An Unwanted Purchase (closed for Vailyn)


Literotica Guru
Sep 23, 2006
The ever-expanding Menarian Empire is at a crossroads. While its armies remain dominant in the battlefield, its economy and infrastructure are falling apart. The common folk falter under an oppressive tax system while the Great Houses squander the money on lavish orgies, instead of putting it to use. The Emperor has become a recluse and prefers not to deal with the various issues plaguing the Empire. Dark times lie ahead.

But that's not the story, dear reader. Our story begins with a man - a man whose exploits on the battlefield earned him the title of Landsman, a low noble title. His newly acquired status puts lands he helped conquer under his rule. Now, summoned by Lord Telro of the Great House Tine to the Imperial Capital of Knessos, the two have just finished conducting business.


"Splendid!" Lord Telro exclaimed. The high noble motioned to his manservant. "Bring me some wine and send in a Belemin to dance for us!"

Landsman Lucas Rexor was finally able to look away. In his eyes, Lord Telro was nothing short of disgusting. He was so fat it was a wonder how he even managed to walk. What was more, his pale skin was constantly sweating, making his very long hair greasy, almost to the point of slimy. His great girth was covered in long flowing robes of various clashing colors. Were the Great Houses all like this?

Lucas, by contrast, kept much better care of himself. A soldier by trade, he kept himself fit and his hair short, like a man in his position should be. Despite having left the battlefield for high society, he still had a soldier's build. Standing eleven hands tall (just short of six feet), he could also be rather imposing at times - something failed to impress Lord Telro one bit.

Then she walked into the room. He had heard of the Belemin - special slaves trained just for the nobility. But being a soldier most of his life, he never had the chance to see one. He wasn't even sure he wanted to. After his wife died giving birth to their second child 8 years ago, he had never looked at a woman with desire, since.

Nevertheless a few minutes later, the wine arrived with both a lute and a woman bedecked in jewelry and little else. While Lord Telro gave no thought to the slave's exposure, Lucas felt his face go red with embarrassment at the sight, and maybe a little something else, too. She was quite striking.

The over-sized lord smiled at his vassal's discomfort before clapping his hands and barking "Dance for you master, slave!"

As the music began, Lucas couldn't help but notice the gracefulness of her moves, the swaying of her hips, or the jiggling of her breasts. He found himself surprisingly captivated.

"Like her?" Lord Telro asked. "Frankly between you and me, Selena here has been around a long time and is getting rather old." He looked her up and before continuing. "I'm considering getting rid of her."

Lucas was rather surprised at the appraisal. "Really?" he said. "Most women of her age among the citizenry would consider it the best time to get married."

Telro started to get rather annoyed, something that was rather easy to do. "If you're so concerned about her, then why don't you buy her? I'll even make it a bargain for you. one hundred pieces of gold."

Make no mistake, Lucas could kill Lord Telro with his bare hands if he wanted to. But in this situation, he decided to act with a little more tact. "I'm not interested in buying a..."

"If you don't," Telro interrupted, "I'll be very disappointed." He leaned in close and narrowed his eyes almost to slits. "You wouldn't like to see me disappointed."

Now Lucas was almost to the point of really killing the lord with his bare hands! But with that being a sure way to see him and his young sons hanged from the gallows, he stopped himself from doing so. Still, he wasn't about to let Telro have complete control of the situation. "Seventy-five," he replied.

Almost immediately Telro's demeanor changed as he cheerily said "Done!" and the two shook hands. "Selena, greet your new master with your delicious mouth on his cock."

Before Selena could even respond, Lucas stood up and said. "I really need to finish any business I have in town and get the money ready. Just make sure she's ready when I return."
Pleasure Slave

"Selena, the master wants you to perform for his guest. Go quickly."

The Belemin slave pushed back her long dark brown hair over her shoulder, rose gracefully off a colorful silk cushion, quickly grabbed a handful of silk scarves out of a woven basket and lifted a lute.

Will I only need to dance? Will it be more? I-- Selena took a deep breath and cleared all expression from her delicate oval face and lithe dancer form. She glanced in the mirror for a quick check over her appearance.

Shining dark hair fell in flowing waves down her back. Semi precious stones littered carelessly amongst the intricate little braids gathered in a circlet upon her head. Slender dark eyebrows arched over large, startlingly light grey eyes that appear to shine like silver. With ease of long experience, Selena lined dark blue kohl along her eyes and painted her lush lips red. She filled each hand with a firm round breast and ruthlessly tweaked the small reddish brown nipples into aching points. A quick twist turned the shimmering gold and red silk panel skirt to fall off center from her full hips, her long legs displayed between slits of the silken material and shadowed the valley of her unadorned sex.

"Lorn, come with me. If I am to dance, I will need you to play." Selena made a quick prayer as she touched the silver Belemin medallion that symbolized her worth. As a pleasure slave, she wore a braided leather collar of alternating dark brown and light tan strands with an etched silver medallion showing her status. No rough metal collars are used on the specially trained pleasure slaves. Their skin may be only marked by the will of the slave's master.


"Dance for your master, slave!"

Selena handed Lorn the lute and moved into position to dance as he played a soulful, slow song. Flowing in tune with the music, she used the scarves to paint the air in flowing waves and circles. Her hips swiveled to meet every deep note plucked. The carefully timed movements lift the skirt panels to leave a taunting glimpse of bare flesh.

Lost in the music and the dance, Selena barely heard the conversation between her master and guest. The words exchanged made no impact until a sliver of fear burst in shattering goosebumps along her skin.

"Done!" and the two shook hands. "Selena, greet your new master with your delicious mouth on his cock."

Her lithe body lost all grace as she froze in fear. Her heart pounded rapidly, only a second of terrifying eternity to draw a new breath, send a prayer for something-anything-somewhere, regain her graceful serene exterior, and moved forward to her new master.

Her movement stalled as the tall, muscular man said, "I really need to finish any business I have in town and get the money ready. Just make sure she's ready when I return."

She only had a moment to view her new master as he left the room. A brief look upon a tall man with a soldier's haircut and stormy expression of banked anger. Selena suppressed the whirls of fear before they rose to the surface.

"Come, Selena. Though your new master has declined the use of your delicious mouth, I will not. I will have another taste of your skills before you leave me."

"Yes, my lord."

Selena began to distance her emotions from the present as she kneeled down in front of Lord Telro. She pushed his robes to revealed his corpulent body and the small penis that lay hidden below his well fed belly. Settling closer to the carpeted ground, she took his cock into her mouth with one smooth suction of her lips and let one hand play delicately with his sagging balls. Her tongue laved along the base of his cock as her lips suckled firmly around it. A practiced twirl of her tongue around the head drew groans of appreciation from Lord Telro. Knowing exactly how to please the lord, Selena used her other hand tease his flaccid buttocks before inserting a finger into his ass and pressed against his prostate as her talented mouth licked and sucked his cock to a dim explosion. She licked all evidence clean with her mouth, dried his penis with a clean cloth, replaced his robes to a more modest state and moved to an upright kneeling stance.

"How else may I serve you, my lord?"

Lord Telro laughed as he panted to regain his breath. A faint sheen of sweat lay on his florid face as he grinned down at the slave. "You may go and pack to leave with your new master upon his return. You have been an enjoyable pet. I may miss your skills. Perhaps I shall enjoy that delicious mouth of yours again before you leave. For now, leave me."

"Yes, my lord,"

Selena held onto her armor of serene grace and pushed away all thoughts or emotions that could fracture it. Her light grey eyes appear dull as she walked back to her room without true sight. Her mind focused on what to pack of her meager belongings and avoided any contemplation of her new master.

Dashing princes exist only in stories. There's no hope of love for me. No change in my status. My only worth lies with my body and skills. None with my heart. A slave cannot have a heart.
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Damn Lord Telro and his damnable Belemin! Those words kept going through his mind as he and his spotted horse made their way through the streets of Knessos. In truth he had no further business in town; he just needed to let off some steam before collecting his new purchase.

Knessos itself had seen better days. While the palace and the manor districts were in pristine condition, the rest of the city was run down. It looked as though the people's clothing had not been changed in years as they mostly shuffled through the streets, with little hope left in them. Seeing this made Lucas' disposition mellow somewhat. He had it made compared to these poor saps. Still he had to go get his gold and buy something he did want to.

Arriving at the city stables, he greeted his bodyguards before opening his gold chest and picking out seventy-five coins, the slave's price. Still slightly in a huff he swiftly got back on his horse and back to the House Tine manor. He failed to realize he should have brought the carriage, instead. Now he had ride back with a naked woman in his lap! It was too late now to correct that. He wanted out of this city, and the sooner, the better.

"Inform Lord Telro," he said to the door guard, "that I have his money and I am here to pick up my property. Well move it, man! Damn your hide!"
Selena placed all the gems and jewelry that had adorned her body back into the jewelry chest. The only pieces she could call her own are the dangling silver and gold coin belt and anklet. Years ago, a thoughtful wife of a harsh master had given the set to her. A bittersweet prize from a heartbroken woman. A gift to express how grateful she had been that Selena was talented enough to take her husband's brutal attentions for more than a year.

The plain leather satchel held all of her worldly possessions: a sturdy lute bundled in simple cotton cloth, coin belt, anklet of tiny bells, three low riding silk panel slit skirts and a thick brown cloak. She pulled the tiny braids free of the intricate circlet design and wove them into a loose braid to fall over her right ear and brush her shoulder. Selena stepped into simple leather sandals and laced them up her well form calves. Inspired by a memory, she took out the anklet and clasped it around her left ankle. The bells will make a light, happy twinkle with each step.

"Selena, your new master has returned and he is waiting for you with Lord Telro."

"Lorn, I'll miss your way with music. Stay out of trouble." said Selena to the house slave. She gave him a quick hug and blinked away useless tears. It does no good to dwell. Holding the satchel with both hands, Selena quieted her mind in armor of silent grace.

She walked into the room where Lord Telro entertained her new master with only a twinkle of tiny bells for company and knelt down at the center of the room.

"My Lord, I have gathered my belongings and ready to leave." she said with her eyes lowered.
And there she stood, just as naked as he last saw her, except she added some sandals. Apparently these Belemin had the shame trained out of them. Lucas was careful to look right in her eyes, not her bare breasts and perky nipples; not at her flared hips with a skirt covering only one leg; just her eyes. He found himself wishing his wife were still alive. She would know how to handle the situation. Still, he had to resign himself to his fate and bring her along.

"Come along, slave," he said with a heavy sigh. "We have a long road ahead of us."

Outside the manor was the next big challenge: getting her on the horse. He was unusually careful showing her how to get on (first one foot, then the other) without touching her in the wrong place. He also managed to thank the he at least brought his riding gloves. Then came his turn to get on.

Almost immediately he realized her almost naked ass was touching his crotch, causing an all too embarrassing erection to form. Praying the gods, he pushed his horse into a brisk trot. He cautiously put one hand around her waist and looked around nervously to see what the commoners' reaction was. Amazingly enough, no one even gave them a second glance! The realization made him relax a bit and he held her little bit more tightly.

While the common folk failed to notice his new slave, the soldiers in his caravan did. Several men gasped and grinned at the sight of a Belemin. For most it was their first. For others they did not even bother to hide their lewd looks.

Lucas' got pissed again. "What are you looking at, maggots?! Get the carriage ready, we're leaving!" The men here were under his command during the Merg Campaign and he fought side-by-side with them. 'Maggots' was the term he used for them in the army and they were more than used to such harsh words. Still, he trusted them completely and they returned that trust.

By mid-afternoon they were ready for the month-long journey to Soldain, a keep that had been captured and Lucas' home since. The landsman guided her into the carriage on the bench across from him and they were off. Soon they were through the city gates and out into open country. Right then and there he resolved the if he never returned to Knessos, he could die a happy man.
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The wall of distance she normally used to keep herself apart from her surroundings kept falling down at unexpected moments. Each time the master's eyes roamed down her body, a shiver of interest flared in her blood. She is a pleasure slave, trained to delight the senses, to respond sexually without a qualm and enchant the audience but she rarely felt arousal without a command. How odd to feel her body react to a total stranger...

The third time the master's eyes yanked up to her eyes, Selena couldn't stop the glimmer of humor from showing in her quicksilver eyes. She quickly lowered thick lashes to hide her impetuous reaction and smiled inside to note the red flush of embarrassment that spread beneath her master's tanned skin.

His words are sharp, brutish and gruff but he handled her as if she was a piece of delicate china that would shatter at the harmful touch. The way he tried to only look at her face and verbally instructed her to sit upon his horse.

Did I anger him? Is he displeased with me? Does he desire me?

The master settled on the horse behind me and my body naturally yielded into the cradle of his body. Soon, his arm tightened around my waist as the horse began to trot. The small flares of need grew as she felt her master's body respond. The erratic movement of their bodies made a taunting, wordless flirtation. Selena's breasts grew heavy as her nipples stood in stark attention and she became wet with need. Perfectly trained to take the firm erection of her master. Will he take me now? She couldn't stop the flare of need from rising. A yearning she's learned to avoid.

To her surprise, nothing happened during the short ride to the master's caravan and only a stifling silence weighed between them for the few hours they have been in the carriage.

Selena smoothed away the small frown lingering between her brows and cleared her throat to draw the new master's attention. He looked down at her bare breasts and her nipples grew tight beneath his gaze. His face flushed as he drew his eyes up to her eyes and glared at her as his erection returned with a vengeance.

"My lord, may I have permission to speak and ask a few questions?" she asked as she turned towards him and let her one of her legs fall from the seat to land on the floor of the carriage. The movement pulled apart the panels of her skirt and left more than a little of her lower body uncovered.

A sharp cough erupted from the master before he replied, "You may speak as you will."

Selena's lush lips widened in a glad smile and her eyes seem to light with devious mischief. "Thank you, my lord." One of her hands drew a thick lock of her dark brown hair over her shoulder and played with the curling length against her breast. "May I know your name, my lord?"

A strangled noise is banished before he said, "I am Lucas Rexor." He moved to adjust himself in a more comfortable position but froze.

Selena seemed to glide across the short distance between them, her eyes seem to bewitch him as her hands landed on his knees and caressed up his thighs. Before he knew it, her dragged her cheek from the base of his eager cock to the tip in one smooth motion, her hands continued to drag along his thighs and she blew a hot puff of breath on his covered cock. Quicksilver eyes peered up at him from between Lucas' legs. "My lord, how may I please you?"
By the gods!!! This woman really did have no shame! She looked so eager to please him, yet she was more than willing to take the initiative. His heart nearly leaped into his throat as he saw her eyes.

In a near-panic and with a little more force than he wanted to, he picked her up and planted her back on the opposite bench. Feeling a little pang of guilt, he regained his composure and calmly sat back down, looking out the carriage window.

"Just..." he stammered. "Just sit there until called for."

For hours he just sat there, staring at the countryside. Sometimes he would cast a casual glance towards her. Every time the carriage hit even the slightest bump, her breasts would jiggle, sending a shock straight to his crotch. Eventually he gave up trying to ignore her and decided to start some form of conversation.

"So... what do I call you?" he asked her.
A startled squeal escaped Selena when Lucas tossed her back on the other side of the carriage.

"Just..." he stammered. "Just sit there until called for."

Her heart stammered in her throat and it took a few moments for her to calm down. Closed her eyes to suppress a sudden burst of tears from falling. He doesn't want me. I should know better than to hope... It's best not to think. To not feel.

The silk panels rustled as she repositioned herself on the seat. Selena drew her legs onto the bench and tucked them by her in a slanted kneeling pose. The slits of the skirt stayed caught beneath her hips and failed to cover anything but the very tip of her toned thighs. Nothing to hinder the gaze from looking over her silken lithe form. Only careless locks of dark chocolate hair from her head lay scattered over her torso and seat.

Selena drew on her armor and banked all thoughts or rebellious emotion. She turned inward into a trance like state that muffled her awareness. Obey. Do not feel. Just obey. were her last thoughts.

Hours later, in near darkness, the master's voice pierced the state of nothingness: "So... what do I call you?" he asked her.

"I am a slave, my Lord. I do not own a name. Lord Telro named and called me Selena while I was his. You may call me whatever your desire. I exist only to serve."

"Is that what you want to be called?" asked Lucas.

"If that is your wish, my lord."

"What have you been called in the past?" Lucas asked, a hint of frustration and curiosity in his voice.

"Slave, cunt, whore, dancer, cock lover, Lysann, teasing Tess, Lyra, Bell, bitch, Golden tongue, healing hands, pleasure slave, the Belemin, Alexa, my treasure, Zenderr, trash, fuck toy, pet, numbers, Cat, lust maker and Selena." she replied tonelessly. "I'm sorry, my Lord. I may have forgotten a few."

Lucas gritted his teeth as a clash of need for the slave warred with rage for some of the names she listed. "You must have a name of your own. You must have been given one at birth."

Danae. The name echoed briefly in her mind. She squished the thought and failed to respond.

Lucas growled, "Tell me. What is your name?"

"Danae," she whispered an answer.

"Speak up! I'll have your name. Now!" Lucas demanded.

"Danae, my Lord. I remember being called Danae before I was sold to become a Belemin pleasure slave."

He grunted her name out loud and the anger vanished from his body. "Danae. I will call you by your name, Danae."

"Yes, my Lord," she said, her gaze remained lowered in deference.

A sudden need to see her eyes filled Lucas and he barked, "Look me in the eye when you speak."

Danae raised her eyes to meet her master's but he didn't see any spirit in her grey eyes. There was no fire of desire, glow of seductive movement, hint of curiosity, anger or fear. Dane's quicksilver eyes appeared dull and lacked any response. As if the vibrant life he has seen before has been killed.

"Yes, my Lord," she replied tonelessly.

Lucas felt unsettled by the woman and he didn't know what to do. "Tell me your skills. I know Belemin are famous for their skills in bed but I do not need a slave that only knows sex."

He doesn't want me. A small ping of pain rippled across her armor. Danae smoothed all emotions as she fell into her training. She knelt on the carriage floor in front of Lucas in one fluid fall. She bowed her head low, her long hair cascaded over his feet, the silky strands whisked against his legs as she drew back up and looked into his eyes as he had commanded. With her small hands clasped in her lap, her clear voice recited the list of her skills.

"As a Belemin pleasure slave, I have been trained to meet all of my master's physical and mental needs. To ease my master's body, I am well versed in the 109 positions of love, cooking, barbering, massage and basic herb lore. To delight and entertain my master's mind, I have been trained to read, write, speak five of the major languages of the Empire, basic math, science, history, dance, song, use of three instruments, needlework and drawing."
Perhaps he misjudged these Belemin. That was an impressive list of skills she gave. He supposed they had to be true, since slaves got in big trouble if caught lying.

"Not bad," was all he managed to say.

Then came a knocking sound from the dirver's position followed by the driver saying. "Sir Lucas, it will be dark soon and we're a good place to set up camp."

"All right," the landsman replied. "Get the tents up and get the horses some water." He looked at Danae and something came to mind. "Tell the men to have a separate tent set up for my... uh... passenger, here."

He turned to Danae. "Stay in here until they're finished setting up camp. They don't need any... distractions, right now."

With military precision, his men got to work. By the time time sun was completely down. The four tents, however, had to have new sleeping arrangements. One of them, used by the guards, was reserved for Danae, now. The men knew full well why he did not have Danae in his tent. Receiving word of the loss of a loved one while in the field was every soldier's worst nightmare. And they knew how devoted he was to his late wife. Still, they were unhappy at having to crowd everyone into two tents. What is more, why did he buy her in the first place? When all was ready and the campfire set, Lucas went over to the carriage where Danae was hopefully waiting patiently.

"Come with me. I'll take you to your tent," he commanded her.

Even in the darkness he was wary of the soldiers' eyes on her as they were breaking out the food. Dried meat and beans cooked over the fire turned out to be the meal, as usual. Very quickly he guided her into the tent and point out the bedroll.

His orders were simple. "Stay in here and get some rest. Don't leave unless you have to pee. I'll get you some supper."

For obvious reason Lucas got served first, and at his request, he got some plus a small flask of wine for Danae. He prepared himself and entered the tent with her dish. "Here," he said. I don't know if it's what you're used to, but eat up."
After handing her her supper he quickly exit the tent.
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Danae set herself to watch and learn as much as she can about her new Master and his people. She felt lost without any direction to follow. She knew the lord found her body pleasing and desirable but he rebuked any attempt she made to touch him. It's almost as if he's ashamed of her. She's always known her role and never really had time where she wasn't busy. She wasn't sure what to do with nothing.

Restless in the carriage, Danae unbound her hair and all the tiny braids. She wove her hair into an intricate braid and coiled it on her head. The lord came back and lead her through the camp to her tent. She looked around the camp and watched the way the other men eyed her with growing hunger.

Is that my role? Am I to be the camp whore?

The lord seemed uneasy, tense and somewhat angry as he ordered her to stay in the tent unless she needed to take care of her necessities. She wanted to talk to him when he returned with some food for her but he left before she could say a word. She sighed in frustration. Though she hasn't eaten anything since breakfast, she didn't have much of an appetite. She picked at her food and only ate a few bites. Maybe I can offer to cook?

While not hungry, she felt parched and drank most of the wine that the lord gave her. The drink loosened her tense muscles and warmed her belly. She couldn't figure out her new Master or what he wanted from her.

Suddenly feeling very alone, Danae opened her satchel and pulled out her bundled lute. She checked the strings and tuned the lute. Happy that everything was in order, she started to strum a hauntingly aching melody. She played a changeling song that matched the innermost feelings of her heart. A long while later, Danae realized that hours must have passed. Her fingers ached from playing for so long and the night seemed to be much more quiet without the music filling it. She carefully bundled the lute and put it away in the satchel.

An ache of her belly reminded her that it's long past time to relieve herself. She left the tent and asked a guard if there was a stream or water near. He pointed her in the direction of the stream. She thanked him with a smile and went in search of water.

Once she took care of her necessities, Danae sat by the stream to wash. It has been an age since she's been alone outside without a guard to keep her in place. She couldn't remember the last time she's had a whole night without being touched or ordered to touch. A long time since she was able to let go of her guard. Danae hummed a happy tune as she stared at a startling array of stars in the sky.

Maybe this is what peace feels like...
Lucas had not expected do hear any after-dinner music. Looking around, he saw none of his men had suddenly gained any musical talent. After listening for a few minutes, he realized the song came from Danae’s tent. Not bad, he thought to himself. I thought she was just making those skills up to impress me. As the music continued, he started thinking maybe he had been treating her too harshly. It was not her fault that bloated fat-ass pile of shit Lord Telro forced him to buy her!

He forced himself to calm down. Such thoughts would get him nowhere. It was going to be a long trip and he had better things to do than to dwell on things that have already happened. Lord Telro was out of his life, hopefully forever.

He went to bed still hearing the music. Later on he woke up not hearing it. She had probably gone to sleep, herself. Still, he felt the need to relieve himself. Putting his shirt and pants back on, he left his tent to do so.

Strangely, the guard gave him a knowing smirk. One scowl from Lucas sent back to his watch. Now what was that all about? he though to himself. He soon found out.

Danae was by the pond washing herself. The way the moonlight glistened on her wet skin was rather intoxicating. He found himself wanting to do what the guard the smiling about. Then the image of his late wife came back with a vengeance. He had to clear the air with the Belemin.

He walked up slowly next to her and sat down. He started speaking without any greeting or pretense. "I wasn't always one of the blue bloods. That happened around seven years ago after the Dermagud campaign was won. During the war, I was a company commander in his Imperial Majesty's 23rd Brigade, and a damned good soldier.

"I also had a wife. Loved her like there was no tomorrow. But during the campaign I recieved a message saying she died giving birth to my second son." He started to choke up as continued. "Didn't even know she was pregnant!"

He turned to her and had problem looking her in the eye. "I've never been with a woman since. After all these years I'm still loyal to her. That's why we're not sleeping together. Please understand."

He stood up and started walking over to a nearby tree to do what he came to do in the first place. "Go to sleep, it'll be a long boring day, tomorrow."
The night time silence was broken by her Master's voice. Startled silver eyes shot down from the stars and stared at the unexpected presence. His shadowed form loomed over her petite body. Her initial alarm transformed into a delicate tenderness as she listened to his halting, gruff revelations. The last thing Danae expected from this guarded man who has become her latest master was an explanation and vulnerable confession. His words brought understanding to the conflicting events of the day. She realized that he is a man of honor and loyalty that remained faithful to his past. She's never heard of a man choosing to abstain. Yet, this role of being a silent ear in the darkness was not an unfamiliar one. She has been a nonjudgmental recipient of many secrets, dreams, tales of fortune and horror.

Danae continued to observe her Master with a watchful eyes. The way his demeanor changed from a distant stranger to tired warrior, a mourning widow and back to gruff reserve. This man didn't need a sensual slave for physical pleasure. Her new Master needed the simple touches that brought comfort. As she followed his command to return to camp and rest, Danae's mind tumbled with tidbits of understanding and plans to fill a useful role in her Master's life.

Waking before dawn, Danae groomed her hair into a thick braid and dressed. She pulled on the gold and red paneled skirt to ride low on her hips, and wrapped the silver trimmed black paneled skirt as a bodice that rested around the back, crossed over to cup her full breasts and tied behind her neck. Danae left her tent in search of a guard. She found him and asked who she should talk to about supplies.

Humming softly, Danae took over the food preparations and baked honey cakes and sausages for breakfast. She didn't feel hollow and lost anymore. She can be useful to her modest, reserved Master.
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Lucas started waking up smelling something good. That was unusual, since the men had little to no cooking skills. Was it a local woman who offered to help? Then he woke up with a start. Danae.

He quickly got himself up and dressed and ruched out the tent and saw the astonishing. Danae was a little more covered and cooking breakfast. The thing was he had a hard time telling what the men appreciated more - the food or her body. He decided to find out which.

He took one the cakes she made and took a taste. She really was telling the truth about her skills. "Not bad," he said to his slave with a smile on his face. "Not bad at all."

As soon as breakfast was finished, Lucas gave the command to breakdown the camp. Once again, with military precision, the men untied ropes, pulled stakes, folded canvases, and loaded them up into the wagon. Lucas took Danae and escorted her to the carriage. Almost without realizing it he had his hand on the small of her back as he guided her inside. Soon, the horses were hitched and they were off.

It was not long before Lucas realized he was more comfortable with Danae around. He was still unable to look at her for very long, but he got an idea that would hopefully fix that. "You said you were skilled at giving massages, right?" He turned himself sideways. Work on my back."

As Danae moved in behind him, some questions came to mind. "Tell me about how you became a Belemin. Are the other Great Houses anything like Lord Telro? How did they treat you?"
Danae felt a bubble of silence move into the area around her. The noises of the camp, men working with their gear, checking equipment, conversations and jokes faded away and resumed. She wasn't surprised to find the Master standing near her but she was startled when he asked her for one of the honey cakes. She grabbed one that was still warm from the fire and gave it to him. She watched him surreptitiously as she continued to cook more cakes and sausages. The look of surprised was followed by a smile.

"Not bad, not bad at all." Lucas said as he munched on the honey cake. Danae's fear that she would not please him or be useful dropped away. It didn't matter if the other men in the caravan praised her cooking skills and eyed her with lusting interest. Oddly enough, she only cared about what her Master thought. What he thought mattered to her and it has been a long time since she had felt that way about anyone.

With renewed appetite, Danae ate some breakfast and chatted with Dale, the man who usually fixed the fare for the caravan. He enjoyed the breakfast and they made plans to work together on the other meals. Happy with the results of her efforts, she stopped by the stream to wash up and returned to the camp to gather her satchel.

Soon, the camp was packed up and ready to move. Lucas escorted her to the carriage with a hand on the small of her back. The feel of his callused hand resting on her skin made her feel claimed, safe. Having accepted the fact that her Master was taciturn at best, she didn't expect him to give her an order to work on his back or to ask other questions of her.

Danae knelt on the bench behind him and used her hands to carefully probe his neck, shoulders and back. She sat back and asked Lucas, "Master, may I remove your tunic? The material is very dense and hinders my efforts to ease you."

Lucas froze before he nodded his head in agreement. She pulled the lacing lose on the sides of the brown leather tunic and pulled it off with firm tugs. She placed it on the other seat and returned to kneel behind Lucas. She placed her hands on his tension filled shoulders and slowly stroked up and down his neck. "I cannot remember a time when I was not a slave. I'm told that I was sold as a young child. My first memories are fragments of kitchen scents: bread baking, stews simmering, meats sizzling fat into flames and sweet desserts. The cook would let me lick the leftover cream when she made desserts. That was my favorite. I would work hard to complete my tasks just for a little bit of dessert."

Along with the flow of her words, Danae pummeled his broad back with edge of her hands. The even pressure broke the surface strain and gave some purchase for her the fingertips. "I was lucky to have a warm place to sleep, regular meals and works that kept me in shape. I loved to sing and dance with the other children. It was my dancing that caught the attention of a Belemin master. One day, cook informed me that the master has sold me to be trained as a Belemin. For the next five years, I trained to become a Belemin pleasure slave."

Now that the muscles have been forced to lose their solid rock state, Danae started to focus on problem areas where knots remained. She alternated the use of her fingers, hands, elbow and palms to ease the stress from her quiet Master.

"My virtue and skills were highly sought after and the Belemin Master who trained me made a large profit when he auctioned me during the winter festival. That master was very kind to me but he was only interested in my virginity. Since then, I have had several masters. You are the thirteenth master to purchase me. I pray that I shall be of use to you, my lord."

A comfortable silence fell between them as Danae worked the last of the knots away. She soothed his back with languid strokes up and down his back. She used the palms of her hands at first and then grazed along the paths with just her fingertips. Danae began to sing a soft folksong as she caressed along Lucas' neck, shoulders and back. The work to ease his back was completed but she felt reluctant to stop. She continued her wandering caresses as she sang softly for her Master.
Okay, so maybe this was not the best idea. He replaced having to look at her naked body to being shirtless while she worked on him. At first, he felt like panicking like he did yesterday, but then he felt her hands - those soft expert hands. He felt himself relaxing against his will as if the stress over the past couple of days just melted off of him.

He pretty much failed to listen to her life story Until she said "I pray that I shall be of use to you, my lord."

"I think you already are", he replied drowsily. "Stop right there. Get that spot... oh, nice!" He was clearly bewitched by Danae's massage skills.

After few more blissful minutes another question came to mind. "I had heard all Belemin were pretty much naked for life. Why is that? Do you ever wear any real clothes?"
Danae felt laughter bubbling up inside her but she pushed it away. Only a smile on her full lips revealed her sense of humor. Perhaps it was a good things that he couldn't see her. By this point all of the knots in her Master's back have been taken care of but she mused that he must be enjoying the simple comfort of touch. She continued to stroke his shoulders and back with easy pressures of her talented hands.

"Belemin wear what their master asks them to wear. We are slaves and we hardly have any possessions to call our own. Most of my masters commanded that I wear very little clothing and be accessible at all times."
The conversation Lucas had with Danae definitely cleared a few things for him, and he decided to take a couple of steps to make the journey home a little more pleasant. When the caravan stopped for lunch, he exited the carriage, had her remain inside.

"Wait here for a bit", he commanded her.

Outside, he immediately headed for the supply wagon and grabbed one of his tunics and a small bag. He also retrieved a few pieces of dried meat. There would be no fire; they would only stay long enough to feed and water the horses before moving on. If they made good time, they would reach the city of Dermagud by nightfall.

Back in the carriage, he handed Danae the items he collected. "Here. Put this on," he commanded. "And put your jewelry in the sack. The last thing we need is a naked slave girl bedecked in jewelry to encourage any would-be bandits."

Indeed, while the central part of the empire was the most secure in the entire world, they would eventually enter less patrolled areas, especially in Merg, where order was still trying to take hold. Rebels still had strongholds in remote areas and lawless men saw easy money. Still, it was a good idea to plan ahead.

Within the hour, the horses were watered and had their fill of oats, and the caravan was once more on the move.
Lucas handed Danae a simple off white, thick cotton tunic and ordered her to ear it. She removed her coin chain belt and anklet and put them away in her satchel. With ease of practice, she untied the makeshift bodice and pulled the paneled skirt off of her chest. Her nipples puckered stiff as the cool air skimmed her bared full mounds. Danae's seductively curvy hips swiveled to easily remove the red and gold silk skirt. The fall of the delicate material bared Danae's body to Lucas' eyes for the first time. He could see that she had a light patch of dark hair curling between her legs and when she drew a legs up to step out of the skirt, he could see glimpses of her pale pink folds.

Danae pulled the cotton tunic over her head and tightened the side laces. The motion pulled the tunic close to her body and the perky mounds of her chest clearly strained against the fabric. Overall, the tunic covered more than Danae's silken skirts but it was also more tantalizing than the other clothes. It only covered her from her neck down to her upper thighs. A teasing shadow of her body was viewable through the light colored fabric. Lucas could see her nipples pebbling against the cloth and the loose neck lacing gave a clear view to her tops of her breasts.

When Danae bent down to gather her skirts and fold them in order to stow away in her satchel, Lucas was given a clear view of her slender legs and half of her full delicious bottom. Danae sat down on the bench across from Lucas in the carriage. The tunic barely covered her lap and gave teasing shots of her dark curls and woman's mound.

Silver flecked eyes warm with tenderness gazed at Lucas. "Master, would you like me to continue to ease your back the journey?"

Thinking that it may be better for him to not be able to see her, Lucas nodded acceptance. She returned to kneel behind him on the seat and the next few hours were spent in comfortable silence as she used her hands to stroke and massage her Master's back.
Lucas at first could not look away as Danae changed into the tunic he gave her, after awhile he realized he was doing and looked away. She had quite the beautiful body and it still amazed him how casually she could show herself. A not-so-embarrassing erection started forming in his pants. At least she did not feel it, this time.

Once she was "dressed" they went back to the massage that begun earlier. Soon, he found himself nodding off, oblivious to the world around him except for the clopping of hooves and the feeling of his slave's fingers. For him, it was almost heaven. Before he knew it, he heard a knocking on the roof from the driver's position.

"Sir Lucas," shouted the driver, "Dermagud is in sight!"

Dermagud was the first city to join the Menarian Empire, and the only one to do so by alliance instead of conquest. Seen as the gateway to the capital of Knessos, it became a central trade hub for hundreds of caravans. Unlike Knessos, (which was becoming run down after decades of mismanagement) Dermagud still held its vibrant and affluent look. At the center stood the massive Iron Fortress, the empire's military headquarters. Second in size and splendor was the manor for the Great House Lorna, oldest of the empires noble families.

Lucas' destination, however, was the not-so-big but equal-in-splendor manor of the House Kint, home of the Count Amad (the city's immediate ruler) and his wife, the Contessa Amelia. He did not visit the house on his way to the capital, but did meet the count who invited him to stay on his way back home. Tonight, he would take them up on that invitation.

It was sunset when they passed through the city gates. As the carriage went through the streets, the various vendors and shops were in the process of closing. The people, themselves, were in much better shape, than in Knessos. They looked healthier and happier, with a much better attitude towards their lives. It was another reason Lucas was thankful to leave that dreadful city.

Several minutes later, the convoy reached the entrance to the Count's grounds. A guard walked up the door of the carriage and said "You approach the manor of House Kint. Identify yourselves."

Lucas gave a short cough before adopted what he called his "formal voice". "I am Landsman Lucas of House Rexor. I am here on invitation by Count Amad. Let me pass."

The guard then moved to a young boy who, after a few words, ran to the manor. Moments later the boy returned to the guard who proceeded to open the gate. The grounds inside were very well taken care of. The grass was greener than anything he ever saw, even inside the capital. The manor house itself was a proud marble structure with ivy growing in strategic areas to enhance the look of the exterior.

It then occurred to Lucas that Danae, as a Belemin, might look a bit out of place in her current look. "Get into your normal outfit and make yourself presentable for the Count," he commanded her. He had to admit he was a bit nervous in trying to make the right impression. For his part he straightened his own clothes out and anxiously combed his fingers through his hair.

As they pulled up to the door, a footman stepped up and open the carriage door for them. Normally a lady would be let out first, but since Danae was just a slave, Lucas stepped out followed by her. Inside, the Count and Contessa were already waiting for them along with a woman who was dressed in the same manner as Danae was. Lucas deduced she had to be another Belemin. Count Amad was only slightly less obese than Lord Telro; Contessa Amelia was no better.

Count Amad approached Lucas and shook his hand as if they were best friends. "Landsman! Welcome! I have been looking forward to seeing you! I believe you haven't met my wife Amelia. When did you get your own Belemin?"

Lucas recounted the tale of how he bought Danae against his will, but he was starting to appreciate some of the things she could do. "What a fool Lord Telro is!" Amad replied. "Always pushing around those under him. At least your purchase turned out well."

Suddenly a series of small bells chimed. Amad clapped his hands together and said "Ah! Dinner! I know you would probably like a bath first, but the food was almost ready when you arrived. At least you'll get a full belly and a good time."
Attending to her Master's orders, Danae pulled off his white tunic. It was so large on her small, curvy frame that she did not need to unlace for removal. She pulled the black silk paneled skirt with silver embroidery over her legs and set it to hug her lush hips. With deft fingers, she restyled her hair to braid several thin braids on each side of her head and coiled the braids into a loose braid that held her long wavy hair off her face and flow free down her back to playfully tag her skirt.

She kept her head lowered in a respectful stance and followed Lucas as he greeted the nobleman and his lady wife. Both of them were large from rich foods and little activity. Their wealth shown in rich fabrics and numerous gaudy jewelry. The hosts insisted that Lucas join them for dinner before retiring for the night.

Not knowing what to do for her Master had not given her any commands, Danae stood attentively behind her Master's chair as dinner started and pleasantries were exchanged. The jovial, rotund Lord Amad commanded his voluptuous Belemin to dance for the guests entertainment.

The well endowed, curvy blonde hair Belemin only wore a golden belt of colorful silk scarves that only enhanced the luscious lines. Her blonde hair fell straight down to brush her large breasts with pale pink areolas.

The group of musicians began playing a playfully seductive song and the angelic Belemin began to dance to the heavy notes with taunting glances, swirling golden hair, suggestive turns of her hips and rhythmic stomps.

"Lucas, see how well my Angel dances? She performs for me every day and makes my life all the brighter for it." Amad leered at his dancing slave. "Show off your own Belemin! I want to see her dance! It is not every day that you can see two Belemins dancing."

Lucas hesitated but gave in to his host's request and ordered Danae to dance for them. She watched the flirting moves of the blonde Belemin for a few moments before joining her. To counter the sharp, demanding movements of the other slave, Danae used slow suggestive arches of her arms, undulations of her abdomen, sweeping swivels of her hips and delicate turns to frame Angel's pounding seductive dance. The blonde slave's dance became more erotic and a lewd mimicry of sex.

The affect on Aman grew steadily apparent as he began to forgo conversation in lue of watching his pleasure slave. She danced closer to her lord and captured his gaze with her own as she stomped her feet to the music and rolled her hips. The curvy Belemin drew dragged her nails up her stomach and over her ample breast. Aman tossed his head back in and loosed a resounding laugh before calling his slave to stop teasing him with her body and tend to his cock with her mouth. In a move of familiarity, the curvaceous slave undulated to her knees, crawled to her lord and set her mouth to work beneath the table.

Aman groaned with satisfaction as he felt himself being swallowed in a wet heat. He grinned lasciviously at his guest and asked, "What are you waiting for man?! You should put your slave to work. It is their greatest skill. This act of love."
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Love? Having her do that in front of everybody? At least Lucas was unable what was going on. But still, Count Amad wanted to have Danae dot that to him. No one had done such a thing to him before - not even his wife! He prayed to the gods no one saw how red his face was. He knew he did not want to do it, but the Count and the Contessa were watching him. Why did the higher ranking nobles like this to him? It was almost worse than being a commoner! At least then the nobility mostly left him alone.

Lucas finally resolved to get this done and over with, and the sooner the better. He could not help but stammer it out. "Danae, could you... um... do whatever it is... that they're doing... to me?"

How pathetic I just sounded! he thought to himself, but his embarrassed feeling would not go away. It was all he could do to not panic as his slave danced her way under the table and started to undo his pants. He just kept praying that his was not watching over him as first his cock was exposed, then in Danae's hand...

Then it hit him. All coherent thought left him as her mouth enveloped him. It was a feeling he not describe. Warm, wet, soft - his cock nearly sprang to such an erection, it felt strained almost to the point of being in pain. His hands gripped the arms of his chair like a vise, and his eyes closed as his hips started moving slightly to match the Belemin's movements. It felt so good it took less than a minutes for the cum in his balls to boil over and shoot out in spurts.
Danae drew her dance to a close with a flourish, crawled beneath the table to reach her Master's lap and soothingly caressed his legs. She had seen the way his body tensed, the skin gaining a dull flush and felt him trembling beneath her hands. She unlaced his pants with nimble fingers and pulled his half erect member out to meet her welcoming warm heat. One hand continued to soothingly stroke his inner thigh as the other hand learned the shape and weight of his heavy sack.

Wanting to ease her Master's tension and bring him to a pleasurable fulfillment, Danae took his growing erection into her mouth in one smooth advance. She pursed her lips around his hardening shaft as she withdraw and tickled the crown with her tongue. She swallowed his rapidly growing length far past her throat and hummed her pleasure to enhance his enjoyment. A burst of contentment glowed inside when she felt his hips rock into her throat and quicken the pace.

For the first time in many years, she wanted to truly please her Master with her touch. She also needed to feel him burst in fulfillment in her mouth. Danae's muffled moan vibrated up his manhood as she drew him far into her tight, convulsing throat and firmly stroked his rigid shaft when she pulled away. She used all her skill to bring him to a shuddering release! Danae hummed her satisfaction as she drank down his seed. She suckled on his partially diminished member until she cleaned it of all of his discharge. It stayed hard in her welcoming wet mouth but she knew he would not want her to stay.

With gentle fingers, Danae tucked Lucas' back into his trousers and laced it back up. She pressed her lips against his inner thigh, laid her head upon it and waited kneeling between his legs for his next command.
As he calmed down, Lucas looked around to see what else was going on. It appeared Count Amad had also been finished off as he was back to eating dinner. Contessa Amelia, on the other hand, had her own look of ecstasy on her face. Since Angel was nowhere to be seen, Lucas could only guess that the Belemin was tending to her mistress, as well. Did women actually engage in that sort of thing with other women? Lucas decided it did not matter. What they did with their own property was their business.

Speaking of property, he realized his own Belemin was still between his legs resting her head. The way she looked down there, just waiting for his next command... There was a certain affection to it all. It was not like that of a lover, nor was it family. It was more like... a pet. Yes, a pet. A human pet. She was someone he could be with and show affection for without guilt. As if to make his point, he reached out and gently stroked her hair. How soft and perfect it was. She was beautiful. After a few more strokes he went right back to eating his food, content to have her there for now.

Moments later he heard the contessa gasp out her own orgasm, and shortly thereafter, Angel slithered out from under the table, face wet and smiling demurely. "Thank you, Angel," Amelia sigh. "Now go get something to eat."

Count Amad turned to Lucas and gleefully said "I do believe your is probably hungry as well, good sir. Let Angel here show the way to a good meal and a bath before she retires to your chamber."

Lucas replied "That's a good idea." He then turned to Danae. "You heard our host. Follow Angel. Get cleaned up and eat something." He gave her hair one last stroke. "I'll be along later."
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Danae followed the blonde Belemin to the kitchen and ate a small meal there. She listened to the servants gossiping and living their lives. Wistfully, she wondered what a life like that may be... She pushed the question away and returned her attention to those around her. Angel lead her to the public baths and they took care to wash well. Though the urge to linger in the heated waters was strong, Danae only soaked in the waters long enough to ease the ache of the past few days.

Within the baths, Angel grew animated and spoke endlessly about her Master and Mistress. Angel was purchased as a gift for the Countess. While the Count did not stay faithful to his wife, he would not hear of the Countess taking on a male lover. To appease her, he bought Angel as a gift and he ordered the Belemin to pleasure his wife in all manners. Though the Count may demand Angel's skills once or twice a day, it was the Countess that Angel used her talents on the most frequently. The Mistress loved being pampered with hot oil massages, she enjoyed suckling on the Belemin's large chest and needed to be brought to fulfillment at least thrice a day without fail.

The most wanton commands of the Mistress had Angel pleasing the her with her mouth and hands as male servants and soldiers find their own sexual release inside the talented Belemin. Due to the voracious appetites of both Master and Mistress, Angel did not fear being sold and reveled in their debauchery. They were the best Masters she has ever had as a Belemin and she was pleased by the match.

While Danae would not find such a predicament a happy one, she was glad that the other Belemin was content in her status and said as much. Angel lead Danae to her Master's room and left her there with a fond hug.

Finally alone, she removed her wet silk skirt and hung it to dry. She touched her lips as she let herself remember taking her Master's erection into her mouth. The way he tasted and felt. How his hands stroked her head fondly. She remembered feeling aroused by his arousal and wanting to drink his seed. She let herself remember and then she forced herself to let it go. Emotions are not necessarily a good thing in her life. Tired from the long day, Danae curled up on the floor near the bed and let herself fall into a light doze.
For the next hour Landsman Lucas and Count Amad talked about whatever came to mind: the weather, money, politics, the state of the empire. Both men genuinely agreed with each other about the letter two. The Emperor and the Lords of the Great Houses had completely neglected the Menarian Empire. While they wasted the taxes they collected on their own interests the Counts and their attendant Landsmen have had to see to the Empire's infrastructure from their own pockets. This has forced them to make money through shrewd business deals in order to keep things running smoothly. Unfortunately, the one thing the Imperial Courts had not skimped on was the army. While all the noble houses kept some form military, they paled in comparison. Although Lucas was at least pleased to see the Count was more than just a fat blob of libido, after awhile he had to excuse himself. Bath and bed both awaited him.

The warm waters of the large bath looked so extremely inviting, he eagerly undressed and almost ran there. It felt almost as good as Danae's massage, so he decided to relax for awhile. After a few minutes he was surprised by a woman's voice. "May we wash your back, milord?" she said.

Lucas quickly turned his head to find a pair of slaves, one man and one woman knelling behind him, stark naked. He quickly averted his gaze from them and tentatively gave them his ok by leaning forward. Fortunately for him, they were all business, wash and scrubbing his back until he said to stop. There was no attempt at anything intimate or erotic from either of them, and just as quietly as they entered the bath, they left, taking his clothing and leaving behind a robe for him to put on. Taking the cue, Lucas climbed out of the pool, put the robe on, and made his way out. A manservant (free, not a slave) led him to the room he was to stay for the night.

The room was sparsely decorated, but looked comfortable enough. A few tapestries hung from the wall with the usual table, chairs, and flowers. By contrast the bed was a large and ornate four-poster, with a mattress filled with goose down. Yet he noticed Danae lying there naked next to it. He wondered if all Belemin were in that predicament. Well he resolved this one would not be.

Pulling back the covers, he gently eased his hands under her and picked her up with relative ease. He then carefully laid her down on the bed and pulled the sheets over her before taking his robe off and getting in on the other side. Realizing he was naked himself, he was careful to not touch her as he turned his back to her and closed his eyes.
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