Alterations To Home and Head (Closed for Taranis for now)


Literotica Guru
Oct 20, 2004
My name is Matt and I’m a single 28 year old man who enjoys sex. I’m fucking horny 24/7. I don’t discriminate. I’ve been involved with both males and females; it’s the person that excites me, not whether they are male or female.

I’ve run my own contracting business for 3 years and have become fairly successful, specializing in residential work. I’m picky about the projects I take on. They need to speak to me. I need to feel as if I can add value to the end product before agreeing to do the work. Some view this as being a snob.

A friend of mine gave him my name and contact information without my knowledge so I was hesitant to meet with him. He’d recently purchased a bungalow and was looking for a contractor to renovate the home. My friend seems to think this was a perfect project for me. I was finishing up a kitchen remodel and the timing for adding another project was perfect.

I showed up for our first meeting in my typical meeting attire, jeans and polo shirt. He was dressed in a business suit. That alone gave me hope that he could afford the costs associated with the extensive home remodeling that he described. His house had good bones, one that piqued my interest. I could envision just how great this home could be, given some hard work, sweat, and collaborative design. He had definite thoughts on what he wanted. Some seemed far-fetched and perhaps not in keeping with the integrity of the home, but, he seemed flexible enough that I felt we could mutually work together and achieve his overall design intent.

During our first meeting, I noticed his eyes surveying me as if he was interested in more than a business agreement. He came across as nothing but straight with the exception of his roaming eyes. Perhaps he was surveying to determine if I had the physical capabilities to do the work.

Years of gymnastics and hard carpentry work kept my body in good shape. I would be the first to admit I tended to flaunt my physical attributes. My polo shirt hugged my well defined chest. The shirt tightly encased my strong upper arm muscles, the opening in my shirt revealing a wisp of brown chest hair. My jeans hung nicely on my hips, snug around my ass and accentuated the crotch area giving one the vision that I must be fairly well endowed. My take was that he seemed interested, even if only for his own private fantasies.

I would also admit to surveying what he had to offer. He definitely was my type. He stood taller than I and had more of a swimmers build. His body was well defined just not in the thick type of body shape. I envisioned that behind the pressed shirt and tie laid a smooth tight chest. He wore straight leg pants that accentuated a well-shaped bulge. It was difficult to determine much about his arms other than they were long. I typically shy away from hooking up with my clients, but this guy had something going for him that caught my attention. Granted, I had no idea of his sexuality and no idea if I even had a chance. Even though I was not ready to admit it, I knew that I wanted to work for this man.

He never talked down to me, never spoke as a businessman to tradesmen. Trust me; many people have treated me as a lowly tradesman. I know when someone respects my capabilities and this guy definitely respected my work. He admitted to viewing my company’s website project gallery and contacting several references before calling me. This guy was in effect, stalking me. I liked the feeling to be honest.

When he brought up the idea of him helping with the work on weekends we kind of hit a roadblock. We spent a good thirty minutes discussing the pros and cons before I finally agreed there was a possibility of working together. This is not typical for me; I guess his personality and body got the best of me.

We spent weeks sitting on his sofa, knee to knee, drinking beers and reviewing different design concepts. Eventually we came to terms with a design and a method for phasing the work. Tomorrow I was scheduled to begin. He agreed to be home early Monday morning to let me into his home and begin work before he headed to his office.