Amicus Ponders...


Literotica Guru
Sep 28, 2003
In a half an hour or so, I will experience my 73rd birthday, born in 1939, when world war rwo began in Europe and the Japanese were invading China. Through no effort of my own, I was born into the 'Great Generation'' that survived the 1929 stock market crash, the great depression and t he travails of war, although it is also called the 'silent generation', maybe like the 'silent majority' of the 60's and after.

My Threads and commentary almost always generate interest and participation, even on the now defunct Author's Hangout which is dead as a doornail and sinking fast.

I talked with my oldest son tonight, whom I will visit with on themorrow,on the Oregon coast with hhs wife and two children. He is 'Generation X' he informed me,not of the Millenium crowd, and he seemed proud of that.

In another Thread, I offered a link that stated only 21 percent of Milleniums chose to marry. I asked my son, being a hell of a lot closer to them than I, how the other eighty percent that didn't marry survived.

Drugs,welfare, gamers, single moms on welfare, food stamps, boys or men in and out her section 8 house as she sons words...not mine...

I am in a no man'sland here; the Christian Right with the Ten Commandments, the Progressive Left, with noCommandments, and me in the middle, pretty much all by myself with an objective, non god, non subjective, absolute moral and ethical system.

Been that way since the 60's,yoiu don'tr change, I don't change.

I have a formula of sorts, that indicates when the collapse will occur; when the Transofrmation of America fron an Idependent Republic to a Social Democracy. It is quite close in my estimations and might well be with a feminine whimper, not a large male bang.

I am doing a series of the 'Amicus Files' on Youtube and my website, that will document the downfall and offer explanations of why it happened.

The Election in November is only marginally important; an immediate collapse if the incumbent wins, a long drawn out affair if not, but the Matrix is fixed andcannot be changed. The Lights will go out.

Well..there it is on the computer, 12.00: 8/5/12 -8/5/39

Amicus..."but when I dream....I dream of you..."
In a half an hour or so, I will experience my 73rd birthday, born in 1939, when world war rwo began in Europe and the Japanese were invading China. Through no effort of my own, I was born into the 'Great Generation'' that survived the 1929 stock market crash, the great depression and t he travails of war, although it is also called the 'silent generation', maybe like the 'silent majority' of the 60's and after.

My Threads and commentary almost always generate interest and participation, even on the now defunct Author's Hangout which is dead as a doornail and sinking fast.

I talked with my oldest son tonight, whom I will visit with on themorrow,on the Oregon coast with hhs wife and two children. He is 'Generation X' he informed me,not of the Millenium crowd, and he seemed proud of that.

In another Thread, I offered a link that stated only 21 percent of Milleniums chose to marry. I asked my son, being a hell of a lot closer to them than I, how the other eighty percent that didn't marry survived.

Drugs,welfare, gamers, single moms on welfare, food stamps, boys or men in and out her section 8 house as she sons words...not mine...

I am in a no man'sland here; the Christian Right with the Ten Commandments, the Progressive Left, with noCommandments, and me in the middle, pretty much all by myself with an objective, non god, non subjective, absolute moral and ethical system.

Been that way since the 60's,yoiu don'tr change, I don't change.

I have a formula of sorts, that indicates when the collapse will occur; when the Transofrmation of America fron an Idependent Republic to a Social Democracy. It is quite close in my estimations and might well be with a feminine whimper, not a large male bang.

I am doing a series of the 'Amicus Files' on Youtube and my website, that will document the downfall and offer explanations of why it happened.

The Election in November is only marginally important; an immediate collapse if the incumbent wins, a long drawn out affair if not, but the Matrix is fixed andcannot be changed. The Lights will go out.

Well..there it is on the computer, 12.00: 8/5/12 -8/5/39

Amicus..."but when I dream....I dream of you..."


And that's all I got to say about that.

Exactly what I expected.

So true to form you fucking democrats

Amicus, a radical for a free maket and a free people.

I hope some Commissar toasts your testicles for lunch
Happy Birthday Amicus!

These guys on here wanna stay attached to the Cosmic Tit forever.
Amicus, you're not smart enough to ponder. You're articulate sure but you're an absolute fool with no true morals or at least nothing that can be called functioning morality. The world won't miss your kind.
Amicus, you're not smart enough to ponder. You're articulate sure but you're an absolute fool with no true morals or at least nothing that can be called functioning morality. The world won't miss your kind.

No. Amicus posts stimulating and provocative material while 95% of the others post acrimonious blabber like yours. I cant imagine ROB or MERC with a thesis.
Happy Birthday, comrade drama queen.
No. Amicus posts stimulating and provocative material while 95% of the others post acrimonious blabber like yours. I cant imagine ROB or MERC with a thesis.
Any clump of organic material can poop out a thesis. Not everyone smears it all over the walls and insist it can't possibly stink.
Any clump of organic material can poop out a thesis. Not everyone smears it all over the walls and insist it can't possibly stink.

LIAR? Youve always been the soloist in the Usual Suspect Choir.
Still stuck on that retarded meme, eh?
We're all victims now...

The feminine whimper:

At first we will have to accept restrictions on certain consumer choices and products in exchange for letting the government take care of our personal well-being. Then come restrictions on speech and activities: a price for maintaining the national well-being. Eventually all dissent is suppressed and criminalized, as the media falls under the government control, young people are indoctrinated in the "new ways," businesses pay enormous taxes, more and more families descend into misery and live off government subsidies, the economy crumbles, and shortages create long lines at the supermarket.

The leaders shift the blame to "enemies of the people,*" saying that this country would have been a dreamland if it weren't for a few greedy reactionaries. With no one left to object, desperate citizens succumb to the hatred and accept the idea that eliminating the few is a fair price to pay for improving the lives of the many. Then they accept the idea that eliminating an entire class of people is a small price to pay. But despite all the bloodletting, the promised collectivist paradise never arrives and the misery only increases. By now the demoralized, destitute masses are fully separated from the ruling elites by an impenetrable wall of privilege.

The ultimate price -- the relentless sacrifice of millions of people: their work, careers, ambitions, property, and lives -- has been paid to reach an unattainable economic mirage, a phantom concocted in the feverish minds of a few maniacs obsessed with class envy.
From: Economic Inequality is a Small Price to Pay for Staying Human
Oleg Atbashian, The American Thinker

Read more:

* The Tea Party, Howard Roark, Hank Reardon, SARAH AND the MICHELLEs...
As usual, Amicus' history is slightly skewed.

Japan invaded China in 1937, not 1939, and the two countries had been fighting intermittently before then.

But - who cares. Happy Birthday!
As usual, Amicus' history is slightly skewed.

Japan invaded China in 1937, not 1939, and the two countries had been fighting intermittently before then.

But - who cares. Happy Birthday!

He also includes himself in Brokaw's "Greatest Generation" as if being at the tit when that generation went to war was a great accomplishment.

Amicus - "I was breast fed thereby saving gallons of milk for our fighting men!"
August 5, 2012
The Progressive Left's Secular Theocracy

By Jonathan Wakefield
I'm a Christian and a Tea Partier. Obviously I want to overthrow America's constitutional government and replace it with an oppressive theocracy.

Or so the progressive left tells me.

I encounter this accusation often, as wild-eyed MSNBC anchors shout it toward their cameras, increasingly silly columnists write it in the New York Times, and my own acquaintances say it in our political conversations. I don't know if these people actually believe their rhetoric or if they're simply trying to scare others away from all things Tea Party and religious. I suspect that it's a combination of both. Regardless, I can't help but chuckle at the irony my friends on the left are simply too partisan (devout?) to notice.

The Tea Party is a small-government movement that supports freedom of religion, not the establishment of one. I -- and many Christians like me -- believe in the maximum freedom possible under the minimum government required to protect us and our property. This type of system bears no resemblance to a theocracy, which is based on strict and specific religious code. It is God's -- not government's -- role to teach us right and wrong and our role to live by His standards. This is best done in a free society without government intervention wherever possible.

Now -- what type of system does the left support, especially those most vocal against the supposed theocratic Tea Partiers?

Massive, centralized command-and-control, of course.

In a town hall meeting in 2010, Representative Pete Stark (D-CA) said that the federal government "can do most anything in this country." In other words, it is Almighty.

This basic view of government -- that it should wield unlimited power over every aspect of its citizens' lives -- is the opposite of the Founders' intention for We the People to largely self-govern as free individuals. But the left brazenly advances the Almighty version instead, wanting and expecting government to address all societal ills (both real and imagined), acting as America's Provider, Comforter, Father, Hope, Foundation, Great Physician, Owner of All Things, Judge, One and Only Savior, and Ruler, who is the Beginning of All Wisdom and Worthy of All Praise.

Does anything strike you about that list of attributes? Might they be used to describe someone else -- such as the actual Almighty?

So while the Tea Party advances small-government principles, wanting to leave citizens free to make their own decisions and reap the benefits or suffer the consequences accordingly, the left pursues a system of big-government command and control. They then turn around and accuse the small-government Christian Tea Partiers of attempting to impose a theocracy in America, when it is the left's plan that is often indistinguishable from theocratic rule.

Furthermore, though many of them are secularists, they serve their plan with a religious fervor that surpasses that of Pat Robertson. They are 100% faithful to their big-government doctrine and committed to silencing all heretics -- pointing their fingers at their political opposition, condemning them as evil. In my latest book, Saving America, I call these fanatical statists "Big-Government Disciples" and argue that they are erecting a kind of secular theocracy in which government is god, ascribing to it all the attributes listed above that typically are used to describe the True God.

So what happens if the Big-Government Disciples ultimately get their way? What does it mean for the rest of society if the government succeeds in a taking over of every aspect of our lives and fully controlling, for example, the distribution of health care and energy (a goal that is dangerously close to being met)?

Easy: we become their servants.

Freedom of choice, thought, and expression will vanish completely. We will all be forced to worship at the altar of their secular theocracy, serving it in the manner it commands -- or suffer its wrath. The only people this benefits are the elitists who hold the reins of power, making the rules for the rest of us (which they themselves will never follow).
Jonathan Wakefield

If you ask your government to treat someone "fairly," the only way it can ever accomplish that task is to treat someone "unfairly."
A_J, the Stupid

When your philosophy of government is based on groups, you must remember that your group can be a favored or disfavored group with equal ease and that neither status is ever permanent any more than the favors government solemnly promised to purchase your group loyalty.
A_J, the Stupid

When the government gets powerful enough to fight over, the people will fight over it, and to the victors go the spoils, thus setting up the next fight (Until they reach the point when the internecine struggling has left them too weak, to divided, and too economically poor to oppose the ruling Oligarchy).
A_J, the Stupid

The more distant and powerful your government, the more likely it is to be dominated and controlled by just a very small group of people.
A_J, the Stupid

The more government does on your behalf, the less you can do on your own behalf.
A_J, the Stupid

The more government is asked to do on your behalf, the less it can actually get accomplished.
A_J, the Stupid
More like derision and stone throwing.

Speaking of stoning...

Republican Congressman Trent Franks (AZ-02) has posted a revealing YouTube segment of his questioning of Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights Thomas Perez in the House of Representatives on July 26, 2012. Franks repeatedly asked Perez whether the Obama administration's Department of Justice "will never entertain or advance a proposal that criminalizes speech against any religion." Rather than expressing a clear opposition to any such proposal contravening the free speech principles enshrined in the American Constitution's First Amendment, Perez continually asked for contextual clarification of the question and specific examples of policy proposals that he could "actively review."

Read more:
We're all victims now...

"Now"? Perhaps, but people like you have been playin' teh victim card their entire life.

Why do you continually act as an infatuated teenager whose reason is clouded by a love-hate relationship with that which he admires and desires?

Psychological projection much?

He also includes himself in Brokaw's "Greatest Generation" as if being at the tit when that generation went to war was a great accomplishment.

Amicus - "I was breast fed until age 10 thereby saving gallons of milk for our fighting men!"


Ummmm...not so much.

Miles, your five year championship run in starting train-wreck threads is in serious jeopardy this year. Amicus is giving you a challenge the likes of which you haven't seen in a long, long time. Better step up your game.

....and oh yeah, Happy Birthday Amicus!