All bow before Lemmiwinks, the Gerbal King


Creepers Gotta Creep
Jan 24, 2002
Another South Park cartoon character?

I'll bow, but I won't kowtow.
RosevilleCAguy said:
Hey Raw,

That pic was before he was king.

I thought "Mr. Slave" was a crack up.

I thought the whole episode was hilarious.

My favorite part was how they treated the smoker.
This is one of the funnier episodes I've seen, mostly because it somehow manages to be a 90 minute episode in my memory, even though its only on for 30.
Yes that episode is going to be a classic. I can't think of many that I"ve laughed louder or longer or acutally thought I was going to cry through b/c I was laughing so hard.
RawHumor said:
I thought the whole episode was hilarious.

My favorite part was how they treated the smoker.

Me too. I find it interesting that many of those who preach the PC (No, I dont mean Problem Child) brand of tolerance often behave that way. I guess it's a case of "Tolerate what I like" rather than "Tolerate everything".
On the web page that I linked, there's a link to a WAV file that I love:

"I shoved a gerbil up your ass and they wanna give me a goddamned medal!"
That episode is one of my bf's favorite ones and he dragged me off the computer last night to watch it with him. It was fucking hilarious. It rates right up there with the Cartman Gets His Period episode. (I really tried hard to hate SP, but it's just too damn funny.)

He wanted me to look for the Lemmiwinks song online today, so thank you for the's there! I've downloaded wavs there before, but mostly from the old episodes.
It's a hilarious episode. My favorite is STILL "Cartman Gets an Anal Probe," however.

I think it's funny that RawHumor spelled "Lemmiwinks" correctly, but not "gerbil."
Thrillhouse said:
I think it's funny that RawHumor spelled "Lemmiwinks" correctly, but not "gerbil."

LMAO I double-checked the spelling of his name like three times and never noticed that I misspelled the type of animal that he is.

That IS funny.
RawHumor said:
I'm glad I could help your relationship. LOL

Well, isn't that what Lit is for? I've learned so many wonderful things here. ;)
RawHumor said:

is that a cutaway from his trek down the hershey highway? really oughta warn King Gerbil about the dangers of a lit torch on his helmet while cruising down methane gas alley.....;)
He made his way up through the intestines to the stomach and up the esophagus out the mouth.

He was the chosen one.