An open bar (RP for swedishgrl68 but all are welcome)

I sigh as I look around the bar from my stool at the bar. Pool players, ballgame watchers noisy and messy, beer and snacks everywhere. Jeez, how boring is my life that I'm sitting HERE - alone, no less - on a Saturday night.
"Still got this one," I tell the bartender, turning down your offer. "Sorry," I say to you, still not meeting your eyes in the mirror, "but my daddy always told me not to accept drinks from strangers."
I look you over from the corner of my eye again, all buff and fit, my mouth watering. Have to find out if he's a 'roid head, though, you know, all full of himself.
I turn towards you, brushing your knee, with a smile. I look back at the bartender. "That true, Sam?"
I playfully bump you with my shoulder. "Maybe we should take a walk around the place then!"
Starting to slide off my stool, I double check. "Seriously.... you really want to do this...."
My face is flushed,down to my neck and top of my chest. "We um.... I'm sure there's lots more to see, maybe we should go...."
I reach up and press your hand even harder against my tit. "Ah fuckkkk" I moan. I thrust my ass back against you and groan feeling your hard dick against me. "Dammit.... I can suck you off right here, or we can find a booth...."