"All in the Family"

(OOC: The daughter from the previous post, as well as the female characters named below, are all available characters. Some of the males are also available.)

Peter Taylor had moved to the wilderness almost two decades ago with his beautiful wife and seven children. They had achieved this glorious life by scrimping and saving since their school years, when they'd already known they were destined to be together forever.

Forever, he thought to himself, as he sat on what his kids called his thinking rock and stared out into the canyon below their cabin. Forever had turned out to be a much shorter time than he'd expected. At just 44, Lily had died suddenly of cancer less than a year ago; from diagnosis to death, less than fifty days had passed. She'd known she was ill, of course, but she'd hid it from Peter and their children. He heard laughter and looked back over his sboulder just in time to catch sight of all four of his girls running out of the cabin and down the path toward the Dam Pond; they were in various states of undress, intending to go swimming in the cool, mountain runoff.

He smiled, remembering how beautiful his wife had been and how each of his daughters -- each unique in their own way -- had inherited a bit of her physical beauty.

He looked off the other direction and found his youngest two boys chopping and stacking wood for what the Almanac was saying would be a harsh winter. It was only August now, but each day the boys did this work for an hour or two, along with their other chores. Here, in what Peter called the real world, the work never ended.

Which made him wonder about Robert. Peter stood and headed inside, finding his eldest son asleep in his bed with just a sheet covering him up to just past his groin. Peter noticed the droplets of semen trailing down the 25 year old's abdomen.

Angered, Peter took the end of the sheet and ripped it away from his son's body and bed. As Robert started awake, sitting up quickly, Peter barked, "What the hell...?"

Robert jumped from his bed, naked, his still semi-hard penis pointing to the floor at his father's feet, as Peter -- already knowing the answer -- asked, "What the hell's going on here?"

"Sorry, papa," Robert said quickly. "I know it's wrong. Sorry."

"What's wrong, boy?" Peter snapped. "What did you do wrong?"

Robert snatched up his work clothes and began dressing, ready to answer when his father answered for him, "You left your brothers to do the chores while you were satisfying your desires!"

"Yes, papa," Robert answered apologetically. "I'll do twice as much today, papa, I'm sorry."

Not another word was spoken as his eldest finished dressing and, with socks and boots in hand, ran out to join the others at the wood pile. Peter's stern gaze followed the boy, but as soon as his eldest was out of sight, he couldn't help but smile.

Peter's eldest daughter was, by far, the most skilled -- and most sought after -- lover in the family. He credited that ability to satisfy others to her own personal drive to be satisfied. While she hadn't been the first of the children to partake in what the outside world would have called inappropriate, devilish, inconceivable; she was, today, the most sexually active of the children ...the most diverse in her methods ...and the only one to have, at one time or another, enjoyed some form of sexual activity with each of the other family members, save his youngest, of course, who -- except maybe by her own hand -- was yet to enjoy the pleasures sex.

Peter headed back outside, gathered the dogs, threw the shotgun over his shoulder, and headed off into the woods to find the family's dinner. He took a look back at the boys, working feverishly to get the fire wood put up; then down at the Dam Pond to see the girls -- whose morning chores were done and whose evening chores were still to come -- splashing about in the blue water, the sunlight glinting in the droplets covering their now naked bodies.

We're so lucky to have one another, he thought to himself...
Seven years ago:

Lily opened the door to the tiny cabin her husband and eldest son had built to give the newly turned 18 year old a place of his own away from the rest of the family. "Robert...?"

"Go away!" he snapped, his voice filled with heart ache. "I don't want to talk about it."

Lily's stomach turned over in sympathy for her son. Out here in the wilderness, they so seldom saw anyone other than one another. So the arrival of a family hiking the Pacific Crest Trail -- a family that included a beautiful young daughter just a bit older than Robert -- was a major excitement for Lily's oldest boy.

Then, tragedy. Robert had surreptitiously followed his sisters and the beautiful visitor to the Dam Pond where they were swimming in various degrees of undress. Under what he had thought was adequate cover of the thick bushes on the diving cliff, Robert was masturbating when the beautiful visitor's nosy little brother -- who himself had been secretly trailing Robert -- caught him with his dick in his hand and went rushing off to tell his parents about the pervert spying on their naked daughter.

The two sets of parents made nice-nice about it, but the hiking family decided to move on anyway. Robert's fantasy of losing his virginity hiked away up the trail, leaving his sobbing in embarrassment in his little ten foot by ten foot chastity cell.

Lily stepped over close to her son's bed and, in almost a whisper, said, "I'm sorry, son."

"What did you do?" he replied, almost accusingly. "You didn't catch me beating off in the bushes. You didn't run off and tell everyone."

"No," she said, beginning to unbutton the long robe that had kept her warm during her short walk through the dark to his little home away from home. "But I ... along with your father ... we brought you out here. You were little, and you loved it at first ... but now ... you're a man ... with wants, needs, and desires that you can't fulfill, because there are no girls ... no women for you to be with."

Robert's eyes were widening in the soft light of his oil lamp as he watched his mother's gown open, then drop to the plank floor. He said nothing; he likely wouldn't have been able to speak if he had had something to say.

Lily lifted his blankets and slid in beside him, adding, "Son ... this is just sex. Sex between two adults. There is nothing wrong with it."

"But you're my mother," he said in a whisper of shock. "Isn't that ... what's it called...?"

"Incest," she answered. "Yes. But ... there's bad incest ... and there's--" She was going to say good incest, but she doubted that anyone would ever say that such a thing existed. Instead, she went with, "--permissible incest. I love you, son, and I want you to be happy. I don't want you to go on wondering what it is that you're missing out on ... and your father and I feel responsible that--"

"Poppa...?" he said surprised. The realization sunk in, and he asked, "Does Poppa know you're here?"

"Of course he does, Bobby," she said as she laid her hand upon his muscular chest, then -- after a moment -- began caressing it down his belly toward his groin. "I would never do something this important without discussing it with your father."

Robert did nothing to stop his mother's hand from descending and pushing his pajama bottoms down; and when it bumped into his already rock hard dick, he flinched with excitement; and when it gripped his shaft and gently began stroking his length, his breathing immediately became erratic; and when, just a few seconds later, his cock leaped in her hand, spewing his load as far as to his neck, he simply dropped back to the mattress and grunted in previously unknown ecstasy.

Robert awoke long after sunrise to the calls from the wood pile of his younger brothers telling him to Get up and get to work. He rose quickly and looked around, expecting to find his mother but instead finding himself all alone. He fell back to the mattress, mumbling "Oh god ... what was that all about?"

He almost thought that the whole thing had been a dream. But finding his pajamas flung over the head board, and the comforter returned from the floor to the bed and now on correctly -- when he'd gone to bed with it turned backwards out of apathy -- confirmed to him that he had, indeed, had sex with his mother last night.

It had, of course, been wonderful. She'd straddled him and put him deep inside her, driving him to a second orgasm; then, at his timid request, got on her hands and knees and let him take control, pounding like the animals do and driving himself to his third orgasm, as well as sending her into long absent ecstasy.

He'd collapsed to the bed, and his mother had cuddled up close to him, asking "Are we okay, son? Are you okay with what we did here tonight?"

He'd been too exhausted to speak and simply nodded his head emphatically.

That was his last memory until this morning...

He slipped out of his little cabin -- his groin screaming in pain from the previously unknown work out his mother had put him through -- and rushed down to the Dam Pond, jumping in and washing away what he assumed was the smell of sex. When he'd finished and was fully dressed, he began up the trail again -- and stopped dead in his tracks, seeing his father on the trail, staring at him with a hard expression.

"Morning, poppa, Robert said quickly, reacting instinctively, in spite of the fact that his brain was screaming, I fucked momma last night, poppa. Please don't hate me.

"Good morning, son," his father said, gesturing his eldest to join him as he began ascending the trail toward the homestead. Halfway up the trail, where it widened enough for them to walk side by side, Peter reached back to take his son's arm, pulled him up beside him, and threw his arm around the young man. They walked a couple of dozen more steps before Peter said, "Your mother says you enjoyed yourself."

Robert looked away, feeling the blood fill his face with fire.

"It's okay, Robert," Peter said. "I'm happy for you. I wanted this for you as much as you did ... and your mother was the person to give you this experience, not some little girl in short shorts who probably wouldn't have have the slightest idea what a penis was--"

"Poppa!" Robert exclaimed with a surprised laugh. The two of them laughed together as they continued up the hill. When they were just about as far as they could get and still talk without others hearing, Robert ventured the question, "Did I ... did I do good? You know ... did I do it right?"

Peter smiled broadly as he hugged his son a bit tighter, then slapped him on the back before heading off toward his own chores. "Your mother says you're the best fuck she's had since me ... though I don't know whether she meant you better than me or just since me."

Peter bellowed in laughter, happy with his joke, leaving his son smiling broadly in pride.
Vivian lounged in the pond smiling to her self as she sucked on her finger. the same finger her brother hand slickened moments before with his tasty cum. The pert lithe bodied girl had just her bottom half in the water her ample C upped breasts wear free and out for her brothers and sisters to ogle, oh she wasn't the biggest tits in her happy little family but she damned sure new how to work them.

She enjoyed her brother bobby this morning, helping him get his cock limp so he could focus. it wasn't his fault entirely. Vivian was walking around in just dads old button up shirt again to tease him. Her long curly black hair and piercing blue eyes with lush lips and an apple bottom ass didn't help either. She looked at her father and smiled.

She knew he knew, she giggled as she left the girls. She stood letting her pussy and its neatly trimmed hair glisten as she walked back over to Robert and smiled."Say big brother wanna take another break?....Or should i take Tommy here and let him have ago, or maybe James..Or better yet may be both of them?" she says as she wraps walks over to touch her younger brothers and smiles.

She than walks back over and smiles as she lets her finger slide over your chest and than steps into you letting her body press in to you. its soft yet toned body. Warm, wet and eager against yours as she looks into your eyes and smiles. "Whattya say Bobby? You wanna fuck?"