was shot dead, and there was a kid in the car. That's all that's been reported so far, so I'm not sure what you're talking about, but you should probably shut up. A person is dead. Have a little class.
Uh, I haven't read anywhere that she had a gun or any reports regarding her political affiliation. She tried to ram the gate, was shot dead, and there was a kid in the car. That's all that's been reported so far, so I'm not sure what you're talking about, but you should probably shut up. A person is dead. Have a little class.

She shot up the Capitol. One officer was shot, not injured much. From various reports, she's either in custody or dead full of lead.

As of right now, her political views are unknown, just that she was a crazy lady that should have collected cats!
She shot up the Capitol. One officer was shot, not injured much. From various reports, she's either in custody or dead full of lead.

As of right now, her political views are unknown, just that she was a crazy lady that should have collected cats!

I don't think so. Have a link? The officer was injured, not shot.

Words mean things.
the only shots fired were by capitol police' contrary to earlier reports. it is unknown what the woman's motivation was, or what political affiliation for that matter. Any claims of left or right leanings are purely speculative.

Did you bother reading them? The first two support what I said. Only the third claims she fired shots, and I believe they either mis-reported or their law enforcement sources were confused as pretty much no other large or reputable news outlet is reporting that.

The woman did not fire any shots. There are no reports that she had a gun.
Did you bother reading them? The first two support what I said. Only the third claims she fired shots, and I believe they either mis-reported or their law enforcement sources were confused as pretty much no other large or reputable news outlet is reporting that.

The woman did not fire any shots. There are no reports that she had a gun.

Sorry, that sounded grouchy. I know news stations always fuck up this early reporting and make things a million times more confusing. I'm just being tetchy because the OP is a giant twat.
the only shots fired were by capitol police' contrary to earlier reports. it is unknown what the woman's motivation was, or what political affiliation for that matter. Any claims of left or right leanings are purely speculative.

Like I said, a cat-less crazy lady
Sorry, that sounded grouchy. I know news stations always fuck up this early reporting and make things a million times more confusing. I'm just being tetchy because the OP is a giant twat.

Just say she was a cat-less crazy lady who crashed into the W.H. gate with her baby in tow, then went to the Capitol.
Did you bother reading them? The first two support what I said. Only the third claims she fired shots, and I believe they either mis-reported or their law enforcement sources were confused as pretty much no other large or reputable news outlet is reporting that.

The woman did not fire any shots. There are no reports that she had a gun.

RJ doesn't give a fuck abut shit like's all about the feels for him. Outrage...bleeding heart...whatever...reality is of secondary importance to the feelings incurred by said reality for the hyperemotional.
Just say she was a cat-less crazy lady who crashed into the W.H. gate with her baby in tow, then went to the Capitol.

Uh, no. I take back my apology. Now I'm actually grouchy.

But do make the crazy cat lady joke a few more times. It's really clever and hilarious, each time. Your wit must be legendary.
change a law. I heard she was practicing at her local Civil War reenactments.

Once again u and the other welfare -tards fucked the story up. You celebrate the death of a human in order for your sick welfare nation gains.

This highlights your mental sickness
RJ doesn't give a fuck abut shit like's all about the feels for him. Outrage...bleeding heart...whatever...reality is of secondary importance to the feelings incurred by said reality for the hyperemotional.

I'd take you seriously, if you'd:

1. Lay off the hippie lettuce
2. Stop using hippie lettuce as a crutch for your life's problem
3. Learned better grammar and spelling. Typos are one thing, but sheesh
I'd take you seriously, if you'd:

1. Lay off the hippie lettuce
2. Stop using hippie lettuce as a crutch for your life's problem
3. Learned better grammar and spelling. Typos are one thing, but sheesh

Im sorry that you are mentally defective
As soon as shots were fired, Congressman Tim Griffin retreated to the Senate Cloak Room and got on the floor.

Ever the political opportunist, he tweeted about blaming President Obama for the shooting...
