Sapphire blue is the color I wear to match my eyes and bring out the power of my spirit. Red hair in a French twist, not a strand out of place. I run a gloved hand over an ornate frame, gazing up at a magnificent painting. A woman being bled by her lover, he drinks passionately from her wrist. The beauty of the place is startling, rather a surprising little find in a mundane world.
Turning, taking in the room's occupant, someone hides in the shadows. It bothers me not at all to be standing open in the light while silent pair of eyes regards me from the shadows. Upon my person, I wear heeled boots of the softest suede, their tops ending mid thigh. A scant sliver of leg can be glimpsed before the eye reaches the hem of my skirt, which clings to my hips like a dream one doesn't want to forget. A silk shirt of the same startling blue completes my garments.
"It is strange to hear of rules spoken here, but yes, like all things in life there are rules. An exploration of where they begin and end seems in order."
With an arched eyebrow, I challenge my as yet unseen host.
Tom simply glances around a moment after the initial introduction, relaxing himself in his cofmortable slacks and stylish dress-shirt. Soon, though, he pays attention to the movement beneath the pillows, smiling faintly as the host reveals himself. He then gives a small nod as he wonders just what might happen in this place now.