Another atrocity by Zionist stromtroopers


Urban Jungle Dweller
Aug 26, 2001
Israeli troops fired into a crowd of young boys throwing stones today, killing one 8 year olf boy.

Israel-- the "Little Satan"-- may well be the only nation in the world even more brutal and barbaric than the "Great Satan"-- the U.S.A.
Of course veryone knows what a paragon of virtue and proponent of human rights and equality for all your average communist guerilla is.

I must admit, there have been times when I have agreed with REDWAVE - not necessarily HOW he says it, though. I'm shaking my head over this one. Use of the term "Zionist stormtroopers" is not going to win him any friends. Oops, I almost said "MORE friends."

OK, what term would you use? I'm open to suggestions.

Also, I hope you agree that for troops to fire at a crowd of young boys is an atrocity.
Of course the boy that got shot as well as his friends were only playing hopscotch and jumping ropes while praising peace and love between Israelis and Palestinians as the crazed baby killing Zionists shot at them,all the while laughing and chanting racist slogans.

Re: Thrillhouse

OK, what term would you use? I'm open to suggestions.

Also, I hope you agree that for troops to fire at a crowd of young boys is an atrocity.

I do agree. However, to see the Israeli/Palestinian conflict as black and white is short-sighted at best. Do I agree that it was wrong to push the Palestinians from their homeland when Israel was created? Certainly. Do I agree with their methods? Certainly not. Do I agree that Jews need a homeland in the Middle East? Certainly. Do I agree with their methods? Certainly not. If it was a black and white as you think it is, the problem would have been solved long ago.
Re: Re: Thrillhouse

RosevilleCAguy said:
Is flying an airliner into an office building an atrocity?

Duh. Do many Muslims throughout the world have a legitimate beef with the US? Certainly. Is murdering civilians - or anyone for that matter - an acceptable method of getting your point across? Certainly not.
REDWAVE, is there a country that you do like? If so, why don't you live there instead? Living in the Great Satan can't be good for your blood pressure.
Just checking. I've noticed that many times the complaint of atrocity is not based upon the act itself but the political beliefs of the perpetrators.
When did I ever say I thought it was "black and white"?

According to your posts, EVERYTHING is black and white. The Big Bad Evil whomever versus the Poor Defenseless Innocents.

Your solicitude for my health is truly touching.

And you've reached a new low even for you-- joining the cryptofascist "America-- Love It or Leave It!" crowd. Congratulations-- you've hit the nadir!
Re: Mischka

Your solicitude for my health is truly touching.

And you've reached a new low even for you-- joining the cryptofascist "America-- Love It or Leave It!" crowd. Congratulations-- you've hit the nadir!
You're misreading me. I have no problem with you living in the U.S. I rather like my country and all of its quirks (you'd be one of the quirks).

I was just truly interested in whether there is a country you like. You rant, but I've never seen you rave. Is there a country out there you like? Persistent ranting must take a toll. Perhaps a brief respite in a country that lives up to your standards would be a good thing, to gain perspective from a different angle. That's all.
Re: Mischka

Your solicitude for my health is truly touching.

And you've reached a new low even for you-- joining the cryptofascist "America-- Love It or Leave It!" crowd. Congratulations-- you've hit the nadir!

OOoooooohhh. Cryptofascist.

Redwave loves abuse. He gets off on being called all these names.

Thank you. May I have another?

Obviously, you've misunderstand me, and missed all the subtleties and nuances of my brilliant posts.

It's only to be expected. After all, a prophet is without honor in his own country. Also, it is the fate of all great genuises to be misunderstood during their lifetimes.

Perhaps in a few thousand years, humanity will evolve up to my level.
Redwave...please bear in mind that those same aged palistinein (sp) youth have been known to carry bombs strapped to themselves and blow up buses, buildings, and outdoor resteraunts. I feel that you have a strong fighting spirit for the underdog...but you need to understand that the PLO were the first terroists in ths century. They taught Osama Bin Lauden and his ilk all they know. In a great and fair world things like this would not happen. This is not a fair world. Never will be either.
Treatment of Israel strikes an alien note

By Alan M. Dershowitz
National Post
November 5, 2002

>If a visitor from a far away galaxy were to land at an American or
>Canadian university and peruse some of the petitions that were
>circulating around the campus, he would probably come away with the
>conclusion that the Earth is a peaceful and fair planet with only one
>villainous nation determined to destroy the peace and to violate human
>rights. That nation would not be Iraq, Libya, Serbia, Russia or Iran.
>would be Israel. There are currently petitions circulating on most
>American university campuses that would seek to have universities
>terminate all investments in companies that do business in or with
>Israel. There are also petitions asking individual faculty members to
>boycott scientists and scholars who happen to be Israeli Jews,
>regardless of their personal views on the Arab-Israeli conflict. There
>have been efforts, some successful, to prevent Israeli speakers from
>appearing on college campuses, as recently occurred at Concordia
>University. There are no comparable petitions seeking any action
>other countries that enslave minorities, imprison dissidents, murder
>political opponents and torture suspected terrorists. Nor are there
>comparable efforts to silence speakers from other countries.
>The intergalactic visitor would wonder what this pariah nation,
>must have done to deserve this unique form of economic capital
>punishment. If he then went to the library and began to read books and
>articles about this planet, he would discover that Israel was a
>democracy, with freedom of speech, press and religion, that was
>surrounded by a group of tyrannical and undemocratic regimes, many of
>which are actively seeking its destruction. He would learn that in
>Egypt, homosexuals are routinely imprisoned and threatened with
>execution; that in Jordan suspected terrorists and other opponents of
>the government are tortured, and that if individualized torture does
>work, their relatives are called in and threatened with torture as
>that in Saudi Arabia, women who engage in sex outside of marriage are
>beheaded; that in Iraq, political opponents are routinely murdered en
>masse and no dissent is permitted; that in Iran members of religious
>minorities, such as Baha'is and Jews, are imprisoned and sometimes
>executed; that in all of these surrounding nations, anti-Semitic
>material is frequently broadcast on state-sponsored television and
>programs; in Saudi Arabia apartheid is practised against non-Muslims,
>with signs indicating that Muslims must go to certain areas and
>non-Muslims to others; that China has occupied Tibet for half a
>that in several African countries women are stoned to death for
>violating sexual mores; that slavery still exists in some parts of the
>world; and that genocide has been committed by a number of countries
>recent memory.
>Our curious visitor would wonder why there are no petitions
>with regard to these human rights violators. Is Israel's occupation of
>the West Bank and Gaza -- an occupation it has offered to end in
>exchange for peace -- worse than the Chinese occupation of Tibet? Are
>the tactics used to combat terrorism by Israel worse than those used
>the Russians against Chechen terrorists? Are Arab and Muslim states
>democratic than Israel? Is there any comparable institution in any
>or Muslim state to the Israeli Supreme Court, which frequently rules
>favour of Palestinian claims against the Israeli government and
>military? Does the absence of the death penalty in Israel alone, among
>Middle East nations, make it more barbaric than the countries which
>behead, hang and shoot political dissidents? Is Israel's settlement
>policy, which 78% of Israelis want to end in exchange for peace, worse
>than the Chinese attempt at cultural genocide in Tibet? Is Israel's
>policy of full equality for openly gay soldiers and members of the
>Knesset somehow worse than the policy of Muslim states to persecute
>those who have a different sexual orientation than the majority? Is
>Israel's commitment to equality for women worse than the gender
>apartheid practised in Saudi Arabia?
>Our visitor would be perplexed to hear the excuses made by university
>professors and students for why they are prepared to delegitimate
>while remaining silent about the far worse abuses committed by other
>countries. If he were to ask a student about the abuses committed by
>other countries, he would be told (as I have been): "You're changing
>subject. We're talking about Israel now." This reminds me of an
>from the 1920s involving then-Harvard president A. Lawrence Lowell.
>Lowell decided that the number of Jews admitted to Harvard should be
>reduced because "Jews cheat." When a distinguished alumnus, Judge
>Learned Hand, pointed out that Protestants also cheat, Lowell
>"You're changing the subject; we're talking about Jews."
>It is not surprising, therefore, that as responsible and cautious a
>writer as Andrew Sullivan, formerly editor of The New Republic and now
>writer for The New York Times Magazine, has concluded that "fanatical
>anti-Semitism, as bad or even worse than Hitler's, is now a cultural
>norm across much of the Middle East and beyond. It's the acrid glue
>unites Saddam, Arafat, al-Qaeda, Hezbollah, Iran and the Saudis. They
>all hate the Jews and want to see them destroyed."
>Our intergalactic traveller, after learning all of these facts, would
>wonder what kind of a planet he had landed on. Do we have everything
>backwards? Do we know the difference between right and wrong? Do our
>universities teach the truth?
>These are questions that need asking, lest we become the kind of world
>the visitor would have experienced had he arrived in Europe during the
>late 1930s and early 1940s.
Who are the Palestinians?
>Yashiko Sagamori
>- November 18, 2002
>If you are so sure that "Palestine, the country, goes back through
most of
>recorded history", I expect you to be able to answer a few basic
>about that country of Palestine:
>When was it founded and by whom?
>What were its borders?
>What was its capital?
>What were its major cities?
>What constituted the basis of its economy?
>What was its form of government?
>Can you name at least one Palestinian leader before Arafat?
>Was Palestine ever recognized by a country whose existence, at that
time or
>now, leaves no room for interpretation?
>What was the language of the country of Palestine?
>What was the prevalent religion of the country of Palestine?
>What was the name of its currency? Choose any date in history and tell
>was the approximate exchange rate of the Palestinian monetary unit
>the US dollar, German mark, GB pound, Japanese yen, or Chinese yuan on
>And, finally, since there is no such country today, what caused its
>and when did it occur?
>You are lamenting the "low sinking" of "once proud" nation. Please
tell me,
>when exactly was that "nation" proud and what was it so proud of?
>And here is the least sarcastic question of all: If the people you
>mistakenly call "Palestinians" are anything but generic Arabs
>all over -- or thrown out of -- the Arab world, if they really have a
>genuine ethnic identity that gives them right for self-determination,
>did they never try to
>become independent until Arabs suffered their devastating defeat in
the Six
>Day War?
>I hope you avoid the temptation to trace the modern day "Palestinians"
>the Biblical Philistines: substituting etymology* for history won't
>here. The truth should be obvious to everyone who wants to know it.
>countries have never abandoned the dream of destroying Israel; they
>cherish it today. Having time and again failed to achieve their evil
>with military means, they decided to fight Israel by proxy. For that
>purpose, they created a terrorist organization, cynically called it
>"Palestinian people" and installed it in Gaza, Judea, and Samaria. How
>can you explain the refusal by Jordan and Egypt to unconditionally
>back the "West Bank" and Gaza, respectively?
>The fact is, Arabs populating Gaza, Judea, and Samaria have much less
>to nationhood than that Indian tribe that successfully emerged in
>Connecticut with the purpose of starting a tax-exempt casino: at least
>tribe had a constructive goal that motivated them. The so called
>"Palestinians" have only one motivation: the destruction of Israel,
and in
>my book that is not sufficient to consider them a "nation" -- or
>else except what they really are: a terrorist organization that will
>be dismantled.
>In fact, there is only one way to achieve piece in the Middle East.
>countries must acknowledge and accept their defeat in their war
>Israel and, as the losing side should, pay Israel reparations for the
>than 50 years of devastation they have visited on it. The most
>form of such reparations would be the removal of their terrorist
>organization from the land of Israel and accepting Israel's ancient
>sovereignty over Gaza, Judea, and Samaria.
>That will mark the end of the Palestinian people. What are you saying
>was its beginning?
>* The science that deals with the origin of words.
>Who We Are: National Unity Coalition for Israel
>Founded in 1991, we are the largest worldwide coalition of Jewish and
>Christian organizations, with more than 200 groups representing
millions of
>people dedicated to Israel. Though we have many different backgrounds,
>have one common goal: A Safe and Secure Israel.
>Israel is not just a Jewish issue. Millions of Christians resolutely
>the principle of peace with security for the state of Israel. Because
>work closely together and speak with a united voice, our message is
Some reading material for you Redwave. Educate yourself. Then we won't have to listen to your ignorant rants anymore.
roxanne69 said:
Some reading material for you Redwave. Educate yourself. Then we won't have to listen to your ignorant rants anymore.

Nice try, rox, but facts and logic are Redwave Kryptonite.