America has a revenue problem. Blame George W. Bush and Donald Trump.

Silly article. It’s a spending problem.

Federal tax receipts as a % of GDP have been averaging around 17% since the 1960s. They were 17.96% of GDP in 1960, 18.09% in 1980, 17.3% in 1990, 19.75% in 2000, 14.37% in 2010 (crash of 2008), and 16.04% in 2020. It was 19% in 2022.

Federal outlays as a percentage of GDP were 16.99% in 1960, 18.22% in 1970, 20.68 in 1980, 21% in 1990, 17.45% in 2000, 22.97% in 2010, and 30.73% in 2020. It was around 25% in 2022.

Federal Receipts as Percent of Gross Domestic Product (FYFRGDA188S) | FRED | St. Louis Fed

Federal Net Outlays as Percent of Gross Domestic Product (FYONGDA188S) | FRED | St. Louis Fed
Repeating that its a spending problem not a revenue problem doesn't make it true. The reality is that we aren't cutting Social Security or Medicare for good reason. I wouldn't cry if we cut the military but lets face it the Right would never allow it and beyond that its the only jobs program the Right can support. Its despicable but there it is heaven forbid we train kids to be mechanics, electricians, plumbers etc, etc because socialism but I play the hand I'm dealt not the hand I wish I was dealt.
Silly article. It’s a spending problem.

Federal tax receipts as a % of GDP have been averaging around 17% since the 1960s. They were 17.96% of GDP in 1960, 18.09% in 1980, 17.3% in 1990, 19.75% in 2000, 14.37% in 2010 (crash of 2008), and 16.04% in 2020. It was 19% in 2022.

Federal outlays as a percentage of GDP were 16.99% in 1960, 18.22% in 1970, 20.68 in 1980, 21% in 1990, 17.45% in 2000, 22.97% in 2010, and 30.73% in 2020. It was around 25% in 2022.

Federal Receipts as Percent of Gross Domestic Product (FYFRGDA188S) | FRED | St. Louis Fed

Federal Net Outlays as Percent of Gross Domestic Product (FYONGDA188S) | FRED | St. Louis Fed
R U trying to tell us we have a spending problem o_O

I wonder if spending 600 billion on interest affects discretionary spending.
LOL it's not a spending issue and it's not a tax issue. It is a "cash flow issue". Period end of story. You are spending more than you are taking in. There are only three options. Spend less, Increase revenue, or a combination of the two. In the mean time the problem grows since you are borrowing to make up the difference.
I suppose the dems deliberately over blowing Covid to crush an economy to win an election has no bearing on current situations
Just like them spending billions to pay people to stay home even after the vaccine was available led to labor shortages and a myriad of other issues including many dead beats still haven't gone back to work and businesses-especially the medical field-are badly understaffed and going out of business.

But none of that is ever an issue to the left wing parrots.
I have a question about Donald Trump—

If Democrats were able to “overblow COVID to crush the economy” despite Trump being President and overseeing the entire public health system—

If Democrats were able to “rig” the 2020 election despite Trump being President and overseeing the DOJ & FBI—

Then what would even be the point of re-electing him? Wouldn’t you have to believe that Trump was extremely ineffectual, with so little control over his own subordinates that they sabotaged his presidency? Wouldn’t he be the last person you’d want to re-nominate, if that’s the case?
I have a question about Donald Trump—

If Democrats were able to “overblow COVID to crush the economy” despite Trump being President and overseeing the entire public health system—

If Democrats were able to “rig” the 2020 election despite Trump being President and overseeing the DOJ & FBI—

Then what would even be the point of re-electing him? Wouldn’t you have to believe that Trump was extremely ineffectual, with so little control over his own subordinates that they sabotaged his presidency? Wouldn’t he be the last person you’d want to re-nominate, if that’s the case?
Shhhhhhhhh you're ruining his fantasy....
It turns out that cutting taxes for billionaires is inflationary - if you look at the cost of buying a private island in the Caribbean.
The sound alternative is to restore the steeply progressive taxation that prevailed during the 1950's, the 1960's, and the 1970's.
Yeah. That religion was rife with indulgences.

It made the little people happy and the rich people even richer, especially politicians and lobby groups.

Taxation should be blind to be equal and have everyone pay a transparent fair share.
Silly article. It’s a spending problem.

Federal tax receipts as a % of GDP have been averaging around 17% since the 1960s. They were 17.96% of GDP in 1960, 18.09% in 1980, 17.3% in 1990, 19.75% in 2000, 14.37% in 2010 (crash of 2008), and 16.04% in 2020. It was 19% in 2022.

Federal outlays as a percentage of GDP were 16.99% in 1960, 18.22% in 1970, 20.68 in 1980, 21% in 1990, 17.45% in 2000, 22.97% in 2010, and 30.73% in 2020. It was around 25% in 2022.

Federal Receipts as Percent of Gross Domestic Product (FYFRGDA188S) | FRED | St. Louis Fed

Federal Net Outlays as Percent of Gross Domestic Product (FYONGDA188S) | FRED | St. Louis Fed
So the big tax cuts had a big impact on it. Got it. Thanks.
We do not have a fucking revenue problem.

Nations in Africa and South and Central America have revenue problems.

We have a spending problem because our politicians know, our votes can be purchased.

This happens when values and principles are replaced by moral relativism and Jack can use Jill's bathroom...

PS – Have I forgotten to mention that Adrina is a bit of a dim bulb?
^^ Compares US economy to second and third world shit holes but thinks I'm the dim bulb.
We do not have a fucking revenue problem.

Nations in Africa and South and Central America have revenue problems.

We have a spending problem because our politicians know, our votes can be purchased.

This happens when values and principles are replaced by moral relativism and Jack can use Jill's bathroom...

PS – Have I forgotten to mention that Adrina is a bit of a dim bulb?

No we have a revenue problem. Our politicians are supposed to be buying our votes. Whoever decided to say that was a bad thing was just out to hurt the poor and middle class. I want better schools, I want the potholes fixed. I want god paying jobs move back to the US (which for the first time in my life is happening but not fast enough) I want us to go as green as we can manage. I could go on and on but yes my votes are for sale. Ask what I want and if you give it to me I vote for you again or whomever you endorse. You have proven yourself trustworthy. If you don't I move on to the next guy at least in the primary.

None of this has to do with bathrooms. Nothing about bathrooms is at all an issue FFS.

Yeah. That religion was rife with indulgences.

It made the little people happy and the rich people even richer, especially politicians and lobby groups.

Taxation should be blind to be equal and have everyone pay a transparent fair share. is a bad organization but lets see what the numbers show next year. We know that as of July (so the number is almost definitely higher now) 38 million from just 117 high income individuals. 38 million is a drop in the bucket in the grand scheme of things but that's just in recent years. Imagine how much we've probably lost since 2000 and that's before the irresponsible Bush/Obama tax cuts and Trump's tax cuts that cut revenue.
^^ Compares US economy to second and third world shit holes but thinks I'm the dim bulb.

Wow, no need to channel Trump when describing people who don't look like they'll burst into flames if they go out during the day!
Wow, no need to channel Trump when describing people who don't look like they'll burst into flames if they go out during the day!
I was being tongue in cheek and using the term pointedly.

The reality is the poster is a shill for Trump and for billionaires at the expense of America.

America has a revenue problem. Blame George W. Bush and Donald Trump.​

Even though the national debt is rising, spending can’t be blamed.

View attachment 2283901
Where your info came from, I don’t Will give you correct numbers.
Lower taxes , leave more money in people’s pockets. More pocket money , more to spend and guess what? More tax revenue.
Where your info came from, I don’t Will give you correct numbers.
Lower taxes , leave more money in people’s pockets. More pocket money , more to spend and guess what? More tax revenue.

Yeah this is a great example of the misunderstanding that massive tax cuts for the rich and jack shit tax cuts (and in some cases tax increases) for the middle and lower classes are good for the economy.

Hint: hoarding wealth at the top is not good for the economy or the country.
a myriad of other issues including many dead beats still haven't gone back to work and businesses-especially the medical field-are badly understaffed and going out of business

We’ve debunked your misinformation about “dead beats” before, but we can do it again if necessary.

The labor force participation rate for 16 to 19 year olds has steadily risen since 2010.

The labor force participation rate for 20 to 24 year olds is likewise rising.

The labor force participation rate for 25 to 54 year olds is near an all-time high.

The obvious truth: there is no “dead beat” problem. People are working.
Where your info came from, I don’t Will give you correct numbers.
Lower taxes , leave more money in people’s pockets. More pocket money , more to spend and guess what? More tax revenue.

This doesn't actually happen in real life. More money in people's pockets doesn't mean more money to spend. IT means more money to sit on. Less money in people's pockets forces them to spend.
You’ve expressed your views about how taxation should be distributed among income groups and made it clear you don’t think the US tax code isn’t as progressive as you’d like. Different question for you:

At an aggregate level, what percentage of the national income do you feel would be the right amount for the federal government to collect?
You’ve expressed your views about how taxation should be distributed among income groups and made it clear you don’t think the US tax code isn’t as progressive as you’d like. Different question for you:

At an aggregate level, what percentage of the national income do you feel would be the right amount for the federal government to collect?
The question is wrongly put. I want the rich to pay high taxes, like most Americans do, in order to pay for domestic domestic spending programs that most Americans desire.

If the Democrat Party advocated that, Democrat politicians would not need to worry about the results of the next election.