Another Credit Card Nightmare


Really Experienced
Jan 14, 2000
Here is another horror story with Credit Cards. You go into a store for some milk or some other small item and the person in front of you is using a credit card to buy a pack of gum! I could see it if that person was buying $20.00 worth of things and was short of money, but $5.00 or less? That's nuts! :catroar:
BJ said:
Here is another horror story with Credit Cards. You go into a store for some milk or some other small item and the person in front of you is using a credit card to buy a pack of gum! I could see it if that person was buying $20.00 worth of things and was short of money, but $5.00 or less? That's nuts! :catroar:

Not everyone likes to carry cash. Especially when travelling.

And sometimes, when you have kids (Or a boyfriend ;)) you have to make stupid unexpected purchases.

Even more annoying than this, is people who whine about having to spend an extra 90 seconds in line behind someone using a credit card for a pack of gum.

I like you nickname. :) I am not talking about the harried mom with a kid in tow. I am talking of the lone individual who uses the credit card. I have seen it take more than 90 seconds to do a credit by. Why? It could be that the person doesn't have a clue as to how they should "swipe" their card through a machine. :mad: Then they have the teller do it for them. I am not talking about an older indiviual here, I am talking about a younger person who seems totally clueless as to the way it should be done.
I never had a problem with emergency use of credit cards. I've done it myself just not in a supermarket or other store. Any how, have a great Christmas. :) I hope Santa will be good to you. :rose:
Re: Angel

BJ said:
I have seen it take more than 90 seconds to do a credit by. Why? It could be that the person doesn't have a clue as to how they should "swipe" their card through a machine. :mad: Then they have the teller do it for them.

Different stores have different machines. Some you swipe vertically, some horizontally, and both vary on which way you flip the card.
My guess is you're going to be really unhappy next year when McDonald's starts accepting credit cards.

Maybe they should change the name to 'UnHappy Meals' in your honor?
Re: Re: Re: Angel

Emerald_eyed said:
A reputable store usually has the cashier do it. They are supposed to compare sigs,

The stores I've worked in had the machines so people could swipe their debit or ATM cards and punch in their pin numbers.

When using a credit card or a Debit card with logo as a cc, the person would swipe the card and then show it to the cashier for signature verification - cashiers weren't supposed to complete the sale unless they could verify signatures.
I just recently applied for my first credit card.

I told them that I "might make up to $500 in a year" and that I have monthly expenses of over a thousand dollars.

This is dead serious.
Emerald_eyed said:
Most already do
Burger King and wendys has for a while now too

Do they? They don't yet in Upstate NY, and the only fast food place I've seen over here so far is Chipolte.

I like it though, much easier when you get direct deposit, and get hungry on a drive before you have a chance to stop off at the bank or atm. :D
Spinaroonie said:
I just recently applied for my first credit card.

I told them that I "might make up to $500 in a year" and that I have monthly expenses of over a thousand dollars.

This is dead serious.

The sad thing is, they'll probably give you one.
Credit Card Nightmare

It wouldn't surprise me if they did accept credit cards at McDonals or Burger King. They accept them at the movies so why not? For myself I don't eat at McDonalds, or Burger King or KFC. Their food sucks. :( Don't get me wrong about Credit Cards they are useful but I have been to the poor house (for real) . I sure don't need that again. :nana:
Re: Re: Re: Angel

Emerald_eyed said:
A reputable store usually has the cashier do it. They are supposed to compare sigs,

I didnt sign my credit card. I have "Please See ID" written in there instead. I've been asked once since I got the card in May of this year to see my ID. and what was really sad was that it was walmart that did it, after I swiped it myself. The places that the teller swipes for me have never checked. and I would think they would.
Burger King and Mickey D's credit cards..

Then you could so the fast food joint AND the card company, for making you dangerously overweight! Cha-ching! :D
Fast Food and Credit Cards

It's bad enough when you need a credit card to see a movie these days. :mad: I still try to always pay cash. Frankly for me my credit card is mostly for car repairs when needed. Mabey if I buy something expesive as a gift, but that's about all:)
Who was that masked man?
For Willing and Unsure/ Swiping the Card

It is unfortunate that many of the tellers don't have the brains to do more than tie their shoes.(If they are lucky) :D I was never sure that I could trust the machines at any of the stores that had them. :(
Say kids! What time is it? It's Howdy Doody Time!
Credit cards are good if you use them in the right concept which they were made for. Some will use the card no matter how little the purchase it is keep a detail record of the money that was spent for the month. As long as you pay off the balance monthly you should be fine.
Credit Card use

Using credit cards has never been a problem for me. I have only one. Never could see the need for more. I do understand that there are companys that will "give" you a bonus when you use their cards but fankly I could never see the point. :cool:
"Tell them I'm comming and Hell's comming with me!" Wyatt Earp
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