Animal Extremists

I think that the vivisectionists should replace their bunnies with Hannsy. More amusing.
does anyone agree with animal extremists tactics?


how dare they poison drinks meant for mass consumption just to make a point? how dare they put glass splinters into carton drinks for children?

Attacking people isn't going to solve the problem, only make people link animal rights with freaks and nutcases.

how can you place a mouse above a humna?

By picking it up.
How can animals have rights when they are so irresponsible?

You don't think that ( with the exception of dogs bonding to humans) animals recognize other animals as having rights, do you?

Animal welfare is a legitimate concern.Animals should be well treated.

Animal rights are silly. The Animal Liberation Front is a bunch of extremist criminals.

It's an important distinction.
I've met a couple of the ELF/ALF types, and they're pretty weird. They think that their goals justify their tactics.

I made the mistake of ordering a burger while dining with a young radical once. He couldn't say a word - I was buying.
I don't believe that there are rights without responsibillities, and I don't think animals or children can have rights. Someone else has to be responsible for them & see to their welfare, because they aren't the equals of human adults.

When someone makes the debate about rights instead of welfare , they're asserting equality. I reject that premise.

Does this clarify it for you?
Animal Right's extremists really are way out of line in many of the things they do. They do what all fanatics do, feel justified in doing whatever it takes for the cause. (The operative term is extremist)

I agree with patient1. Animals don't have rights, but yes, someone needs to be responsible for their welfare. I could get into the whole balance of nature and all that, but we all know that.

I also believe many extremists aka fanatics are working with limited or misleading information concerning animals and the treatment thereof.

I don't believe blusher should be placed in rabbit's eyes, but am not willing to harm, threaten to harm or cause any risk to anyone else in the name of the bunny.

For the record, I do believe in deer management and am an advocate for hunting.

So, does that sound like i am on both sides of the proverbial fence?
It sounds to me like you know the difference between rights & welfare. I think that's a great quality in a social worker.
All life is sacred, everything comes from the orginal source, call it God if you like. With that said.***** also feeds on long as it part of the natural cycle it is "good" if it out of the cycle...wasting an animals life for makeup or if it cruel...industrial farming for profit when there are other methods than it's wrong. Unfornately we aparantly need extremists in this society to overcome the pure bottom greed that rules our human world these days.
I do not believe there is anything wrong with both "sides of the fence" views. I am a strong advocate in hunting rights, however I believe with everything we do on this earth we need to be responsible about it. Here are some of my thoughts on animals rights;

Don't kill it unless you plan on eating it.

Don't test cosmetics on animals, come on . . is it really needed to possibly kill / poison an animal because some rich woman wants to cover her wrinkles?

I do not see any harm in testing medications, ONCE the testing has evolved to that level. There are many things that can be done to test, without jepordizing the life of an animal.

And my biggest beef ( being punny ) is with cattle in general. In the food chain, the dominant species eats what it wants. Are we not the dominant species of the planet? So weather your like me and enjoy that big fat juicy steak, or better yet like to partake in a little rodeo activities, it's all good!

I am sure these comments will bother people, but we all have a voice. = )
4laterer . . .I have not seen such activities, and I grew un in the same enviroment. That is sad that people get off that way. That sort of animal mis-treatment deserves punishment. There is no need for it.