All is fair...


Dec 21, 2012
Sitting at the commanders table was a big deal, but being seated at his right hand was a much honored position that Ragnhall enjoyed constantly. Being the cousin of the Major General of the Empire's main army was a big deal. Nick named Jahn by the cousin who younger than him by 2 months, Jahn enjoyed prominence in power and held it very fairly.

He was shorter and leaner than his cousin, his talents came with a bow and a shortsword rather than being thrown into the frey and he was a scout that his cousin Ryyan knew. Ryyan and Jahn were similar in appearence though. Short well groomed brown hair with short beards and bright blue eyes. The two were the talk of any town they were and especially talked about by the enemies. The two were moving in for a final conquest with their 100,000 man army. They enjoyed a light hearted dinner for they were still a three day march from the city that alluded them for so long. After the meal, Jahn decided to walk around the camp before heading back to his camp for a smoke
Queen Samrita, the young queen, with a face and a body that shaded the beauty and majesty of the Empire, had decided to visit the camp. She was advised that it would raise the morale of the officers and the ranks.

and she was curious about Ryyan and Jahn - were they really as virile and as skilled as everyone said
He walked back through the camp quietly. His movement was slow and men that knew him greeted him as he slowly made his way to the tent that he set up. From somewhere in the maze of tents somebody shouted his name. Jahn looked around and spotted one of his scouts running towards him. The scout was his go to guy in his squadron and not much younger than the lead scout. Jahn had nicknamed him Hash because the land he came from gave him a name that the men could not say. He was a dark skinned lad, tall and lean that could run for days, nights and anything in between. His face was excited and this made Jahn a little curious. The group that Jahn and Hash was in would be going out to make a scouting mission and Hash was always focused at this time and his face never showed this kind of excitement.

'The Queen is here.'

Jahn was speechless. He was amazed that she would make this kind of journey and especially so close to the eve of combat. Jahn was curious and was sure that the Queen would request Ryyan's prescence. It made Jahn instantly want to shave his face.

'Hash, get Taulmmy and tell her I want a shave. I'll meet her in the tent.'

Taulmmy was Jahn's servant in the camp. She helped keep Jahn groomed and made sure that he always had something to smoke out of his pipes. She was a wonderful gardener and helper. Jahn returned to his tent quickly, knowing the request for his presence would be soon. The young girl who was his servant entered with cream, water and the razor. Jahn and Ryyan's peoples had always worn beards, but Jahn always thought he looked better clean shaven with his blue eyes poking out of his tan complection like some kind of rare stone. Taulmmy was about three quarters done when the tent flap opened up and one of Ryyan's men stood in the doorway.

'The General requests your prescence as well as the Queen.'
'I will be there once I have finished here.'
'We will see you soon.'

Taulmmy finished up and Jahn thanked her. She had also already picked out some of Jahn's finest clothes. A bright blue shirt with the Empires flag embroidered in gold on the chest. He donned a pair of khaki trousers and short black leather shoes. His reflection looked nice and Jahn entered the night refreshed and ready for the meeting with his cousin and more importantly the Queen.