Another Kyle vanity thread......


God Mod
Jul 21, 2011
Is Kyle the new Blob? As Kyle was here before Blob, Blob may me the new Kyle. They may in fact be the same person. Does Kyle also suck his own Dick? If so, than the proof is in the self fellatio.

people like kyle though.

I like them both...

Well I do not actually like them. I find them both amusing and I am here to be amused. I do not know them so I could not possibly like them. They are just a bunch of 1's and 0's to me...

Amuse me or GTFO!!!!! :mad:
Is Kyle the new Blob? As Kyle was here before Blob, Blob may me the new Kyle. They may in fact be the same person. Does Kyle also suck his own Dick? If so, than the proof is in the self fellatio.


No, but I think Lifendeath and his alts is trying to give bloblet a run for his money.