Anal Orgasms


Oct 16, 2001
I would like to know from both a male and female perspective if you can actually achieve an anal orgasm. How does this compare if you are a female to a clit or vaginal orgasm and if you are a male what do you feel? So why do I want to understand this area of interest? :confused:

My girl friend wants to begin anal training my butt because she thinks I can achieve better orgasms. Well anyway, I already have great orgasms, butt perhaps this could be fun. Any ideas, suggestions or feedback? :D
Yes it is possible to have an orgasm from anal without other stimulation.

I have had them in the past mainly when my partner is cumming.

How they differ from other orgasms, for me it usually starts without any warning but is very powerful.

For a guy I can't say but I believe it would be just as much pleasure as a woman recieved if not more.
anal orgasms: the best

Yes one can achieve anal orgasms once you get used to the penetration and learn to relax and go with it. The position I'm in makes a difference for me anyway. When my boyfriend fucks me from behind, he usually plays with my cock and balls at the same time to help me cum. When I'm on my back with my legs on his shoulders, his cock rubs my prostate as he's fucking me and the head swells when he's close to cumming; which massages it even better and my orgasm usually comes quickly and with indescribeable intensity. My belly is always soaked with an unusually large amount of semen I'm usually quivering uncontrollably all over. I love it. No matter which position you choose with your girlfriend; shooting your load with an assful is something else that's for sure.
Mmm! Makes me hot just thinking about it! Yes anal orgasms are great. It felt funny at first, to be having an orgasm that way, but now I enjoy anal orgasms more than the other. Not that the other is bad.

Anyway, I've heard(so don't take this as absolute truth) that a guy's G-spot is in his anus, which is why anal sex gives guys better orgasms. So your girlfriend may very well be right that you'll have better orgasms.
GreenEyedGodess said:
Mmm! Makes me hot just thinking about it! Yes anal orgasms are great. It felt funny at first, to be having an orgasm that way, but now I enjoy anal orgasms more than the other. Not that the other is bad.

Anyway, I've heard(so don't take this as absolute truth) that a guy's G-spot is in his anus, which is why anal sex gives guys better orgasms. So your girlfriend may very well be right that you'll have better orgasms.
I can't recall having an orgasm from anal only, without any other stimulation, but I do know that the orgasms I experience while receiving anal are extremely powerful... eyes rolling back seeing stars and all-systems-stop kind of powerful. Maybe it is the G-spot or the prostate or whatever, but there is a different character and intensity to it.
Re: anal orgasms: the best

speedostud said:
Yes one can achieve anal orgasms once you get used to the penetration and learn to relax and go with it. The position I'm in makes a difference for me anyway. When my boyfriend fucks me from behind, he usually plays with my cock and balls at the same time to help me cum. When I'm on my back with my legs on his shoulders, his cock rubs my prostate as he's fucking me and the head swells when he's close to cumming; which massages it even better and my orgasm usually comes quickly and with indescribeable intensity. My belly is always soaked with an unusually large amount of semen I'm usually quivering uncontrollably all over. I love it. No matter which position you choose with your girlfriend; shooting your load with an assful is something else that's for sure.

I really should check out the gay erotic stories here at the site. I enjoyed this post a lil more than I should have.

Re: Re: anal orgasms: the best

His_kitty said:
I really should check out the gay erotic stories here at the site. I enjoyed this post a lil more than I should have.


sheesh, Its my fav porn. ;)
I am relatively new to the anal orgasm, I had my first from anal only just about a month ago....I had already had a few orgasms from oral and vaginal sex, had some cuddle time and when he finally slipped into my ass....oh gods!!!

I dont know about men though, I have never given an anal only orgasm, it is usually acompanied by some sort of genital stimulation with my mouth or hands.
Kitte said:
I am relatively new to the anal orgasm, I had my first from anal only just about a month ago....I had already had a few orgasms from oral and vaginal sex, had some cuddle time and when he finally slipped into my ass....oh gods!!!

I dont know about men though, I have never given an anal only orgasm, it is usually acompanied by some sort of genital stimulation with my mouth or hands.

this is off topic but, your AV has very pretty breasts...they look very nice with the chain...^^;;; yeah i go byebye now
after clitoral orgasms

My girlfriend used to say that when she came fro manal sex, it was like i was rubbing her clit from the other side, in side of her.

when she fucked me with her vibrator it was like lightning bolts up my dick when i came...
I'm a big fan myself. One of my favorite ways to play is to have a woman use a nice thick strapon on my ass. I haven't yet been able to cum with anal stimulation alone, but when I do cum with a toy driving into me, I explode like a volcano. Sadly such women are hard to find and I've been left to my own 'devices' for the mostpart *LOL*. Definately worth trying, my friend. Just go slow, start small and use lots of lube.
mmmmm hot for me to think about a man....cumming....cock just erupting....from having his ass stimulation to his cock at jacking by him....just big fat cock sticking out...getting redder...harder....oozing drool....cockslit puffed open....then....BURST...cum soaring out...gushing...mmmmmmm yummmm....;)
Re: anal orgasms: the best

speedostud said:
Yes one can achieve anal orgasms once you get used to the penetration and learn to relax and go with it. The position I'm in makes a difference for me anyway. When my boyfriend fucks me from behind, he usually plays with my cock and balls at the same time to help me cum. When I'm on my back with my legs on his shoulders, his cock rubs my prostate as he's fucking me and the head swells when he's close to cumming; which massages it even better and my orgasm usually comes quickly and with indescribeable intensity. My belly is always soaked with an unusually large amount of semen I'm usually quivering uncontrollably all over. I love it. No matter which position you choose with your girlfriend; shooting your load with an assful is something else that's for sure.

Did not need this image first thing in the morning
the only time ive ever cum from anal sex was the first time id had anal.... and there are also other factors that coudl play in to why i came.... first uncircumcised lover, thickest cock i had fucked up to that point, use of lube... many variants....
but then again, four hours of my life became a total blur, and the only thing i said during that time was repeating the words "oh my god" and "dont stop".... screaming orgasm... louder than any other.
My ex used to have anal retentive orgasms, right after the dishes were done, the dog was let out, the plants were watered, the doors and windows were locked, the thermostat was set on 67 degrees and the bathrobe hanging on the door that looked like the shadow of the boogy man was neatly folded and placed out of site.

Yeah, she loved it.