alogicality, logical games, logical noise as an artistic device

Senna Jawa

Literotica Guru
May 13, 2002
Many poems have puns and logical jokes. They get a he-he effect, hardly ever poetic. On the other hand subtle logical fooling, including discrete logical errors, can be refreshing like a few drops of alcohol in a fruit punch. There is a huge variety of such logical methods of making the text a bit more intereting, often without readers taking a notice. But it still works on them.

I was doing it often a time ago. Now it's behind me (possibly writing poems is behind me, period). Thus off hand I can't bring too many examoples. You are welcome to asupply yoyur own and we may discuss them, in the context of logic and poetry.

At this moment I remember the following poem because when I read poetry in front of an audience I prepare a few short poems which I read by heart, and only then I start reading from the sheets of paper in front of me.

  dreamy senselessness

                i'll wake you up
                and tell you a story
                then let you sleep

                when you wake up
                you'll let me know
                am i alive
                or just a dream

Wlodzimierz Holsztynski

This kind of illogicality appears also in the refrain of my a song of no bandwidth, in the words:

            lady loneliness
                never leave me alone

Well, you've got two examples to dwell on :)

(I might check for different types of playing with logic later).

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2 more examples

... are provided by the first two poems in the "suicide poems" thread.

Here are a few examples. Not sure if they're exactly what you're talking about.

Final Flight
Ones rooted to the earth,
climb branches that reach for the sky;

Gathering of Lovers
nights of hushed footsteps
that stomped down the hall
for the one left to wait.

Hard Man
how his hardness softened me,

Mad Woman of Pig Hollow
She's made her bread,
and baked her bed.
To logic, she pays no heed.

It was really Winter that June day.