Another Bear takes a stroll through Montrose, CA


Hello Summer!
Nov 1, 2005
I really don't see why they don't just set up a home for the bears in these places....
The neighborhood was unfamiliar and the local roads confusing. So like any wise traveler, the 300-pound black bear that sauntered through Montrose on Sunday morning headed for the freeway, prompting the California Highway Patrol to stop traffic on the 210 in both directions.

The bear strolled through several residential yards, caused a brief panic at a soccer game at Crescenta Valley High School and engaged in a short staring contest with a woman reading the paper on her porch. A sheriff's helicopter took to the skies as deputies and wardens from the state's Department of Fish and Game combed the streets.

Recently, bear sightings have become so common in the area that some residents have begun to associate the sound of helicopters with the animals. "They send one helicopter for traffic accidents," said Pat Riner-Constantino. "They send three for bears."

Authorities said the bear was probably hungry. California's black bear population is peaking and their food supply dries up in late summer, said Kevin Brennan, a Fish and Game spokesman. But this bear seemed easily sidetracked, loitering in front of a nail salon and even taking a lap around the track at the high school as soccer players and spectators fled.
Full story here.
A friend of mine lives in Sierra Madre. She told me that a bear had come through her backyard.

"How big was it?" I asked.

"Oh kind of medium-sized," she answered. I'm not sure what that means in her mind.:D

It was heading downhill, though... could have wandered down to Monrovia.
Well you know how it is. Shirttail relatives from out in the country who can't be bothered to learn how to live in the suburbs on their own, as soon as they hear about some third cousin twice removed having more to eat than they do, the first thing that pops into their heads is "Mooch!"

Well you know how it is. Shirttail relatives from out in the country who can't be bothered to learn how to live in the suburbs on their own, as soon as they hear about some third cousin twice removed having more to eat than they do, the first thing that pops into their heads is "Mooch!"

Your fault for being such a good cook. :heart:
Well you know how it is. Shirttail relatives from out in the country who can't be bothered to learn how to live in the suburbs on their own, as soon as they hear about some third cousin twice removed having more to eat than they do, the first thing that pops into their heads is "Mooch!"

Sound like this one was actually there to get in some training on the track. Maybe getting in shape?
A friend of mine lives in Sierra Madre. She told me that a bear had come through her backyard.

"How big was it?" I asked.

"Oh kind of medium-sized," she answered. I'm not sure what that means in her mind.:D

It was heading downhill, though... could have wandered down to Monrovia.

Hey! In a previous life, I lived in Monrovia. We never had bears. An occasional deer maybe, but no bears. I leave and they let things get screwed up.