Am I a psycho

Am I a psycho

  • Yes - fucking fruitcake. fucking nut. Even tulip is more sane

    Votes: 37 72.5%
  • No, you're normal..just misguided

    Votes: 13 25.5%
  • I have a camels scrotem to go and i'll say 'other'

    Votes: 1 2.0%

  • Total voters
Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! She fluffy stuffed Hanns. Indie, he has cooties ya know. fickle. How soon I was tossed aside in favor of sexy-girl. *sniff*
Hanns_Schmidt said:
I hate fluff and I also hate being stuffed

not that I have been

I'm pre-empting

Does anyone else hate sexy-girl like I do?

apart from her parents....any of you?

You love fluff, admit it. It's just warming the cockles of your heart knowing Indigo fluffy stuffs you.
Caps Crusader is much more
Psycho than you are

wow you now have another stalker

oh So Special

Don't you go and worry your litte Pumpkin Head about being the Bad Boy of the Boards

she will grow tired of you and soon cast you aside

like some used piece of tissue
Indigo.Rose said:
Yea, but his cooties sound great on the phone.


You've talked to him??

Is he as weird IRL as he is here? Enquiring minds want to know!
Hanns_Schmidt said:
Why won't anyone answer my fuckign Q?

Are you all this fucking weak?

"ooh I don't want to talk about other Lit folk incase I lose my popularity"

Who loathes sexy-girl and her inane tripe?

I like her. I wish she'd use punctuation once in a while, but even without that she manages to make sense 75% of the time - which is way more than me.
Hanns_Schmidt said:
Why won't anyone answer my fuckign Q?

Are you all this fucking weak?

"ooh I don't want to talk about other Lit folk incase I lose my popularity"

Who loathes sexy-girl and her inane tripe?

I answered your Psycho question

blah bla

How quickly his attention shifts to another woman. And I thought I was the troll-bait of his evening. Pardon me while I go sob into my pillow.
Hanns_Schmidt said:
but the content of her posts make my stomach fucking turn like a croc tearing bits of flesh off a wilderbeast

I want to hit her face
Then Don't read her fucking posts
Nahhhh, not a psycho, maybe a poor,misguided, needle-dicked, warrior-wanna-be. But not a psycho. That'd be mean.....

To the psychos.:cool:
Hanns, don't you love me anymore? It's the hair, isn't it?

Hanns_Schmidt said:
Why won't anyone answer my fuckign Q?

Are you all this fucking weak?

"ooh I don't want to talk about other Lit folk incase I lose my popularity"

Who loathes sexy-girl and her inane tripe?

Its okay...don't have an aneurism! I missed your question.

I don't really know her....she's never pissed me off. So...I guess I like her.

What pisses you off about her so much??
Hanns_Schmidt said:
Typical sexy-girl crap

n fairness to lavender she isn't saying anything different from you taking chances she said that a woman using a
strap on would never know what it was like to have a real penis but some would use it as a fantasy of what it
was like to have a real penis

you're basically just saying what lavender said unless you are saying a woman wouldn't be able to fantasize what
it was like to have a penis ?

by way i don't think the fantasy of having a penis is why a lot of women use strap on's some might but not all ...
women i think just like using sex toys they are fun and if you can get pleasure out of them then thats good

Well, Hun?

I sense this is fucking bugging you
so do you want to start another.....thread and get this unresolved conflict off your chest?