An N/C "trophy hunter"?


Literotica Guru
Jan 7, 2014
Just a quickie.

I've been looking in vain for a couple of stories which I wrote long ago but which seem to be absent from the email drafts folder where they're normally kept. I can only assume accidental deletion. Curses.

One of them was about a serial rapist who was in the habit of keeping a trophy from each encounter... as I recall, the victim's panties. Yes, absurdly predictable, sorry. So I intend to write it again but am looking for an alternative to the underwear. I've thought of perhaps a snip of pubic hair but of course some women are neatly shaved. A photo, possibly?

Can anyone suggest a good candidate?
A photo of their pussy dripping with his cum? Or their face or their boobs dripping with his cum. Maybe he mixes it up with each conquest.

The snip of pubic hair is good, and if she doesn't have any, she probably has hair on her head that will suffice.

If panties are too trite, you could try some other article of clothing. Maybe he has a shoe fetish and always takes their left shoe.

How about drivers license? It's a trophy as well as documentation.

Also, you didn't ask but I'll say it anyway: the main character would be somewhat easier to root for he were to seduce women rather than rape them. Still a scoundrel, but might get a tad more sympathy from readers.
I don't see where anyone is asking people to root for the main character. Why add that rider to what was otherwise a good set of suggestions?

An anti-hero can still play the erotic lead. Maybe the story lies in what happens after each rape... maybe all the women pine for a repeat of what happened. All kinds of possibilities. Who knows what Steel had in mind?

Diving straight in with an anti-NC dig is unworthy. It's time it was realised that taboo subjects don't need always to have that kind of reception here.
A rape story like that would probably be rejected on here. If you write it anyway, maybe let him keep a voice recording of the victim's cries during the act? That way he would have a memento of the harm he caused, which I assume would be the real prize for him.
Those recordings could also work as very good evidence against him, if you choose to let him get caught in the end.
I second what @LoneMilf was getting at. If you just write a story about a rapist where his victims have absolutely no enjoyment out of it and it's just his sick "trophies", that is going to get rejected here.

While LitE is kinda loose with non-con and goes further than many are comfortable with, they do at least have a rule that states the victim of the non-con has to get enjoyment out of it too. If they don't, that's not "non-con" that's just straight up rape and LitE will not allow it to be published.
Please God, not again. This is a rolling eyes situation.

Can anyone please point out where the OP said he had the slightest intention of posting any story on Lit.?

Many of us, placing precious little value in doing so, simply don't. This is a general board about ideas for erotic stories. End of.

As usual, although Steelpoint was asking a very specific question, we get the 'Charge of the Lit. Rules Brigade' knee jerk reacting in a totally different direction, without any consideration given to the fact that many of us could not give a flying F for said rules when writing for private interest, as we do...
One of them was about a serial rapist who was in the habit of keeping a trophy from each encounter... as I recall, the victim's panties. Yes, absurdly predictable, sorry. So I intend to write it again but am looking for an alternative to the underwear. I've thought of perhaps a snip of pubic hair but of course some women are neatly shaved. A photo, possibly?

Can anyone suggest a good candidate?

A sound recording is always titillating. More so often than full visuals. The guy could simply leave his phone on record while he "gets to work". Somewhat easier than trying to set up a correct video position in the heat of the moment, to say the least!

Someone had a lesbian overpowering thread up a while back. The same "trophy" thing could apply there.
The ankle bracelet is intriguing. Perhaps he targets based on something like that.
Women wearing a particular type of earrings, ankle bracelet, sunglasses, what have you and keeps them as a souvenir.
Please God, not again. This is a rolling eyes situation.

Can anyone please point out where the OP said he had the slightest intention of posting any story on Lit.?

Many of us, placing precious little value in doing so, simply don't. This is a general board about ideas for erotic stories. End of.

As usual, although Steelpoint was asking a very specific question, we get the 'Charge of the Lit. Rules Brigade' knee jerk reacting in a totally different direction, without any consideration given to the fact that many of us could not give a flying F for said rules when writing for private interest, as we do...
Then go find a private fucking board and do so. That or stop throwing your prissy little shitfits when someone helpfully points out that maybe, just maybe, your creepy-ass story ideas won’t actually fly on the Literotica story site. You know, the site whose name is plastered all over the forum.

Jesus. There’s three or four of you that sound like broken fucking records any time someone mentions site rules. “Reeeeee! How dare you suggest we want anything to do with posting our stores on a site for posting stories when we’re kicking around story ideas in that site’s story ideas section! Reeeeee!”

FFS. Grow the fuck up.

Edit: Especially because this is the “looking for story” (sub)section, not even the story ideas section! JFC.
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Please God, not again. This is a rolling eyes situation.

Can anyone please point out where the OP said he had the slightest intention of posting any story on Lit.?

Many of us, placing precious little value in doing so, simply don't. This is a general board about ideas for erotic stories. End of.

As usual, although Steelpoint was asking a very specific question, we get the 'Charge of the Lit. Rules Brigade' knee jerk reacting in a totally different direction, without any consideration given to the fact that many of us could not give a flying F for said rules when writing for private interest, as we do...
I mean, this is the forum section of Literotica, my dude. The implication would very much be that the requests given would be for stories to post here. In fact, unless someone explicitly says they don't plan on posting the submission here, the assumption should very much be that they do intend on posting it here. And in the case of that very valid assumption, it is important that the person who is, for all intents and purposes (again, unless directly stated otherwise), going to post it here to fully understand what the rules are so their submissions aren't rejected and their hard work doesn't go to waste.

I agree this is eye-rolling. But what is actually eye-rolling is you storming in to another thread being up in arms over people just trying to help. And while I just expanded on what someone else was getting at, the person I replied to still actually gave a writing suggestion, so I really do not get what your problem is.
There is NO requirement of anyone posting on the fora to post their own material on Literotica. None whatsoever. Zilch. Nada. This is well-known and established. You make casual assumptions to support your case which have zero basis in reality.

I know of many contributors here who are writers but choose not to 'publish' (background laughter) on here, quite reasonably, myself included. This is their perfect right and it is not your business nor anyone else's to police the board with gratuitous reminders about 'posting rules'.

I tell you what: you carry on making baseless assumptions and I'll carry on making empirically-grounded comments on the facts and calling people out when they prefer to lecture sanctimoniously rather than make actual contributions to story ideas (which is the sole purpose of this board).

That way we should both be happy and in our respective elements.
I tell you what: you carry on making baseless assumptions and I'll carry on making empirically-grounded comments on the facts and calling people out when they prefer to lecture sanctimoniously rather than make actual contributions to story ideas (which is the sole purpose of this board).

Hey. Dumbass. This is the “looking for a story” board, not the story ideas board. So not only are you being an obnoxious ass towards people trying to help, neither you nor the OP are even doing it in the right place.
Hey. Dumbass. This is the “looking for a story” board, not the story ideas board. So not only are you being an obnoxious ass towards people trying to help, neither you nor the OP are even doing it in the right place.

It was actually on SI until very, very recently...

... VERY...

... and was moved in error as the OP was looking in vain for a story in his own private collection, as stated clearly, not one on here. More than that, the OP was looking for story ideas from the point of view of plot devices, equally clearly.

Did I mention it was moved very recently? And in error? And has anyone ever mentioned how well you chose your username?
It was actually on SI until very, very recently...

... VERY...

... and was moved in error as the OP was looking in vain for a story in his own private collection, as stated clearly, not one on here. More than that, the OP was looking for story ideas from the point of view of plot devices, equally clearly.

Did I mention it was moved very recently? And in error? And has anyone ever mentioned how well you chose your username?
Well, yours is just perfect, Reeeeeeenigam. And it couldn’t have been that recent; I didn’t comment on it until it was in LFS, so he had a day to correct his bullshit. Instead, he chose to double down. Whatever. Just another for the ignore pile.
Me: *stumbles upon this thread* "Hmm... What a trash fire." *jumps in head-first, like a moron.*

A rape story like that would probably be rejected on here.
While LitE is kinda loose with non-con and goes further than many are comfortable with, they do at least have a rule that states the victim of the non-con has to get enjoyment out of it too. If they don't, that's not "non-con" that's just straight up rape and LitE will not allow it to be published.
I disagree with both of you. This story could absolutely pass on Lit. A character can rape as much as he wants and as long as his victims enjoy it, Lit will let it fly.
Granted, I think that sounds like a HORRIBLE story idea (and I write mostly non/dub-con). But my own tastes not-withstanding, the story would pass, as long as his victims enjoyed it... And the OP never suggested that they wouldn't.
Can anyone please point out where the OP said he had the slightest intention of posting any story on Lit.?
As mentioned above, the OP's story would absolutely be allowed. That said, your argument is inherently flawed.

Lit bans certain content like underage, vore, snuff, etc... And you can't discuss story ideas involving that stuff in the forums and expect it not to get banned/complaints because "iT's fOr My OwN pErSoNaL CoLLEcTiOn!¡!¡!"

Banned content in the story side is not generally allowed in the forums.
I disagree with both of you. This story could absolutely pass on Lit. A character can rape as much as he wants and as long as his victims enjoy it, Lit will let it fly.
But that's what I was saying. That unless the victims get enjoyment out of it, Lit won't allow it. In the part of my comment you quoted I even say that "they have a rule that the victim has to get some enjoyment out of it too." Perhaps the confusion came in the "it wouldnn't be non-con but rape" part? By that I meant, if the victim gets some enjoyment out of the rape then Lit will basically see it as non-con/"reluctance" whereas if there is no enjoyment it'll just be seen as a straight up rape fantasy that won't fly.

I tell you what: you carry on making baseless assumptions and I'll carry on making empirically-grounded comments on the facts and calling people out when they prefer to lecture sanctimoniously rather than make actual contributions to story ideas (which is the sole purpose of this board)
I was making actual contributions lmfao. You're the one who came in throwing a fit at me making sure OP understood the rules if they were planning on posting it here. I wasn't bashing them, I didn't insult anyone, I wasn't even "lecturing", but simply trying to help. If you can't see that, that's not my problem.

I also love the "I have the actual facts" arguments wherever I see it. It's funny.

But you do you, my guy. If that's how you want to see all this, go ahead.

Lit bans certain content like underage, vore, snuff, etc... And you can't discuss story ideas involving that stuff in the forums and expect it not to get banned/complaints because "iT's fOr My OwN pErSoNaL CoLLEcTiOn!¡!¡!"

Banned content in the story side is not generally allowed in the forums.
Very nicely put. Lit allows a LOT, but it has to be at least consensual in some tangential way (e.g victims enjoying their sexual assaults).
It was actually on SI until very, very recently...

... VERY...

... and was moved in error as the OP was looking in vain for a story in his own private collection, as stated clearly, not one on here. More than that, the OP was looking for story ideas from the point of view of plot devices, equally clearly.

Did I mention it was moved very recently? And in error? And has anyone ever mentioned how well you chose your username?

Thanks for the back up but teensy matters like facts mean little to the sanctimonious preachers who will never accept being told they are in the wrong. As you say, the post was put up on SI, thence unjustifiably moved here, and Steelpoint was asking for plot device suggestions and only that, not for moralising sermons. It was certainly still on SI when I made my observation.

I hope I can encourage you to use a certain button, as I have already done. When faced with entrenched mulishness, it's about all you can do.
Thanks for the back up but teensy matters like facts mean little to the sanctimonious preachers who will never accept being told they are in the wrong. As you say, the post was put up on SI, thence unjustifiably moved here, and Steelpoint was asking for plot device suggestions and only that, not for moralising sermons. It was certainly still on SI when I made my observation.

I hope I can encourage you to use a certain button, as I have already done. When faced with entrenched mulishness, it's about all you can do.

Correct. It takes a particularly... shall we say: interesting? mindset for someone to read that I'd been looking for one of my own stories in my own email files - and then conclude that the thread had to be moved here, of all places. Totally bizarre. And don't worry - the moralising is only par for the course on Literotica and anyone with any longevity here gets used to it. The place is full of characters whose main aim is to impress others with displays of righteousness. Presumably they're hoping to get inside somebody's knickers...
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I disagree with both of you. This story could absolutely pass on Lit. A character can rape as much as he wants and as long as his victims enjoy it, Lit will let it fly.
Granted, I think that sounds like a HORRIBLE story idea (and I write mostly non/dub-con). But my own tastes not-withstanding, the story would pass, as long as his victims enjoyed it... And the OP never suggested that they wouldn't.
I agree it could pass. Disagree they have to enjoy it

I mean, first, there is nothing in the OP post that says they enjoy it, this is a pure rape fantasy.

And damn straight he would have a good chance of getting it through because the NC rule here is a goddamn joke.

Hi, we don't allow non consensual material, now please read out non consent category.

People here, and the site itself need to stop acting like there's a form of ethics here and just own the fact they are fine with this material and leave it at that.

It would be easier to allow fictional rape fantasies than to say you don't, post them anyway and lead to arguments like this.

Going further, take reluctance out of "NC/R because those are two different kinks and many people don't bother trying to find one or the other because they have to read just to know which it is, so the category loses potential traffic for being a minefield

Take reluctance out, replace it with Mind Control which is pure rape(and why I-and anyone with a brain knows this site thinks its cute with its we don't allow NC rule) and now you have two rape cats together "NC/MC and reluctance is now by itself.

Or they can keep sitting there talking out of both sides of their mouth and watching the forum debate this to infinity and beyond.
And damn straight he would have a good chance of getting it through because the NC rule here is a goddamn joke.
Okay this is a discussion that we have over and over, but I'll bite.

Any line that the site draws has to be at least somewhat arbitrary. They draw the line at "the victim must enjoy themselves," and I think that's a fine place to draw it.

It's arbitrary, yes; and a lot slips through, but it keeps out the worst offenders. If there was no rule, then more violent, unpleasant NC/R would arrive... content which you, I, and Laurel would hate. Why would you argue for the banishment of the existing rule? I mean we keep having this argument, but what does this argument hurt?

You say that NC/R belongs in two separate categories. I completely disagree with you on that one. Why? Take my story Women's World. In it, a pushy older girl takes the virginity of a naive, younger boy (they're both 18+)

Several people have told me that the story reads like Resistance. Because Blake never physically tries to stop Erica, they say that it isn't NC.

I disagree. He tells her to stop, openly and clearly, yet she continues. That's NC.

He says "No," and she ignores him. That's NC imo.

But a lot of readers want to read stories like that, but not violent rape fantasies. So with the story being in NC/R, we all agree that the story belongs in that category, and we don't have to argue about where the story goes.
The hunt is over. I've given up looking for it and have written it out again from memory with a few changes. My thanks to those who actually addressed the issue requested, which was a fairly minor part of the story in fact.

You can all sleep safely in your beds...
The hunt is over. I've given up looking for it and have written it out again from memory with a few changes. My thanks to those who actually addressed the issue requested, which was a fairly minor part of the story in fact.

You can all sleep safely in your beds...
Just out of curiosity, what item did you decide to use?