Anal Play


Dec 12, 2011
I'm rather confused. I really enjoy anal stimulation while masturbating and anal sex. However, it seems that when I use a small toy (very well lubricated) I tend to bleed more than if i were to just have anal sex.

While i have the toy(generally a butt plug) inserted, i like to finger my vagina or use a small dildo. I don't personally understand how this could lead to more bleeding than the ass pounding that my boyfriend gives me.

As I said, I lubricate very thoroughly, so that is not the problem. It isn't a substantial amount of blood, and it doesn't bleed afterwards, but it still concerns me a little. What am I doing wrong when I mastubate, or is this normal?
Are you sufficiently aroused and relaxed during anal play/sex? Could it be that you're more aroused and relaxed when you're with your partner? Do you two do something(s) different in preparation for anal, like start with gentle manual stimulation?

My other thought is it could have something to do with mechanics, such as the angle of penetration when you masturbate vs. play with your partner.

Is it possible you have at least one hemorrhoid?

I'll second Eilan's suggestion to get checked out by a good doctor who can figure out what's going on. Bleeding--even a small amount--is a common side effect of anal play, but it's not normal for someone who's sufficiently prepared with arousal, stretching and plenty of lube to bleed. Maybe you do have a hemorrhoid that's getting irritated and torn a bit, or perhaps you got a small tear at one time that never healed properly and continues to reopen.
Well it wouldn't be surprising if I was doing it wrong. I've only just realized the joys of having something up my ass a month and a half ago.

My partner and I do a lot of foreplay before anal, whereas by myself it isnt as much, because I can get myself off faster. I do tend to get a little into it, and I'm probably not as controlled as he is with the angle. And no, it isnt a whole lot of blood so I haven't gone to the doctor. It doesn't get on the sheets or anything, I just notice it during cleanup. Maybe I'll try a different position and wait awhile to see if it isn't one of those before I make a trip to the doctor.

Thanks for the insight :]
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Now I have bled alot after a day of anal play to the point I was scared I was torn. I do believe you have a hemmroid and this is causing the bleeding or if your using your fingers it could be a cut from your nails. Your anal is a very tender area and it wouldn't take much to cause bleeding, no matter how much lube you use.
I agree with everything Sweet Erika has said.
Well it wouldn't be surprising if I was doing it wrong. I've only just realized the joys of having something up my ass a month and a half ago.

My partner and I do a lot of foreplay before anal, whereas by myself it isnt as much, because I can get myself off faster. I do tend to get a little into it, and I'm probably not as controlled as he is with the angle. And no, it isnt a whole lot of blood so I haven't gone to the doctor. It doesn't get on the sheets or anything, I just notice it during cleanup. Maybe I'll try a different position and wait awhile to see if it isn't one of those before I make a trip to the doctor.

Thanks for the insight :]

I agree with the possibilities of a hemorrhoid or tear that you continue to irritate, and that perhaps you should see a doctor about it... ESPECIALLY if you give it a good break (like a week or so) and it still happens. It is a very good sign that it's not a lot, and that it seems like the source of bleeding is coming from very close to the anal opening. It may even be at the external opening of your sphincter which should be a big deal if you let it heal properly. This happens to me now and then, but usually subsides after a day or two. Regardless, the way you explain it seems like it is happening every time, so it definitely means you're risking infection if you don't take care of it... I'm sure you'll be back at it in no time ;)

Tristan Taormino is a very good speaker on the subject of anal play- after all, she has literally written the book on the subject (The Ultimate Guide to Anal Sex for Women).
She also has several dvds on the subject; of which I urge you to look at 'The Experts Guide to Anal Sex for Women' by Vivid-Ed. It is just as arousing as it is educational.