Almost bizarre, almost fetish roleplay


Dec 13, 2012

I'm 37, male, from the UK. I was wondering whether any women would be interested in exploring some unusual, perhaps to the point of being bizarre, roleplay fantasies. I have a couple of things in mind myself, but would be open to suggestions too.

Here's some of the things that have been on my mind lately.
- stimulation to orgasm without the genital-genital, hand-genital or mouth-genital contact
- "uninterested" sex, where one partner or other isn't (outwardly) up for the act, but offers their body to the other person for the other's sexual gratification (an act of selfless affection, more than "forced" or "submissive")
- being caught, mid masturbation maybe, but carrying on regardless, not out of exhibitionism but because it just "had to go".

I know this isn't a very specific list, and there isn't any particular "theme" as such, but I'd like to hear from anyone to whom this might sound interesting, or who has equally bordering-on-the-bizarre ideas of their own!