An Apology


Oct 20, 2002
Sometimes I am a tornado in my own house.

Some have stated my posts were motivated by egotistical pride. That is true only on the surface. The real driving force behind my irrational postings in the last few days was fear, pure and simple. I should be able to see this myself as it is happening but sometimes it feels like something has grabbed a hold of me and I just can't let go. This is not the first time this has happened in regards to my poetry. I think that poetry is an outlet for me to reveal deeply personal thoughts and feelings. When I let them out into the public I am like an animal in the corner ready to spring. I need to learn to deal with this. I definitely did not do a good job this time.

A public outburst demands a public apology. I apologize to anyone who was offended by my posts. And in particular, I say that I am sorry to TwelveOne for the childish name calling and gauntlet throwing. It was completely out of line on my part. I also apologize to Bronzeage and Chipbutty for my rudeness to both of them. Looking back you were both trying to be helpful but in my frenzy I could just not see it.

I am learning about life but sometimes the lessons are hard to absorb.
accepted on my part, it is no big deal
now Mythos was sent over as a bait, thinking the one that turned yours down just may be a jackass i'm looking for. It was coded.
no problems here, koba. apology accepted and my own offered in return.

clean slate, yes?

just to let you know i always try to comment fairly, and critique the writing rather than the author, and that is how i shall continue to function here - as and when i get here :)
Sometimes I am a tornado in my own house.

Work with this Koba, an excellant first line to elaborate on your frustration...
and meat for hungery poets
we all get crazy