Americans Against Violence Act


Jun 23, 2008
If you were able to create federal legislation aimed at reducing the levels of violence in American society what would it look like?
If you were able to create federal legislation aimed at reducing the levels of violence in American society what would it look like?


minus the mandatory part. freedom of choice is pretty damn nice.
I would copy Switzerland.

Each such individual is required to keep his army-issued personal weapon (the 5.56x45mm Sig 550 rifle for enlisted personnel and/or the 9mm SIG-Sauer P220 semi-automatic pistol for officers, military police, medical and postal personnel) at home.
(section 1)
Repeal of 2nd, 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th amendments.

(section 2)

The private ownership of weapons (see definition) is hereby prohibited. All weapons must be surrendered to the government collection offices within 30 days of enactment.

2.1. 30 days after enactment of this provision, possession of a weapon hall be a class 1 felony.

2.2. weapon is defined as: Explosives, black powder, firearms, air powered arms, bows, crossbows, missiles, nuclear bombs, peashooters, knives with a sharpened edge, knives with a serrated edge, knives over 6 inches long, knives with an unblunted point, swords, axes, weighted saps, and any other object designed for any military or combat purpose going back to the beginning of time.
Mandatory for acting like an asshole?

Like people stuck in traffic?

you may only drive in a hot box...

the very thought is a bit frightening.

I would copy Switzerland.

Each such individual is required to keep his army-issued personal weapon (the 5.56x45mm Sig 550 rifle for enlisted personnel and/or the 9mm SIG-Sauer P220 semi-automatic pistol for officers, military police, medical and postal personnel) at home.

yet the swiss still have gun violence.

(section 1)
Repeal of 2nd, 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th amendments.

(section 2)

The private ownership of weapons (see definition) is hereby prohibited. All weapons must be surrendered to the government collection offices within 30 days of enactment.

2.1. 30 days after enactment of this provision, possession of a weapon hall be a class 1 felony.

2.2. weapon is defined as: Explosives, black powder, firearms, air powered arms, bows, crossbows, missiles, nuclear bombs, peashooters, knives with a sharpened edge, knives with a serrated edge, knives over 6 inches long, knives with an unblunted point, swords, axes, weighted saps, and any other object designed for any military or combat purpose going back to the beginning of time.

i hear perg screaming from here. may i keep my machete and big chopping knife?

i feel like singing songs to west side story. i can't remember which one, but they're all in unison snapping and singing softly. then the switchblade comes out, and the rumble ensues.

so we add pot and limit the tools of violence, but what about the societal want for blood and gore?
you may only drive in a hot box...the very thought is a bit frightening.

yet the swiss still have gun violence. i hear perg screaming from here. may i keep my machete and big chopping knife? i feel like singing songs to west side story. i can't remember which one, but they're all in unison snapping and singing softly. then the switchblade comes out, and the rumble ensues.

so we add pot and limit the tools of violence, but what about the societal want for blood and gore?

You think you can legislate human greed, envy and hatred?

I only wrote what I wrote because you are "anti-gun" and believe that limiting the means will somehow limit the violence.

Were I to have the ability, I'd legalize all drugs (treating the harder ones as spirits and selling only with ID). I'd legalise gambling and prostitution (with appropriate taxation and medical regulation).

Those three things would crush gang and organized crime and about 75% of the violence would stop immediately.
Take violent criminals, and lock them in an abandoned city, fully wired with microphones and TV cameras.

Then make them fight for their very survival on primetime TV. The winner gets a full pardon from the warden.

That would be awesome...
If you were able to create federal legislation aimed at reducing the levels of violence in American society what would it look like?

I've stated my position before, but once more:

1. The Responsible Gun Ownership Act - If you are involved in any crime...misdemeanor or felony...where a gun is present, automatic death penalty. Applies to age 14 and up. Murder, robbery, jaywalking with a gun. Death. Public broadcast of executions.
2. The Pink Handgun Act - all handguns must be painted pink or be subject to confiscation. You may need a handgun to feel important, bubba, but let's see how badass you look holding a pretty pink pistol.
3. The Libertarian Liberation Act - all registered members of the Libertarian party are denied any and all Social Security and Medicare benefits. Just for lulz.
Maybe if our leadership showed us the way to avoid violence is to talk to the assholes and not bomb everyone that has a different opinion than they do?

Maybe if Congress would act when a President thinks he can lie and go start wars and shit, then people would have a positive role model?
Take violent criminals, and lock them in an abandoned city, fully wired with microphones and TV cameras.

Then make them fight for their very survival on primetime TV. The winner gets a full pardon from the warden.

That would be awesome...

Can't we just ship them to Australia in vermin infested Blackwall Frigates?
i doubt you could legislate it, but if you could find a way to stop people from being self centered twats that'd be fucking great.
More to the point, they don't have less of it than their less armed neighbors.

they have more per capita than the french.

The highest rate of gun violence in Europe. Funny, that.

quite. still, it's miles from the US.

You think you can legislate human greed, envy and hatred?

I only wrote what I wrote because you are "anti-gun" and believe that limiting the means will somehow limit the violence.

Were I to have the ability, I'd legalize all drugs (treating the harder ones as spirits and selling only with ID). I'd legalise gambling and prostitution (with appropriate taxation and medical regulation).

Those three things would crush gang and organized crime and about 75% of the violence would stop immediately.

i have no idea if it could be legislated or not, but i like to dream big and see where it leads. the reason i started the thread was to focus on more than just the gun problem. quite a few debates already working on that one. i wanted to get a larger picture going.

your suggestions seem to be working rather well for the dutch. would the government get to monopolize gambling in order to help pay for social programs as well?

Take violent criminals, and lock them in an abandoned city, fully wired with microphones and TV cameras.

Then make them fight for their very survival on primetime TV. The winner gets a full pardon from the warden.

That would be awesome...

that just sounds sick.

Scopolamine in the tap water.

another mass drugging.

I've stated my position before, but once more:

1. The Responsible Gun Ownership Act - If you are involved in any crime...misdemeanor or felony...where a gun is present, automatic death penalty. Applies to age 14 and up. Murder, robbery, jaywalking with a gun. Death. Public broadcast of executions.
2. The Pink Handgun Act - all handguns must be painted pink or be subject to confiscation. You may need a handgun to feel important, bubba, but let's see how badass you look holding a pretty pink pistol.
3. The Libertarian Liberation Act - all registered members of the Libertarian party are denied any and all Social Security and Medicare benefits. Just for lulz.

death, pink and denial. okay.

Maybe if our leadership showed us the way to avoid violence is to talk to the assholes and not bomb everyone that has a different opinion than they do?

Maybe if Congress would act when a President thinks he can lie and go start wars and shit, then people would have a positive role model?

who is the most recent public positive role model you can think of?

outlaw clothes. Nobody wants to fight when they're naked. Unless they're in prison.

i've always preferred some violence with my sex.

who is the most recent public positive role model you can think of?

Dennis Kusinich. He was one of the few (only?) who actively called bullshit on Congress and the W. But he was boring, so the LSM ignored his opinion.

Matt Taibbi, Glen Greenwald. Just off the top of my head.