Another Daddy's girl


Feb 11, 2008
As happens ever so often on Lit, I am a Daddy’s girl in search of a Daddy. But I guess I want more (and in some ways less) than what is usually asked for here.

I want a relationship. I am married so relationships are limited, I’ll never be flying to see you or anything, but I want someone I can be in touch with during the day via text or email and just sort of share what is going on with one another. I don’t need someone who is going to hold my hand and ask about every moment of my day, but it would be nice to have someone who cares that I am having a good or bad day, and shares the same with me.
I am very busy with work and school so spending hours online at one time will be a luxury for certain times, not something I can do every day. The being married thing means that I am rarely alone so voice communications while not impossible will be rare.

I would like to find someone who is nurturing, more than punishing. I like a good spanking when I get outta line, but I am not looking for someone who will want to whip me, rather someone who guides with a gentle hand the way a good Daddy does.

I want to get to know you a bit first, the sex will come as the relationship develops. I know this is not the arrangement that most people on Lit are looking for, but heck…it only takes me appealing to the one right person for this to work!
I'm just what you need

As happens ever so often on Lit, I am a Daddy’s girl in search of a Daddy. But I guess I want more (and in some ways less) than what is usually asked for here.

I want a relationship. I am married so relationships are limited, I’ll never be flying to see you or anything, but I want someone I can be in touch with during the day via text or email and just sort of share what is going on with one another. I don’t need someone who is going to hold my hand and ask about every moment of my day, but it would be nice to have someone who cares that I am having a good or bad day, and shares the same with me.
I am very busy with work and school so spending hours online at one time will be a luxury for certain times, not something I can do every day. The being married thing means that I am rarely alone so voice communications while not impossible will be rare.

I would like to find someone who is nurturing, more than punishing. I like a good spanking when I get outta line, but I am not looking for someone who will want to whip me, rather someone who guides with a gentle hand the way a good Daddy does.

I want to get to know you a bit first, the sex will come as the relationship develops. I know this is not the arrangement that most people on Lit are looking for, but heck…it only takes me appealing to the one right person for this to work!

Hello, I'm in exactly the same position and suffer the same constraints, and I'm a gentle Daddy, PM Sent :D
I think you'll find many of us are like you.
Hope you find what you're looking for. ;)
Daddy Dom

I"m a Daddy Dom that is looking for a girl just like you. I"m an experienced Dom that loves nurturing, mentoring and of course gently correcting his girl.

Sir Nic
I want someone I can be in touch with during the day via text or email and just sort of share what is going on with one another. I don’t need someone who is going to hold my hand and ask about every moment of my day, but it would be nice to have someone who cares that I am having a good or bad day, and shares the same with me.

I have to do all that, and I don't get any sex? Sorry, already signed up for that deal in 1990. need to be snarky, is there?

I actually can make it a bit less appealing. I am getting lots of requests for IMs. And the reality is, I RARELY have time for IMs. Usually Tuesday is my free evening if I am lucky, and this is not a lucky week!
Thank you Azuldragon and all those who have replied. The last few days have been very busy for me in my real life, but I am working on responses just now :)
I wish you a lot of luck hun. The way you have composed your first post indicates that you are gonna have a superb quality time with daddy if you find a right one.
I see that you have stopped in the Daddy Fetish thread. Please come back...we have lots of good daddies there looking for the perfect little one for them. :)
Good luck in your search. Your specifications may make it harder to find a good match, but there is nothing wrong with a girl knowing just what see wants. In the long run, it will be worth the effort.
Awesome posting darlin...and awesome compositions. I enjoyed them. Kudos . I wish you the best in your quest.
As happens ever so often on Lit, I am a Daddy’s girl in search of a Daddy. But I guess I want more (and in some ways less) than what is usually asked for here.

I want a relationship. I am married so relationships are limited, I’ll never be flying to see you or anything, but I want someone I can be in touch with during the day via text or email and just sort of share what is going on with one another. I don’t need someone who is going to hold my hand and ask about every moment of my day, but it would be nice to have someone who cares that I am having a good or bad day, and shares the same with me.
I am very busy with work and school so spending hours online at one time will be a luxury for certain times, not something I can do every day. The being married thing means that I am rarely alone so voice communications while not impossible will be rare.

I would like to find someone who is nurturing, more than punishing. I like a good spanking when I get outta line, but I am not looking for someone who will want to whip me, rather someone who guides with a gentle hand the way a good Daddy does.

I want to get to know you a bit first, the sex will come as the relationship develops. I know this is not the arrangement that most people on Lit are looking for, but heck…it only takes me appealing to the one right person for this to work!

Im just like you. Thought I'd give you a bump...and let you know I'm around if you ever need a sister. :rolleyes:
another daddy's girl

hi girls I'll be your daddy and i'm around during the day so we could chat and e mail as much as you want to. hi lollygirl