Another Strap on Site theft!!!!!!!!!!


One Sexy Mama
Feb 23, 2002
Wesley's Woman 3 has been stolen AGAIN

For god's sake, the chapter isn't that good and there's only 2 strap on scenes, neither of which is even fucking detailed!!!! This is getting fucking ridiculous.

This time a pay per view site stole it...

my story is

Their story numbers thing is similar to one detailed on the incest thread

Again...I suggest you all google your story titles...I'd look for them, but it's a pay site and I'll be damned if I'm going to let them rip off my credit card as well as my writing

For this site the only contact info I could find is:

you have to xxxx out the credit card and membership forms for it to let you send them an email.

I'll contact laurel, again.

Do these belong to anyone here?

Other Stories
Her Boy Toy
Proper Therapy
A Chick & Two Bi Men Ch. 1
A Storm's Eye
A Chick & Two Bi Men Ch. 2
Visit to a Stud Farm
To Serve Her
His Toy Story Ch. 2
Wesley's Woman Ch. 3----ME ME ME ME
Needing Natalie
Britney's Adventure Ch. 5
From a Lady to a Tramp Ch. 3
Gentlemen Sometimes Aren't

These are just the ones that count as lesbian strap on stories...if you story isn't here that doesn't mean it isn't on that site in a diff category---most of these are the same ones stole for the other site

click here and scroll down to see the links for individual stories
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deliciously_naughty said:
For god's sake, the chapter isn't that good and there's only 2 strap on scenes, neither of which is even fucking detailed!!!! This is getting fucking ridiculous.

This time a pay per view site stole it...

my story is

similar to one detailed on the incest thread

Again...I suggest you all google your story titles

For this site the only contact info I could find is:

you have to xxxx out the credit card and membership forms for it to let you send them an email.

I'll contact laurel, again.

Do these belong to anyone here?

Other Stories
Her Boy Toy
Proper Therapy
A Chick & Two Bi Men Ch. 1
A Storm's Eye
A Chick & Two Bi Men Ch. 2
Visit to a Stud Farm
To Serve Her
His Toy Story Ch. 2
Wesley's Woman Ch. 3----ME ME ME ME
Needing Natalie
Britney's Adventure Ch. 5
From a Lady to a Tramp Ch. 3
Gentlemen Sometimes Aren't

These are just the ones that count as lesbian strap on stories...if you story isn't here that doesn't mean it isn't on that site in a diff category---most of these are the same ones stole for the other site

click here and scroll down to see the links for individual stories

Well, HELL! Here we go again!!!

Thank you DN, for being on top of this once again. I'll PM you the list of authors from before because it looks like many of the same people are involved. (Like Laurel needs to deal with THIS again???)

This is becoming ridiculous!! :mad:

Ahh, but wait. Pay per view? Does this mean those assholes owe us money now??? :D
I'm pasting a reply I had here to a private message as it give information on ANOTHER site that has stolen strap on stories from Literotica.

I did as you suggested and found my story Reminiscing
on a site called which redirects you to a site called which happens to be owned by the same asshole as the last time

The site you are referring to in this thread, shows whois info as follows.

Paneuromedia Ost. dep. -
Ashgabat N/a 744000

Name Servers:

The one I am mentioning shows the following information:

Name servers:

Creation date: 12/03/02 00:00:00
Expiration date: 12/03/03 00:00:00

Registrant Contact:
Daniel Ouellette (
FAX: none
Suite 2, Portland House, Glacis Road
Gibraltar, - -

Looks like the same guy is stealing our stuff left and right and putting it all over the net. What makes it hard is he has his own server.

I would write (like I just did) and give it to him good.

I'm also sorry to say I won't be posting my stories to literotica. It's not worth the hassle.

does not work as an email add

however, the umma add seems to work..hehehe

I've threatened to sic paramount on them as wesley's woman uses copyrighted names and such, and while it's legal for me to write fanfic and not profit off of it (except in praisefilled feedbacks and 5's...just kidding) they are since it's a pay site.
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SEE what happens when you write such filthy sex-stories? Lesbians with strap-ons... It's perverted, I tell ya'!;)

*putting on my prudish face*

Seriously... I curse their charma.
Svenskaflicka said:
SEE what happens when you write such filthy sex-stories? Lesbians with strap-ons... It's perverted, I tell ya'!;)

*putting on my prudish face*

Seriously... I curse their charma.

Yes, we're bad, bad girls. Naughty girls!! We all deserve spankings!!! :p
sweetsubsarahh said:
Yes, we're bad, bad girls. Naughty girls!! We all deserve spankings!!! :p
Stripped, spanked, and left as is for seven days in the pillory. :eek:

I'd buy a backstage pass. ;)
Quasimodem said:
Stripped, spanked, and left as is for seven days in the pillory. :eek:

I'd buy a backstage pass. ;)

7 Days??? :eek:

(I was more interested in the 7 nights!!) ;)
So I clicked my link and googled my story and oh, look...the link doesn't work any more...we've woman again! Looks like umma learned it's lesson
deliciously_naughty said:
So I clicked my link and googled my story and oh, look...the link doesn't work any more...we've woman again! Looks like umma learned it's lesson

You rock! Way to kick ass!!!!


I think that ALL really bad girls deserve a good hard spanking every now and then........

So, who'd like to go first anyway?


I remain,
Re: Hmmmm

Thesandman said:
I think that ALL really bad girls deserve a good hard spanking every now and then........

So, who'd like to go first anyway?


I remain,

I'm pretty's even in my name
Ah yes..........

To quote "naughty":

"I'm pretty's even in my name"

But better yet if its in your nature.....<wink>
Re: Ah yes..........

Thesandman said:
To quote "naughty":

"I'm pretty's even in my name"

But better yet if its in your nature.....<wink>

I'm a wicked little cock tease :)

lol...edited to add..which is in my title...

wow, I'm not hiding my light under a bush am I? (no pun intended)

To quote:

"wow, I'm not hiding my light under a bush am I? (no pun intended)"

None taken...but it might actually be fun doing that. Neverthought of using a flash-light before. Though I suppose it "does" come with batteries.
Re: LOL.......

Thesandman said:
To quote:

"wow, I'm not hiding my light under a bush am I? (no pun intended)"

None taken...but it might actually be fun doing that. Neverthought of using a flash-light before. Though I suppose it "does" come with batteries.

I love my fellow lit-pervs
Kind of an interesting idea though......

A "toy" that lights up. Interesting bedroom games for sure, but really good if your out lost in the wilderness and can't find your way back to camp.

Just turn it on....wait for someone to spot it. In the meantime, it gives you something to do while you are waiting. <ewg>

I remain,