An old master returning


Nov 18, 2012
Hello little ones,

I was a Master here a few years ago, and met a delightful girl who filled her role fantastically. However, during my hiatus, I lost contact with her.

I am now looking for a new sub, to be mainly online. I am not a Master who will demand control over your entire life. As I have experienced myself, real life can rear its ugly head on occasion, and no doubt will again.

I want someone who is obedient, very submissive (or at least to be trained to be), and willing to push their boundaries.

I am 24, so I would like someone around my age or younger. That said, if the right sub was older, I will not say no.

PM me with your application.
I am being very select about who I choose. I have had a few replies. Some just died, some have promise. But, as of now, I am still searching.
Please point to where I said 24 is old. I said if the right sub was OLDER, I would seriously consider her.

I am simply referring to the fact that I was a master here before, hence old, past tense. Old did not refer to my age.

With my confusion explained to me, I must apologise to andreagirl35. No malice intended.

Your title is 'an old master returning'. Were you referring to someone other than yourself, young man?
I'm still searching for the right Sub. I have had quite a bit of interest, but nobody seems to fit the bill, yet.

Just to be clear, I am not looking to have control over somebody's life. Real life is a bitch sometimes, but you have to respect it. I want someone who will completely submit to me when we interact, whether be here or by other means.

I may set tasks every now and then, which you will need to prove you have carried out.

Please PM me if you are interested in submitting to me.