Allow me to pry, please


Literotica Guru
Jan 14, 2000
I was wondering how many of us in here have met others from in here. Let me begin by saying that although I have chatted to one or two people via e-mail, I have never met anyone from this BB in the flesh. How about you, and if you have then what was it like? I know that I am prying, but it would only seem natural. If I didn't live so far away then I would definitely have made the effort by now.

How much will you tell?, I haven't....only in my dreams. I did go all the way to Toronto to meet someone I met on the internet. We might as well have met off here, all he wanted was sex....not that if I were to meet any of you that you would only want sex, or want it at all...oh fuck...I love you guys
no of course Sammy-Jo none of the guys on this BB would CONTEMPLATE meeting you with a view to having sex!
. Anyone would think your fun personality, great sense of humour, great tits, love of anal would make you attractive! ...???

It's funny that you ask this, Slut_Boy. I found out that someone from the BB lives about half an hour away. We've communicated by e-mail, helping each other with stories and sharing thoughts about sexuality, but haven't broached the subject of meeting.
[This message has been edited by whispersecret (edited 02-20-2000).]

[This message has been edited by whispersecret (edited 02-20-2000).]
By the sounds of it Slut_boy, there are quiet a few of us that keep in contact through Email but unfortunantly I live so far away to actually meet anyone. I would love to meet one particular person on this board but money is the main thing for me not making it. Maybe one day we WILL have that reunion that everyone wants.
Who could that be Nikki?

*Starts looking around completely and totally stumped*
NO You didn't figure that out did you?

And here I am thinking that no-one would figure it out

I'll just go back to my corner.
Slut_boy, I personal havn't meet anyone off this BB. But have meet someone from a chat room. and it was a weird experiance. I don't think I would try it again unless I had some other people with me. As far as I can tell the only person close to me is Ravenloft
Nah, S_B I haven't meet any of you guys'n girls from Literotica. But the thought is kinda exciting I must admit. No, I take that back. It's more than exciting. Should I ever get an invite from any of you guys, I would proberly do my best to find the money for a plane ticket and just go flying.
I too am very far away from the most of you. As far as I know, that is.
I think Crystal is the one who live the closest to me. Still have to go by plane though. Ah well, maybe one day we will have the reunion thing. That could be fun.

[This message has been edited by Xander (edited 02-21-2000).]
Yep there seems to be agrowing community from Europe on the BB. As far as I can tell there are Golden, Xander, English Bob, Sabrina, Me(!), Nicolas Travers and undoubtedly others. Personally though I would have to say that I'd rather keep relationships electronic if you know what I mean...

If I had the money, I'd fly out to see you, only cuz you owe me something...or now I think it's up to two somethings...

...oh, and crystal, may I still call you that?, if you do meet Xander, keep on the look-out for a guy with a big balloon head, I'm afraid I inflated his ego a little bit, and now he can be seen for miles and miles and miles (oh shit, I started a SONG...fuck)
HEY!! Don't go dizzin' my head Sammy. It's you fault I can't get out of the doors anymore.

But it has it's advantage. Now I can just float in your direction. Don't need a plane ticket anymore.
I'll let you know when I'm floating over Minnesota. Oh, bring a bow and an arrow. I need to get down somehow.
guess we'd all have to meet in a very big internet cafe so we could continue to communicate by keyboard and screen...!

Now that would be weird, looking round the room tryin' to figure out who was who ... let's see. There's be Endlessly easily recognizable: facial expression of a person typing the word GAH! Ravenloft with mouse in one hand and pussy in the other till Nicole arrives with cookie jar... Hullo Nurse tryin' to reach round those 46DDs to the keyboard, while Bare Mandy licks the cum off hers and stuffs them back into her bra. Or doesn't bother...Slut-Boy crawlin' round on the floor doing an up-skirts on the panty-wearers and checking for damp spots ... DCL composing his entry for the "world's wittiest BB message of 5 words or less" (he'll win of course), fuckin' bruiser pissing off the people on some other BB 'cos he seems to have abandoned this one (whisper it softly, has he gone, has he gone??), Golden, Raven and Nobody Special hoping gun-totin' Deborah (with an H) doesn't recognise them, Armygirl: she's the one with the mouse up her cunt tryin' out another toy... LAurel and Manu - looking at their chidren so proudly! Well, at most of 'em. Sammyjo and Xander ... oh stop stop ....

[This message has been edited by golden (edited 02-22-2000).]
Trying to catch breath... (Huff huff) that was... (huff) too acurate of a... (huff) Portrate Golden! Hahahah!
To get back to Slut-boys question,Yes I have met some one from this board. He told me about this site before I got registard so I think we should all thank the people who actually talk about this site, recruting new members. (sorry Jason just had to do it)