annoyingly voyeuristic neighbor rant


Jan 5, 2003
Okay I'm getting annoyed. I have this neighbor ( I'm 21) and he has to be at least 40something and everytime I go outside I notice he's always watching me. Today I didn't notice the zipper on my coat was broke and that my tummy was exposed for all to see.:eek: He happened to drive by and gave me this look like , "haha!". :mad: I've got better things to think about, but because it's too early in the morning for me and I'm cranky I've decided to ruminate over stupid things that don't matter. Anyone else have those days where you just feel like mowing down a couple of your neighbors with your car? slap me now.
How about you show him what he wants to see? Some voyeurs loose interest after they see it all...
Find the most obnoxious posters you can, something with animals maybe, and post em in your windows for him to stare at.

Or, call the cops, and say he's been peeping. ;)
or when you know he's watching walk around naked with a fake penis attached

yes yes YES! good idea. Sometimes he takes his little cocker spaniel out to pottie. I wanna walk across the street right up to him and ask him if he would like to partake of my twinkie. :devil:
There ya go......30 posts and you are already talking about Twinkies.

I bet before 100 posts you will mention Hagan Daz, Cheese Curls, Baby Ruth bars, and Kentucky Fried Chicken.

I'll also bet a C-Note that before you reach 150 posts you will vanish.

Go wash your face
I don't think you wanna play with me ..what was it? KillSwitch?? Sounds like something a pubescent, pimpled, dork with a sunken chest would make up. Maybe it's time you had some cotten candy and had several turns on the tilt-a-whirl, eh? Bite the wienie.:p
<Over handed bitch slap>

HI.. I understand what your saying but I dont know if I'd run over my neighbour for lookin at me..


Luxlips said:
Okay I'm getting annoyed. I have this neighbor ( I'm 21) and he has to be at least 40something and everytime I go outside I notice he's always watching me. Today I didn't notice the zipper on my coat was broke and that my tummy was exposed for all to see.:eek: He happened to drive by and gave me this look like , "haha!". :mad: I've got better things to think about, but because it's too early in the morning for me and I'm cranky I've decided to ruminate over stupid things that don't matter. Anyone else have those days where you just feel like mowing down a couple of your neighbors with your car? slap me now.
Re: Re: annoyingly voyeuristic neighbor rant

SupaStyles said:
<Over handed bitch slap>

HI.. I understand what your saying but I dont know if I'd run over my neighbour for lookin at me..

I was cranky when I wrote that...I just feel like I need to say something. There used to be a time when I knew all my neighbors pretty well. Now that I'm older I don't. It's just unsettling to me-I should go introduce myself.
Re: Re: Re: annoyingly voyeuristic neighbor rant

I have personally come to the conclusion that neighbours SUCK.. I make it a point to ignor all of mine as much as possible cuz then all they can say is im some sort of loner or anti social instead of the things that get twised in the street gossip..

-567 days without running over a neighbour.
Luxlips said:
I was cranky when I wrote that...I just feel like I need to say something. There used to be a time when I knew all my neighbors pretty well. Now that I'm older I don't. It's just unsettling to me-I should go introduce myself.
hardly seems that yu could call him a peeper

you might want to say hi sometime

the better to assess whether he's creepy

or just observant

or maybe even worth getting acquainted with

if you've never had an older man

you should

even if this isn't the right one
As a fourty year old guy myself, if a 21 year old, 5'7" woman moved in next door, I would sneak a peak. Course, I'd also introduce myself, give you a house warming gift, and bring something over for Christmas, just like I did for the guy who moved in next door. Just try to not get to know me. I like neighbors. They're the best thing about not living in th 'burbs.

By the way. Hiya. I'm carp nice to meet you. BTW. Nice tits.
hey, luxlips

i already adopted kandi

AND i let her have a puppy . . .
Luxlips said:
I don't think you wanna play with me ..what was it? KillSwitch?? Sounds like something a pubescent, pimpled, dork with a sunken chest would make up. Maybe it's time you had some cotten candy and had several turns on the tilt-a-whirl, eh? Bite the wienie.:p

Wow, not even a hundred posts and she's already learned to insult Killswitch.

I say she's in!
so luxlips

we're all wondering
did you introduce yourself?
is he really a creep?
Re: so luxlips

TheOlderGuy said:
we're all wondering
did you introduce yourself?
is he really a creep?
dude...comb your hair or something...your AV is freakin me out and i might have to put you on ignore....arghhhhhh
be my guest

JerseyBoy said:
dude...comb your hair or something...your AV is freakin me out and i might have to put you on ignore....arghhhhhh

they say that ignorance is bliss
Killswitch said:
Who are all the new broads?
By the way...I like cotton candy and tilt o' whirls.
then will you go to the fair with me. I promise we'll make out on the farris wheel.

May be the guy fancies you so much and just cannot keep his eyes off you. You could try a smile but then he might read too much into that. Is he married or has he a girlfriend?