Announcements regarding picture threads


Fet Central and GLBT mod
Jun 10, 2007
THis is the policy for GLBT Chatter regarding picture threads. This policy was developed by Etoile, the former GLBT mod, and Laurel jointly:

As of October 1, 2012, any posts made to picture threads that violate the picture posting rules will cause that thread to be removed.

Posts made to picture threads between now and October 1st will not cause thread removal unless they are all rule violating posts. If they are, it will be taken as "pre-loading" the thread before the deadline, and the thread will be removed immediately.

Again, this policy comes directly from Laurel. It is a result of threads constantly being full of images that violate the rules.

Note that the rule applies to new picture threads as well. If a thread is removed, before or after the deadline, and a new thread is created, it is also subject to removal if it receives posts that violate the rules. We cannot police every post in every thread here. If a post violates the rules, the whole thread will be removed, not just the offending post.

The way to keep the picture threads alive is to adhere to the picture posting rules. It's as easy as that.

Laurel has appended the forum guidelines regarding picture threads and the confusion the rules have caused. Please read carefully:

Also, please feel free to PM me with any questions you have. :rose:
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If you post or intend to post images on the Literotica forum, please review these rules: Literotica Forum Photo Posting Rules. These rules have been in place for years.

Posts will be removed if they violate these rules. Posts will be removed if the person(s) depicted are not CLEARLY over the age of 18. Threads requiring excessive moderation are likely to be removed.
Folks, we definitely need to talk about dick pics. I love cock just as much as so many regulars in this forum. I am a fan. But, publicly posting dick pics just isn’t allowed via the rules, especially uploading them as attachments to the Literotica server. I’ve been editing as much as I can, removing individual images, but some of these threads have hundreds upon hundreds of images that violate the forum rules. Please visit the rules page linked in the OP of this thread for a rules refresher.
While the rules for pics uploaded to the Literotica server and included in illustrated stories are clear, I don't think the same clarity exists for those that are links to user cloud storage.
The previous rules for that were really not very clearly expressed, except that more latitude is allowed in the latter case.
I think this is because the rules for linked content were retrofitted into the original rules, so the rules were not structured for easy interpretation.
The linked content rules differed from the rules that applied to uploaded content - essentially they were a subset of those rules. So is that still the case, or do identical content rules now apply equally to uploaded and linked content?
... if you consider this t4ext from the original rules where linked images were mentioned, you can see what I mean:

The Literotica forum offers three different ways that you as a user can display your own images. Because of the massive size and high activity of the Literotica forum, none of these methods are pre-moderated. However, we will remove any images which are brought to our attention that violate our rules or any U.S. laws. The three methods of posting an image on the Lit forum are as follows:

1) Attachments. These are user-owned (that is, created by you and to which you own the copyright) images which are uploaded to our server by users.

2) Remote linking. These are images which are hosted on your server and displayed in your posts.

3) Avatars/Profile Pics. These are your images which you can upload to display on your profile page and next to each post you make.

The Literotica Forum Photo Guidelines have been created to conform to United States law in regards to content and copyright laws.

Here are the Forum Photo Guidelines for all attachments, avatars, and any image uploaded to our servers (Numbers 1 and 3 above):

Legally, we can allow soft nudity, but photographs (does not apply to non-photographic images) posted on this site may not contain "sexually explicit conduct", which the government defines as:

- Actual or simulated:
(A) sexual intercourse, including genital-genital, oral-genital, anal-genital, or oral-anal, whether between persons of the same or opposite sex;
(B) bestiality;
(C) masturbation;
(D) sadistic or masochistic abuse; or
(E) lascivious exhibition of the genitals or pubic area of any person. We're talking about the close-ups, or any pictures where the genitals or pubic area is the center of attention, or part of any simulated masturbation. Artistic full nudes are fine, so long as they aren't spread shots and the person can't be masturbating or simulating masturbation

ALL images (uploads and links, Numbers 1, 2, and 3 above) must follow these rules:

- All persons in all adult-themed photographs must be over 18 years of age.

- Image must not contain URL or other advertisement.

- Image must not contain bestiality or extreme sexual violence.
.. you can see that this can be read as all rules applying to content other than linked and only the three rules mentioned at the end applying to linked.
If all the rules now apply to linked content as well, then fine, those are the rules, but they are different from the ones shown above, otherwise there would have been no need to mention linked content separately.
Here’s a link to the current rules: The wording is updated from the original rules.

There are a lot of historic threads on this site that do not follow the rules, even as they were originally written. Copyright violations and underage persons are a huge focus right now and there’s no wiggle room for error. The site admins are even removing the ability of users to post images if they frequently violate copyright (note: forum mods cannot and do not do this, the site owners do it. I don’t know if it’s always a person taking the action or if it’s an algorithm based on reports or something.)

Do note in the rules that linked photos are meant to be hosted on one’s own server. We all know that is not the typical practice; most send everyone to a 3rd party site (which is also against the rules).

What I have been removing in the past couple of weeks: graphic/explicit photos of genitalia, videos/gifs of explicit sexual activity, images with urls and watermarks, photos of obviously or potentially underage people.


In response to the above posts, here are updated bullet points that you can find in the rules linked at this post and at the bottom of every page of the forum:

The Literotica forum offers three different ways that members can display images they own the rights to. Because of the massive size and high activity of the Literotica forum, none of the image posting methods are pre-moderated. However, we remove any images which are brought to our attention that violate our Community Guidelines, forum rules, copyright statute, or any U.S. laws.

The three methods of posting an image on the Lit forum are as follows:

  1. Attachments. These are user-owned images which are uploaded to our server by users. All attachments must be posted by a legal adult who owns the rights to the image as well as meeting our community guidelines and forum rules or they will be removed if brought to our attention. Accounts will be suspended for repeated violations.
  2. Remote linking. These are images which are hosted on your server and displayed in your posts. As with attachments, they must always meet our guidelines and forum rules.
  3. Avatars/Profile Pics. These are your images which you can upload to display on your profile page and next to each forum post or comment you make. As with the others, they are required to follow our guidelines and rules.
The Literotica Forum Photo Guidelines have been created to conform to United States law in regards to content and copyright laws. If you disagree with the policy, please refrain from posting any images on Literotica.
If all the rules now apply to linked content as well, then fine, those are the rules, but they are different from the ones shown above, otherwise there would have been no need to mention linked content separately.
Same thing here as on a couple of other boards. The Mod wandered off a couple of years ago and the boards were left in the wild. Even prior to that, there was a lot of lax moderation. New staff is taking a harder look at things and using more discretion in some areas while being more aggressive in others.

The whole 'lascivious display' thing is inappropriate and unnecessary regardless of where the image is hosted. It's generally those overly graphic images that cause editing or removal.
It’s amazing how many images containing urls and watermarks are posted here, as well. If you’re curious as to why an image has been deleted (or an entire thread of there were dozens or hundreds of posts with urls and watermarks), this is likely why.
I think I know the answer to this, but I want to make sure. I have a woman with whom I have written a story. She's an Onlyfans creator, and we would like to provide some pics she has provided in the story (to be posted in the Illustrated section of Literotica). My questions are:
1. How do I prove she gave me the photos to put in the story?
2. Can her photos have a small watermark, such as "Jennysroom on OnlyFans?"
I think I know the answer to this, but I want to make sure. I have a woman with whom I have written a story. She's an Onlyfans creator, and we would like to provide some pics she has provided in the story (to be posted in the Illustrated section of Literotica). My questions are:
1. How do I prove she gave me the photos to put in the story?
2. Can her photos have a small watermark, such as "Jennysroom on OnlyFans?"
I can’t answer for anything regarding the stories. I’d ask this question in the Author’s Hangout forum.

Please do not upload to our servers
(as an attachment or user icon/profile image) any photographic images that
  1. contain genital closeups or explicit sex; or
  2. do not belong to you (art/photos that you did not create yourself).

To clarify: NO, you cannot upload/attach photos of your erect penis or wet pudenda, and you cannot upload/attach photos that you found on the Internet.
Repeatedly uploading images that violate the rules above WILL result in the loss of the ability to upload images via the Attachment feature.
This ability will NOT be restored.

You can post links to images found elsewhere on the Internet. HOWEVER, we reserve the right to warn or ban you if we feel you are
1) spamming/advertising for another site/product/etc. or
2) you repeatedly post linked images which stretch the screen.
We also will remove links to images upon request from copyright holder. If, after we do so, you replace the image, we may ban your account.



The Literotica forum offers three different ways that you as a user can display your own images. Because of the massive size and high activity of the Literotica forum, none of these methods are pre-moderated. However, we will remove any images which are brought to our attention that violate our rules or any U.S. laws. The three methods of posting an image on the Lit forum are as follows:

1) Attachments. These are user-owned (that is, created by you and to which you own the copyright) images which are uploaded to our server by users.

2) Remote linking. These are images which are hosted on your server and displayed in your posts.

3) Avatars/Profile Pics. These are your images which you can upload to display on your profile page and next to each post you make.

The Literotica Forum Photo Guidelines have been created to conform to United States law in regards to content and copyright laws.

Here are the Forum Photo Guidelines for all attachments, avatars, and any image uploaded to our servers (Numbers 1 and 3 above):

Legally, we can allow soft nudity, but photographs (does not apply to non-photographic images) posted on this site may not contain "sexually explicit conduct", which the government defines as:

- Actual or simulated:
(A) sexual intercourse, including genital-genital, oral-genital, anal-genital, or oral-anal, whether between persons of the same or opposite sex;
(B) bestiality;
(C) masturbation;
(D) sadistic or masochistic abuse; or
(E) lascivious exhibition of the genitals or pubic area of any person. We're talking about the close-ups, or any pictures where the genitals or pubic area is the center of attention, or part of any simulated masturbation. Artistic full nudes are fine, so long as they aren't spread shots and the person can't be masturbating or simulating masturbation

ALL images (uploads and links, Numbers 1, 2, and 3 above) must follow these rules:

- All persons in all adult-themed photographs must be over 18 years of age.

- Image must not contain bestiality or extreme sexual violence.


Please note that these rules apply only to photographic images.

Non-photographic images (drawings, paintings, 3D renderings, etc.) may not contain bestiality, underage sexual content, or extreme sexual violence.

If you see any images which violate these guidelines, please report the post and we will review your report. Anyone caught repeatedly violating these guidelines may have their image posting privileges revoked.

Literotica may remove any image for any reason without notice, and may periodically purge old images from the forums.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact a moderator.

Thank you for your time, and enjoy the site. :rose:
I guess this is the place to pose this question. I've posted Dropbox links here before to personal photos and videos. Suddenly, a few weeks ago, all the Dropbox links were broken. Not only on threads, but even when I've sent them in a PM to another Lit member. I've sent the same Dropbox links via private emails and they work, so I know the problem is not the link. Did I miss something? Will someone please explain this to me. Thank you to anyone who can clear this up for me.
I guess this is the place to pose this question. I've posted Dropbox links here before to personal photos and videos. Suddenly, a few weeks ago, all the Dropbox links were broken. Not only on threads, but even when I've sent them in a PM to another Lit member. I've sent the same Dropbox links via private emails and they work, so I know the problem is not the link. Did I miss something? Will someone please explain this to me. Thank you to anyone who can clear this up for me.

Hey folks, I spend more time removing images in this forum than all 3 other forums I moderate (which includes The Playground which is incredibly more active than this one).

You are not supposed to share images you don’t own. The rules say that. 99.9% of the images here violate this rule. As such images have been shared here for many years, I don’t remove them as long as they are linked and not attached. That said, if you are sharing images with graphic sexual content (dick pics, genitalia close-ups, gifs of actual sexual intercourse or masturbation), images with watermarks and/or visible urls, I spend a lot of time removing them.

If you share images of egregious content (minors, animals), I will be banning you from threads. There’s no gray area here with images of potential minors. Yes, women can look younger than they are. But if it’s not a picture of YOU or a picture you took and there is the slightest chance they look too young, DON’T POST THE IMAGE HERE. If you don’t own the image, you shouldn’t be posting it here anyway.
I find shared images from those who don't own them uninteresting. Anyone can google for images that appeal to them, without being fed links. To post links to those here seems a bit like what happened in the earlier days of email, when you'd get forwarded jokes, or other things that people you knew "thought you'd want to read" cluttering your inbox. Individual content is unique, and thus much more valuable.
Just my opinion.
I am so utterly confused. I read the Lit guidelines and I thought I was following them. All my images and videos were Dropbox links and are owned by me. All were explicit, so maybe that was the problem, but the images were never actually posted on Lit. Then I see image after image posted on the LGBTQIA+ threads that are not links and are explicit and don't seem to get taken down. I love Literotica, both the stories and the forums. But the image posting issues make my head spin. Is there any way to get some real clarification and consistency on this?
It appears that the ability to use Drop Box here has been disabled. I don’t have any insight into that. It is not the first site to be banned from the forums.