And on the sixth day, god created grilled ham and cheese


Not Innocent
Oct 26, 2001
of the lean ham and of the american cheese and he said it was good.

On the seventh day, god went to create another grilled ham and cheese sandwich but found that he was out of the lean ham and out of the american cheese. So God did push back the clouds, the milk and the purple stuff and did find corn beef and swiss. So God created a grilled corn beef and swiss and said it was good.

It is because of this that God did decree that his chosen people, the Hebrews, should set up deli shops in new york and sell a multitude of lunch meats, because God can only eat so many grilled ham and cheese sandwiches.

That's our bible lesson for today, children. Tomarrow, we learn about ICECREAM! Yum!
Re: Did ya ever try one with...

Uber Sparky said:

Ummmmm good!

Don't give god any ideas; he might want to go vegitarian, which means we'd ALL have to go vegitarian.
Hmm, I had that last night for dinner. God must have been acting through me.

Hallelujah, praaaaaise the Lawd!
J.B. said:

Don't ask, just accept. It would take two astrophyisicst, three psychologist, Oprah and a jewish mother to explain what's happening here.
Pyper said:
Hmm, I had that last night for dinner. God must have been acting through me.

Hallelujah, praaaaaise the Lawd!

Don't you know? That's how the faith healers do their work; with the greese of a hot ham and cheese on their hands. HALLELUJAH!
Black_Bird said:
Don't ask, just accept. It would take two astrophyisicst, three psychologist, Oprah and a jewish mother to explain what's happening here.
ah. I'll take a ham & cheese bagle then.