Another laughable Woke Pile Of Crap Out Of Hollywood


Prof Triggernometry
Feb 7, 2017

‘She-Hulk Attorney at Law’ Episode 1 Review: A Show That Exposes All The Flaws Of Progressive Screenwriting​

Jacob Smith

August 22, 2022

Stating that the first episode of She-Hulk is awful doesn’t do anyone the due diligence in explaining the fundamental problem with modern Hollywood writing. Namely, there is a difference between storyline, and dialogue.

The story is the pillar that holds up the foundation of your creation, while the dialogue acts as the links in the chain that connect them together. A good writer knows great dialogue between strong characters can mean the difference between a show that lasts several seasons, or one that is canceled before it gets started.

This leads us to the latest television show that is a part of the longest cinematic soap opera in history – one too big for just the big screen. Tatiana Maslany plays Jennifer Walters aka She-Hulk, who is involved in a car crash that finds Mark Ruffalo’s MCU Hulk character accidentally exchange blood with his cousin, causing her to experience the same Hulk-like abilities as him. The only difference is that Jennifer has a much better handle on her powers than Bruce did at this point.

This is the first problem with the story, a show that only consists of nine episodes. The writers opted not to spend numerous episodes taking Walters on the same route that Bruce Banner did to control his anger. Instead, the show decides to fast forward past this arc by explaining that Jennifer is already great at controlling her anger better than Bruce, because she is a woman who deals with men every day.

The idea of Jennifer being in complete control of her emotions is not true, because seven minutes into the episode we see her lose control when a group of men talk to her outside of a bar, meaning the entire narrative the show attempts to create is undercut within minutes. Poor writing.

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Hollywood's progressive man hating propaganda never ends.

‘She-Hulk Attorney at Law’ Episode 1 Review: A Show That Exposes All The Flaws Of Progressive Screenwriting​

Jacob Smith

August 22, 2022

Stating that the first episode of She-Hulk is awful doesn’t do anyone the due diligence in explaining the fundamental problem with modern Hollywood writing. Namely, there is a difference between storyline, and dialogue.

The story is the pillar that holds up the foundation of your creation, while the dialogue acts as the links in the chain that connect them together. A good writer knows great dialogue between strong characters can mean the difference between a show that lasts several seasons, or one that is canceled before it gets started.

This leads us to the latest television show that is a part of the longest cinematic soap opera in history – one too big for just the big screen. Tatiana Maslany plays Jennifer Walters aka She-Hulk, who is involved in a car crash that finds Mark Ruffalo’s MCU Hulk character accidentally exchange blood with his cousin, causing her to experience the same Hulk-like abilities as him. The only difference is that Jennifer has a much better handle on her powers than Bruce did at this point.

This is the first problem with the story, a show that only consists of nine episodes. The writers opted not to spend numerous episodes taking Walters on the same route that Bruce Banner did to control his anger. Instead, the show decides to fast forward past this arc by explaining that Jennifer is already great at controlling her anger better than Bruce, because she is a woman who deals with men every day.

The idea of Jennifer being in complete control of her emotions is not true, because seven minutes into the episode we see her lose control when a group of men talk to her outside of a bar, meaning the entire narrative the show attempts to create is undercut within minutes. Poor writing.

More here:

Hollywood's progressive man hating propaganda never ends.
Wrong forum. Maybe try the tv show review forum 👉
Forgetting politics, I can't tell you how disappointing it is as a life long comic fan/collector and former comic shop owner to see how all this great source material and characters has been destroyed to push an over the top agenda.

The material for the She Hulk show is the John Byrne 90's run which had the same basic plot with her being an attorney, but was hilarious with a lot of great satire and fourth wall moments. She was also very sexualized and objectified and embraced it. But the satire was meant for everyone and at everyone's expense now we have this sickening toxic feminism (and anyone that's seen my rants about Roe V wade and about men in general need to realize what it takes for me to use that term) that alienates a lot more people than it entertains.

Most women I know are done with this crap, and from Endgame(well named it seem) until now MCU has tanked big time because nothing can be played straight anymore, it all has to have a far left agenda, not even moderate, its way the hell out there.

They seem to think you can only empower one group(in this case women) by denigrating men....they also are in reality practicing pandering and full out tokenism and not supporting anything, yet getting credit from the small minority of loons they appeal to.

This show takes the Hulk, one of Marvel's original icons (1962) and have-and honestly since Infinity War when they turned him into a coward) turned him from a Hulk smash force of nature and pop culture Icon going all the way back to the Bixby show into comic relief and now into a cuck.

Captain America's Legacy is now 'white man bad' racism
SCarlet Witch taught us you can enslave an entire city and mind rape them, then be told she sacrificed for them, and she's a hero (cause she's a woman) and in the Doc Strange movie she's killing people, then at the end is like...okay, won't happen again tata...great message for young comic fans there....oh wait this is all for adults now.

Thor is a stand up comedian, Black Widow, the well done female bad ass they had from day one was shit on with an awful movie after being killed off so Brie Larson and her wokeness can go all girl power.

Its flat out sad that they think they need to do this, and this is another example of if you want any type of cause or message ruined and turned into an absolute mockery, let Hollywood get involved.
Forgetting politics, I can't tell you how disappointing it is as a life long comic fan/collector and former comic shop owner to see how all this great source material and characters has been destroyed to push an over the top agenda.

The material for the She Hulk show is the John Byrne 90's run which had the same basic plot with her being an attorney, but was hilarious with a lot of great satire and fourth wall moments. She was also very sexualized and objectified and embraced it. But the satire was meant for everyone and at everyone's expense now we have this sickening toxic feminism (and anyone that's seen my rants about Roe V wade and about men in general need to realize what it takes for me to use that term) that alienates a lot more people than it entertains.

Most women I know are done with this crap, and from Endgame(well named it seem) until now MCU has tanked big time because nothing can be played straight anymore, it all has to have a far left agenda, not even moderate, its way the hell out there.

They seem to think you can only empower one group(in this case women) by denigrating men....they also are in reality practicing pandering and full out tokenism and not supporting anything, yet getting credit from the small minority of loons they appeal to.

This show takes the Hulk, one of Marvel's original icons (1962) and have-and honestly since Infinity War when they turned him into a coward) turned him from a Hulk smash force of nature and pop culture Icon going all the way back to the Bixby show into comic relief and now into a cuck.

Captain America's Legacy is now 'white man bad' racism
SCarlet Witch taught us you can enslave an entire city and mind rape them, then be told she sacrificed for them, and she's a hero (cause she's a woman) and in the Doc Strange movie she's killing people, then at the end is like...okay, won't happen again tata...great message for young comic fans there....oh wait this is all for adults now.

Thor is a stand up comedian, Black Widow, the well done female bad ass they had from day one was shit on with an awful movie after being killed off so Brie Larson and her wokeness can go all girl power.

Its flat out sad that they think they need to do this, and this is another example of if you want any type of cause or message ruined and turned into an absolute mockery, let Hollywood get involved.
It's fairly true to the comic. You're just an asshole.

But I get how you missed the flip on Cap'n America.
One more quick point, I follow a lot of movie/show reviewers on YT and no one has had anything positive to say about this show....yet I can bet Rotten tomatoes has it at a 90+% critic rating and most likely a below 50% audience score because RT is in bed with woke Hollywood....biggest example being trying to downrate the Joker which won how many awards?

But all that matters to Disney, MCU and Hollywood is that when a show like this fails they blame the ists/phobes cause if you don't like seeing canon shit on, you must be one of those.

So note, they don't care if they lose money if they can blame someone. Netflix finally lost enough to send the wokesters packing. Disney hasn't learned yet, but with Rings of Power I think amazon is about it.

Christ, remember when movies, sports, comics and other entertainment was meant to be fun and not to preach?
One more quick point, I follow a lot of movie/show reviewers on YT and no one has had anything positive to say about this show....yet I can bet Rotten tomatoes has it at a 90+% critic rating and most likely a below 50% audience score because RT is in bed with woke Hollywood....biggest example being trying to downrate the Joker which won how many awards?

But all that matters to Disney, MCU and Hollywood is that when a show like this fails they blame the ists/phobes cause if you don't like seeing canon shit on, you must be one of those.

So note, they don't care if they lose money if they can blame someone. Netflix finally lost enough to send the wokesters packing. Disney hasn't learned yet, but with Rings of Power I think amazon is about it.

Christ, remember when movies, sports, comics and other entertainment was meant to be fun and not to preach?
It's good that you don't care at all about this show so much that you follow the reviews closely. 👍
It's fairly true to the comic. You're just an asshole.

But I get how you missed the flip on Cap'n America.
I'll say this once. You do not know comics better than me. I made a living in the industry for years and still make more selling part time than you get from your welfare check.There is something called tone, She Hulk was tongue in cheek, not man hating nasty, and at no point was the Hulk made into a cuck. Pretty sure in World War Hulk he ruined her in thirty seconds

But hey, that was the real hulk, not emasculated Ruffalo who is so desperate for a check he'll have his balls cut off.

There was no flip in Captain America, unless you define flip as narrative. Winter Soldier mixed in a lot of Truth, Red White and Black, but again it was supporting an arc and not shitting on everything else.

Without google and Alexa you don't know anything about comics or anything else discussed here. That's the difference here. I read them, you read about them, or heard the spin from your favorite bluebrained 20 year old
I'll say this once. You do not know comics better than me. I made a living in the industry for years and still make more selling part time than you get from your welfare check.There is something called tone, She Hulk was tongue in cheek, not man hating nasty, and at no point was the Hulk made into a cuck. Pretty sure in World War Hulk he ruined her in thirty seconds

But hey, that was the real hulk, not emasculated Ruffalo who is so desperate for a check he'll have his balls cut off.

There was no flip in Captain America, unless you define flip as narrative. Winter Soldier mixed in a lot of Truth, Red White and Black, but again it was supporting an arc and not shitting on everything else.
Lol read comics the way you wanted a racist misogynistic asshole. The actual comics were about more than your feeble mind could handle.

The earlier TV show gave you what you wanted, which was nothing that the comic writers actually wanted.....because they had an audience based on your horseshit. This show is what they wanted all along...sorry about that.
I'll say this once. You do not know comics better than me. I made a living in the industry for years and still make more selling part time than you get from your welfare check.There is something called tone, She Hulk was tongue in cheek, not man hating nasty, and at no point was the Hulk made into a cuck. Pretty sure in World War Hulk he ruined her in thirty seconds

But hey, that was the real hulk, not emasculated Ruffalo who is so desperate for a check he'll have his balls cut off.

There was no flip in Captain America, unless you define flip as narrative. Winter Soldier mixed in a lot of Truth, Red White and Black, but again it was supporting an arc and not shitting on everything else.
Lol read comics the way you wanted a racist misogynistic asshole. The actual comics were about more than your feeble mind could handle.

The earlier TV show gave you what you wanted, which was nothing that the comic writers actually wanted.....because they had an audience based on your horseshit. This show is what they wanted all along...sorry about that.

The flip wasnt in cap'n was about him. And it truly has nothing to do with the character....but you'd never see that because you're a fucking moron.

Your view of life and (as an extension) comic storylines are based in 1960. This is what you get now because the rest of us have lived a few more years since then.
Comic book cat fight!
Feeling left out, Sparky?
Because it seems like you truly have no input into the discussion here and just want people to notice you.

Maybe go check out some comic books and participate
Meanwhile in other news, a man claiming to be the world renowned expert on cow dung was interrupted in his speech by II74 who screamed. "You're wrong I know shit too!!!!!!!!!!"

All knowing behind the keyboard, and no showing in real life.
Meanwhile in other news, a man claiming to be the world renowned expert on cow dung was interrupted in his speech by II74 who screamed. "You're wrong I know shit too!!!!!!!!!!"

All knowing behind the keyboard, and no showing in real life.
That actually was you. But whatever works for ya.

I read the comics too, Sparky...and this show is well within the storylines. You're literally the one who's claiming that it isn't, even though the comic book creators are part of the people making the show.
In the spirit of fairness, it did dawn on me there was a flip in Falcon/Winter Soldier.

The flip was Sam getting the Shield. Because being we're going along with Winter Soldier, when Cap was 'killed' after Civil War, Bucky took up the shield which made perfect since...I mean they only went back 70 years. But of course in a white man bad show, Sam had to get it.

And still stay the Falcon cause no black character could ever give anything up. right?

In one of the final scenes, Sam is standing there surrounded by people cheering and clapping for him....and making comments about how people don't like him.

Yeah, even people who like you are racist. Good job Marvel

"Senator, you need to do better"

And let's not ignore more great moral signaling that a shield agent was not only running a criminal organization and having people killed, but killed someone in the end right in front of Sam-who was trying to save her-and it was....nah, it's cool.

I'll say what I say about all this crap where they take an existing franchise to try to cash in on a fan base, but then shit on it twist, and fuck it up so much they should have done something new...but then no toxic fans to blame, right?
In the spirit of fairness, it did dawn on me there was a flip in Falcon/Winter Soldier.

The flip was Sam getting the Shield. Because being we're going along with Winter Soldier, when Cap was 'killed' after Civil War, Bucky took up the shield which made perfect since...I mean they only went back 70 years. But of course in a white man bad show, Sam had to get it.

And still stay the Falcon cause no black character could ever give anything up. right?

In one of the final scenes, Sam is standing there surrounded by people cheering and clapping for him....and making comments about how people don't like him.

Yeah, even people who like you are racist. Good job Marvel

"Senator, you need to do better"

And let's not ignore more great moral signaling that a shield agent was not only running a criminal organization and having people killed, but killed someone in the end right in front of Sam-who was trying to save her-and it was....nah, it's cool.

I'll say what I say about all this crap where they take an existing franchise to try to cash in on a fan base, but then shit on it twist, and fuck it up so much they should have done something new...but then no toxic fans to blame, right?
The flip was talking about the cap'n sex life rather than black widow....but I get that you missed it and want to feel like you didn't

She hulk was always a feminist view on the hulk. Them taking the storyline on in modern times that actually lets them do it properly isn't a change to the stories.

Them tweaking the origin a bit isn't a big deal.

But feel free not to watch it....I could give a shit. You'll watch it though...just to find more shit to whine about....because that's all you do.

And yah...a black cap'n America. The rest of us understand that black Americans also represent the country

Sorry about that
To be fair part 2 and to demonstrate that unlike the man child yapping at my heels, I can be impartial....

Sandman is getting some heat from people who like to point out the woke and bash is. Too many gay characters, women, blah blah...

Thing is...Gaiman is proof the morons of today did not create 'awareness' of anything. A lot of his characters-from a series started in the nineties-were women, androgynous, and gay. The show was fairly accurate because the source material was diverse, this wasn't the today's example of 'here mister black guy, or gay person or woman, have another white male hand me down character-this was a good follow through on the original stories without adding any narrative.

The show was well done, and as I have trashed She Hulk here and other places, I have defended Sandman, again because of accuracy, but more important tone. Sandman denigrated no one and pushed no message.

Now, the one point of contention I see a lot is making Constantine female. Gender swap wah...Okay, first there was a Lady Constantine mini series. I think I have it somewhere. But most importantly, Netflix couldn't use the real Constantine because CW has rights and may be trying to launch a show so....simple enough.

Of all the Disney Marvel shows, the only one I was able to enjoy all the way through was Hawkeye because it was so over the top, never meant to be taken seriously, fun that...I had fun. Kate Bishop needed help, she messed up, she grew as the show went on into the role of taking over the mantle of Hawkeye, she wasn't a Mary Sue who was better than the hulk at everything cause 'girl power!"

Good example for any aspiring writers for the difference between a strong female character and a Mary Sue.

Moon Knight didn't get plagued with the woke either...there just wasn't a whole lot of Moon Knight...too bad, the actors were great.
I think it would be funny if anyone here who thinks I'm some kind of anti feminist ever read any of my horror novels which are pretty much hell hath no fury themed.

There's a way to create a believable, bad ass, yet likeable and relatable female character....Marvel used to know how to do it, then they sold out.
I think it would be funny if anyone here who thinks I'm some kind of anti feminist ever read any of my horror novels which are pretty much hell hath no fury themed.

There's a way to create a believable, bad ass, yet likeable and relatable female character....Marvel used to know how to do it, then they sold out.
Yes, apparently it's the sexist view of the 80/90s you're looking for. That was never what the comics sold was just what you wanted from it

I appreciate that you enjoyed the comics. Sounds like you just need to make your own video versions to be happy about what you read. The comic writers made a different version because that was their intent all along.
The best part of this thread is the fact that the histrionic dumbfuck OP has never read the comic or seen the show. His manufactured poutrage is so unmanly.
The movie would probably suck no matter how hard it tries to be woke/P.C. (or the opposite.) A bad movie is a bad movie.

But yeah, leave it to Counselor706 to start a thread about it- because nobody else would give enough of a fuck to do so.
Forgetting politics, I can't tell you how disappointing it is as a life long comic fan/collector and former comic shop owner to see how all this great source material and characters has been destroyed to push an over the top agenda.

The material for the She Hulk show is the John Byrne 90's run which had the same basic plot with her being an attorney, but was hilarious with a lot of great satire and fourth wall moments. She was also very sexualized and objectified and embraced it. But the satire was meant for everyone and at everyone's expense now we have this sickening toxic feminism (and anyone that's seen my rants about Roe V wade and about men in general need to realize what it takes for me to use that term) that alienates a lot more people than it entertains.

Most women I know are done with this crap, and from Endgame(well named it seem) until now MCU has tanked big time because nothing can be played straight anymore, it all has to have a far left agenda, not even moderate, its way the hell out there.

They seem to think you can only empower one group(in this case women) by denigrating men....they also are in reality practicing pandering and full out tokenism and not supporting anything, yet getting credit from the small minority of loons they appeal to.

This show takes the Hulk, one of Marvel's original icons (1962) and have-and honestly since Infinity War when they turned him into a coward) turned him from a Hulk smash force of nature and pop culture Icon going all the way back to the Bixby show into comic relief and now into a cuck.

Captain America's Legacy is now 'white man bad' racism
SCarlet Witch taught us you can enslave an entire city and mind rape them, then be told she sacrificed for them, and she's a hero (cause she's a woman) and in the Doc Strange movie she's killing people, then at the end is like...okay, won't happen again tata...great message for young comic fans there....oh wait this is all for adults now.

Thor is a stand up comedian, Black Widow, the well done female bad ass they had from day one was shit on with an awful movie after being killed off so Brie Larson and her wokeness can go all girl power.

Its flat out sad that they think they need to do this, and this is another example of if you want any type of cause or message ruined and turned into an absolute mockery, let Hollywood get involved.
Yup, No Way Home bombed.
Everyone hated Loki.
You’re really surprised that Wanda, a villain in the comics turned out to be a villain in a movie? Shocking.

The most laughable part of all this is that you think Marvel never made any social commentary in the comics. It’s one of the hallmarks that separated Marvel from DC. You may have looked at comics, but it doesn’t seem you’ve read them.
Feeling left out, Sparky?
Because it seems like you truly have no input into the discussion here and just want people to notice you.

Maybe go check out some comic books and participate
Even though Jennifer Walters is an attorney at law, there wouldn't be any interest for self-aggrandizing schlubs thinking they're too highbrow for popcorn fare.

She-Hulk as a woman character is too tall — and more importantly, too older — for Shoelifts' particular tastes.

here's a female-centric comic book with main characters more his speed:
