Am I invisible...


Apr 20, 2013
So not to sound to much like a whining self absorbed child, but I try and talk to women on this site and it seems like NONE of them want anything to do with me... I swear I'm not boring. Plus how are any of us men supposed to get more skillful with our sexual imagination if no one is willing to even give us a crack at bat?

I find myself trying to not come across cheep or sleezy or a stalker, unless you're into that sort of thing... Wink... But all joking aside I see countless women on here that I would love to have a chat with but won't even give me the time of day. I mean shit I experience that enough on a daily basis in real life, so I have to accept the fact and get it here... Where all of us are here to have a good time, chat some, and explore a sexual side of the human mind through word and maybe more... I call bull shit on that!

So I guess I'll get off the soapbox now an go sit in a corner and keep trying... And keep failing until I just give up, I dunno. Good luck men, it must be a dog eat dog world out there even on lit.
So not to sound to much like a whining self absorbed child, but I try and talk to women on this site and it seems like NONE of them want anything to do with me... I swear I'm not boring. Plus how are any of us men supposed to get more skillful with our sexual imagination if no one is willing to even give us a crack at bat?

I find myself trying to not come across cheep or sleezy or a stalker, unless you're into that sort of thing... Wink... But all joking aside I see countless women on here that I would love to have a chat with but won't even give me the time of day. I mean shit I experience that enough on a daily basis in real life, so I have to accept the fact and get it here... Where all of us are here to have a good time, chat some, and explore a sexual side of the human mind through word and maybe more... I call bull shit on that!

So I guess I'll get off the soapbox now an go sit in a corner and keep trying... And keep failing until I just give up, I dunno. Good luck men, it must be a dog eat dog world out there even on lit.


You have ten have not even tried.
So posting threads is what needs to happen for me to get noticed? Cause I'm even at a loss when it comes to PM's.
So posting threads is what needs to happen for me to get noticed? Cause I'm even at a loss when it comes to PM's.

yup, post in threads, let people know who yo ua re and the rest pretty muchm if you're a decent enough guy, will fall into place :)

At the moment you've been here since April and have posted ten times. To most of the people here worth getting to know.............. that just screams creepy PMer
So posting threads is what needs to happen for me to get noticed? Cause I'm even at a loss when it comes to PM's.

Yes, just jump into the more playful threads on the Playground and be patient.

Just do what you would in the "real world" flirt, be friendly, get to know and be known.

So far that might be the most honest thing I've heard. So far I'm appreciating the feed back. Good info.
What most have suggested. Get into the other threads, then you get to see what others are like, what they like. Seeing a poster with so few posts could be a little off putting I think. And when you do pm, be creative? Answer the personal in a way that perhaps doesn't make you look a total perv....and yes I appreciate the irony of that statement. You wouldn't go into a bar and just walk up to some and say "let's f*ck". And don't take rejection too hard, it might just be that the person you are pm-ing has found someone who they want to chat to before they saw your pm, or they may have their quota filled (oo-er) or they may just have fallen asleep still logged in.

Some of that advice, all of it or none of it may work, everyone is different. Just my view on things.

Whatever happens, welcome to lit, good luck, have fun and be safe. :D

Cor, I almost sounded like an old hand there....
And for the love of God, stay off the General Board.

I don't want to have to go in there and get you when they start firing heavy artillery, okay? :cool:






And for the love of God, stay off the General Board.

I don't want to have to go in there and get you when they start firing heavy artillery, okay? :cool:







Hey, if he can make it on the GB, he can make it anywhere.

And if he goes, never, I repeat never, ask a serious question. It's like jumping into a shark tank with a gaping flesh wound.
And practice patience. The women here are outnumbered like 100:1 and it's overwhelming at times for us.
And practice patience. The women here are outnumbered like 100:1 and it's overwhelming at times for us.

Yes, it's very difficult being a women on this site. It's just one day after the next emptying their inbox. I'd guess it's torture (since I'm a guy and can't speak from first hand experience).
I even hesitate to post there and I run were angels fear to tread. :rolleyes:

is GB that bad? never been in, prefer playing on the other threads. intrigued now...


just been into a few. see what you mean. staying away. fair warning.
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All of u have made good solid points!

Talk all the advice and use what's usable for u!! Time is what u needto show who u are and make sure u fill out your BIO. It's the first thing most people look at when u PM someone next they will look at your history to see what you have responded to in threads or if u started any threads or posts. Speaking for myself it's the first things I look at.

So hopefully these suggestions will help u to enjoy literotica as much asi have ! I've been here 2 years. I stop by daily sometimes I post or start a thread. Or sometimes I just read stories. I love it! So have fun!!!

I'm soaking all of this in and I appreciate the amount of feedback. It has been very helpful. Funny thing, some of you posting on this I've PM'd before and maybe spooked off... So maybe if I keep it up I'll get noticed. So far the advice has been very uplifting. Thanks everyone!!!

My name is Cyren and yes , my voice fits the name. I have never seen you before now. If you want to talk, please check out my profile and give my inbox a ring.
your username is like "former guy".. if you've had a sex change operation then that's cool and sorry for bringing it up random, if not I'd suggest a new username.
your username is like "former guy".. if you've had a sex change operation then that's cool and sorry for bringing it up random, if not I'd suggest a new username.

Hon, I think its a hyphenated version of Transformer? He must like the movie
You ever notice in so called real life or online when you "need" a girl you can never find one to so much is give you a second glance?

This is because being "needy" is not sexy.

Do your thing whatever it is, and when you AREN'T chasing "it" it will find you.

As others have said post whatever comes to mind as you read threads and you will come to someone's attention...flirt in the open first.

Years ago, I bought my first house... filled with pride I attended the lawn carefully and planted a little mini orchard of dwarf peach trees. Supposed to prune them probably late January before they start to blossom but I was a little late one particular year after I got married and moved my bride and her little boy in.

As they were fully in bloom them I ended up with all these random gracefully curved branches with beautiful blossoms that seemed sort of a waste to just discard. I was scheduled later into work and she had gone in fairly early. On a whim I place them in a large, cheap vase, nd they tended to arrange themselves... on a further whim I found a ribbon for the vase and some pearls at work sitting around the house long strands of cheap plastic pearls left over from the wedding.

I was so pleased with myself that I decided to take it into work and put it on her desk.

She just beaming with pride as all the other women the place flocked her desk to find out what the occasion was in a course there wasn't one.

One of the few times I ever recall getting laid for doing something...

But it wasn't doing something that was the was that she had public aclnowlegement that she was treasured.

Now me- I'm old and have a policy of not starting something that I don't think realistically I intend to finish. So you'll notice that I tend to not take that advice and flirt openly the on the threads because after all I'm just one man I'd have to beat them off with a stick.

You, being a young man with more energy than sense I encourage you to take my advice.
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