Contrary to sailors and public opinion, women in foreign countries are by in large, very conservative. In most cultures, women live at home until they marry and are not sexually experienced.
Story Iline" How about a wife from abroad marrying an American. Start with her old world values, discuss the conflicts with :new" American values, and amplify the situation with her new husband wanting her to be more "western", ie.dressing sexy in public or on the beach, take nake photographs, model for other photographers, go to a nude beach, swing or cuckold him.
This could be like a Pygmalion situation. How much is she willing to learn, change, develop and what pace will the hubby guide? Will the Hubby like who she has become? Will they develop together.
Lots of true stories out there already but we never know what goes on behind closed doors.
Story Iline" How about a wife from abroad marrying an American. Start with her old world values, discuss the conflicts with :new" American values, and amplify the situation with her new husband wanting her to be more "western", ie.dressing sexy in public or on the beach, take nake photographs, model for other photographers, go to a nude beach, swing or cuckold him.
This could be like a Pygmalion situation. How much is she willing to learn, change, develop and what pace will the hubby guide? Will the Hubby like who she has become? Will they develop together.
Lots of true stories out there already but we never know what goes on behind closed doors.