Another Marine goes off...


Fear the Spoon
Feb 4, 2003
My big brother is heading back to Iraq.

Yup! He's already been there. Well, not exactly true. He was in Djibouti, at sea, and in several other undisclosed locations for several months before March 19th. His turn was over, and last week he was on his way home. Having spent three days with his family, he's being called back.

Semper Fi! And come home soon!

Mixed in the Middle East,
My thoughts and best wishes to you and your family hon.. :heart:
My son will be following him soon Ellie, we will be praying for all of them. :heart:
I have always said i support the troops... just not the government behind them.

Best wishes Ellie for a safe return for him and as many others (on both sides) as possible.