An unusual combination?


Really Experienced
Apr 5, 2017
I have always been attracted to women, who are feminine, yet dominating.

It feels wonderful to do things for the woman I love. To meet her demands. :) Not only sexual demands, but anything.

For a while in secondary school, I was the boyfriend of a popular girl. Every other guy told me she was very demanding. I did not understand it at all. I felt she was justified in demanding things from me because she was a girl. And today I still feel the same. A woman can demand things from me and take a higher hand in the relationship because she is a woman.

Is that strange? Also, I hear a lot that femininity and dominance don't go hand in hand. I have been fortunate to know a few women who were both, but is that something very uncommon?
@LockedDreams, in my experience there is nothing unusual about your experince. For men who enoy getting manipulated by a woman. In fact she can demand more than average from you, if her market value is higher. Like you wrote, she was very popular in school. And one can achieve polularity only with good looks. Some people call that "femininity".
@LockedDreams, in my experience there is nothing unusual about your experince. For men who enoy getting manipulated by a woman. In fact she can demand more than average from you, if her market value is higher. Like you wrote, she was very popular in school. And one can achieve polularity only with good looks. Some people call that "femininity".
That's an interesting theory. Especially about what you call market value. I have not thought about it that way.
I didn't feel she was manipulating me, but i understand what you mean.