All About Small Cocks. What is your experience? Having one, being with one, positive or negative (please no dick pics or rude behavior)


Passionate Lover
Jun 25, 2022
I'd like to have an honest discussion about this. So often this topic is all about "fake" reassurance, crass humor, or guys with big cocks feeling the need to one up. This isn't what I'm looking for. I'm looking for a mature conversation about this topic. I believe an equivalent discussion is body image for women. If people can talk about this subject with respect and dignity I'm sure we can talk about small cocks with dignity and respect. Obviously you don't have to answer all the questions just giving people something to think about and discuss

To the ladies:
1) What has been your experience with small cocks?
1a) Has it been positive? Why?
1b) Has it not been negative? Why?
2) If you are a woman who prefers a small cock. Why?
3) If you would never have sex with a guy who has a small cock. Why?
4) Honestly; you don't care either way. Why?
5) Are you tired of this discussion?

For the men:
1) If you have a small cock what has been your experience?
2) Have you had a really negative experience because of your small penis? (don't be rude)
3) Have you had a partner who was looking for or really into small cocks?
4) What has been the positives about having a small cock?
5) Are you tired of this discussion?

Lets be mature about this conversation.
I feel I should start.

When I first realized I had a smaller penis I was shy and embarrassed about it. It didn't take a genius to figure out I was on the smaller side. This was easy to see when I stepped into a locker room or started to watch porn flicks. Then there is all the small cock jokes growing up. I just grew tired of the jokes and worrying about it. There isn't anything I could do about my size. I could be a shy and a terrible lover or try to be the best partner. I came to the conclusion; if a woman didn't want to have sex with me because of my size there wasn't a thing I could do about it. If a woman was going to give me a chance. I was going to do everything possible to make sure she wanted to return.

I want to say I've been lucky and have great partners. This being said, it's obvious when a partner is disappointed in my size. To avoid this I'm upfront about it before we have sex. This really surprised my last ltr and my last fwb. But after the initial shock I think they appreciated it.

A positive is when a partner is disappointed in my size and they still call me back or turn out to be a long term partner. One of my favorite partners was blunt about it. She said she didn't like small cocks but she liked me and liked what I did to her. She ended up to be a long term fwb. She is one of my favorite partners.

A negative is the jokes or the assumption a guy is a horrible lover because he is small. I get the fact I will not be able to give a woman a "full" feeling but this doesn't mean I'm a horrible lover. I do believe mentioning my size while corresponding to interested women online has caused me to be ignored. Again, I understand women just like men have their thing. I'd rather have them ignore me before we have sex than after and I never hear back from them. Just my take. I actually want a woman to return.

Look I'm sure there will always be women who prefer a bigger or smaller cock. I don't really care. I've had good and bad experiences with both and for me it always had to do with the person attached to it. Do you know how to get a woman off or even more importantly are you an attentive partner? Do we have chemistry? Those are more important factors imo.

I do find this sort of tiresome but, I get it. Women have insecurities too that I'm sure men find tiresome. I think that men would find that women(at least the ones Im acquainted with) focus on a number of other things before worrying about your cock size. If we get to the point where we are undressing each other, Im honestly not thinking much more then how much I want you. Are we both enjoying what's happening? Then I'm all good. Having said that, neither women nor men are a hivemind though so if be interested to see what other people think.
OMG thank you. I agree completely.
There are certain physical characteristics that are better or worse but as long as the person is not actually super unattractive that actually isn't the most important thing.
That said a medium sized cock that is smaller than what is in porn, but overall proportionate and attractive would be ideal to me.
I am actually pan so not everyone I am attracted to even has one though and it is seriously not a big deal at all.
To me, it's about connecting with someone, not necessarily about the specifics of the hardware.

I've been with some smaller sized cocks and still had plenty of fun. Sometimes the mechanics can be a bit different but if you are both into it, you will find a way.

Pro to smaller cocks: easier for blowjobs, especially since I have TMJ and can't open my mouth all the way. I appreciate something a bit smaller.

I think it's worth talking about because many cultures have so many hang-ups about size and performance. We can't really change our automatic thinking unless we challenge it and talk about it.
🤔 Ok I’m going to be completely candid and long-winded on this topic, so if you decide to read this entire thing I jovially thank you in advance for joining my “TED” talk. 😏 First, regarding cock length, not necessarily width: in my experience with smaller cocks I feel more sexually skilled performing blow jobs on shorter length cocks. It is easier for me to perform the kind of blow jobs that I enjoy when I can physically fit more of a shorter length cock in my mouth and breathe easier through my nose. It makes me feel like I have a better blow job technique. TBH I feel like I’m a bit less sexually coordinated performing blow jobs on thicker and longer cocks. BTW I know my inbox is about to be filled with offers to help me hone my blow job technique. 🙄 I’ll ask that you only PM me regarding this if you and your cock happen to be in Harrisburg, PA. Please note, I respectfully reserve the right to ignore any PM from anyone who is not able to present their cock to me in person.
Secondly, the negative experience with shorter length cock is that I can’t feel it enter my pussy, which is a major disappointment for me. I personally prefer a longer cock for the sake of my pussy’s need to be filled to my g-spot. However, if my partner with a shorter length cock and I are able to get in a position that allows his cock to reach my g-spot that is preferable, because a shorter cock is less likely to hit my cervix. BTW, please don’t intentionally hit my cervix! A bruised cervix is painful and an immediate turn-off. Also my cervix is where I keep my IUD, thank you. 🚫 🤰🏻
Thirdly, I would say that I prefer shorter length cock in the context of attempting anal sex. A thicker or longer cock causes me too much physical pain in my ass. 🍑 BTW, don’t hurt my ass unless I consent to being spanked, thank you. Finally, I would not refuse to have sex with a man based on the single factor of his cock size. The end.
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I’m of the opinion that if we have sexual chemistry with one another that size really does not matter.

I have had the pleasure of experiencing some amazing men in all lengths and widths. I’ve had my fair share of incredible intimate encounters with as many guys who had smaller cocks as I have had with guys who were much more well endowed.

From my personal observations, I have seen some guys with huge dicks who were not as interested in pleasing a woman because they didn’t put as much energy and enthusiasm into their technique (because they apparently thought just showing up with a big cock was enough).

On the other hand, I fondly recall one gentleman with what I would describe as a micro-penis who always performed with “big dick energy” — he was absolutely amazing sexually!

The only two negatives to being smaller is not having any stroke length for blow jobs and hand jobs and I do like to really feel you inside me.

If you can make me laugh, stimulate me intellectually, and make me cum, you don’t even need a real cock!! ☺️
My wife has never complained about me having a small cock.. even as swingers where other men have had bigger cocks she still prefers mine... although as a bi man I do love helping her suck bigger cocks lol
I have a small cock. It hasn’t really ever made a difference at once for me as I’ve had several long term and lots of girlfriends. My wife and I have recently gotten into SPH which has been a lot of fun. There are pictures on this site if anyone wants to see them and then ask me anything.
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I have a small dick.

1) My wife is the only person I have ever had sex with. She says she doesn't mind, and told me the "big ones kind of hurt after a certain size" which makes me wonder just how big some of those guys were! Also, in cowgirl, she no longer bounces because she was coming up too high and I was slipping out. She just grinds now.

2). Never had a negative experience. But have seen other guys in the locker room and seen how I compared.

3) I guess wife is kinda...I don't know lol.

4) Advantage is I can hide a hard on easier lol. Disadvantage, I believe smaller cocks are more sensitive, so I think it makes me cum easier. Like smaller breasts are more sensitive..

5) I don't mind the discussion at all
Mine is small and therefor I waited a long time with my first sex, because i was too shy.
And then I had so much fun, and the women (i guess) too.
At first cock size never seemed to be so important for the women. Then we had a lot of fun for some time.
My ex gf said after separation that shes so glad i left her so she could experience big cocks too. She had started to put thick silicone cockrings on my cock, to be more filled i guess.
My current wife started swinging and she always chooses guys with massive cocks, and I haven't fucked her for years.
I had a very nice and informative exchange about having a micro penis here on LIT lit boards with a man who has one. I didn't even know there was a medical term for it, much less a body of research. I ended up writing a story that more or less mirrored his experience, as told to me. It's in "Romance" and hasn't drawn many readers, but I've gotten some heartfelt thanks from a few. Link, if you'd like to read:
To the ladies:
1) What has been your experience with small cocks? I haven’t been with a lot of guys, but my best sex has been with the two guys who were smaller than the others. My ex-husband is very well endowed, but a lazy lover. My most recent ex and my current partner aren’t as genetically “blessed” in penis size, but they are much more attentive, exciting, creative, etc.
1a) Has it been positive? Why? Yes, as explained above. Plus my mouth doesn’t get tired during oral and anal is nice.
1b) Has it not been negative? Why? This feels like the same question, lol.
2) If you are a woman who prefers a small cock. Why? I don’t have a preference. I care about the man and his brain and who he is.
3) If you would never have sex with a guy who has a small cock. Why? N/A
4) Honestly; you don't care either way. Why? Already answered
5) Are you tired of this discussion? It’s a discussion that will never go away due to insecurities.
I had a very nice and informative exchange about having a micro penis here on LIT lit boards with a man who has one. I didn't even know there was a medical term for it, much less a body of research. I ended up writing a story that more or less mirrored his experience, as told to me. It's in "Romance" and hasn't drawn many readers, but I've gotten some heartfelt thanks from a few. Link, if you'd like to read:
I'm going to read the story. Looking forward to it.
Here's an interesting post about penis size--among the ancient Greeks:

Why Ancient Greek Sculptures
Have Small Penises
The ancient Greeks famously fetishized the male body in sculptures that represent powerful, illustrious men as hulking figures with taut, rippling muscles. Sometimes these figures appear partially clothed in drapery or cloth; often, they are stark naked.
To the contemporary eye, their bodies are ideal—except for one, ahem, seminal detail. “They have small to very small penises, compared to the average of humanity,” art historian Andrew Lear, a specialist in ancient Greek art and sexuality, says. “And they’re usually flaccid.”
Countless contemporary art lovers and historians have been struck by the modest nature of the phalluses that feature in classical sculptures of gods, emperors, and other elite men—from Zeus to celebrated athletes. The small members seem at odds with the massive bodies and mythically large personalities they accompany. But the ancient Greeks had their reasons for this aesthetic choice.
Rewind to the ancient Greek world of around 400 BC, and you’ll find that large, erect penises were not considered desirable, nor were they a sign of power or strength. In his play The Clouds (c. 419–423 BC), ancient Greek playwright Aristophanes summed up the ideal traits of his male peers as “a gleaming chest, bright skin, broad shoulders, tiny tongue, strong buttocks, and a little prick.”
Historian Paul Chrystal has also conducted research into this ancient ideal. “The small penis was consonant with Greek ideals of male beauty,” he writes in his book In Bed with the Ancient Greeks (2016). “It was a badge of the highest culture and a paragon of civilization.”
In ancient Greek art, most of a great man’s features were represented as ample, firm, and shiny—so why weren’t these same aesthetic principles applied to the penis? As Lear and other historians suggest, part of the answer lies in how the phalluses of less admirable men were portrayed.
Lustful, depraved satyrs, in particular, were rendered with very large, erect genitals, sometimes almost as tall as their torsos. According to mythology, these creatures were part-man, part-animal, and totally lacked restraint—a quality reviled by Greek high society. “Big penises were vulgar and outside the cultural norm, something sported by the barbarians of the world,” writes Chrystal. Indeed, across many an amphora pot and frieze, well-endowed satyrs can be seen drinking and pleasuring themselves with abandon.
In Greek comedy, fools also routinely sported large genitals—“the sign of stupidity, more of a beast than a man,” according to Chrystal. So, too, did artistic representations of the Egyptians, says Lear, who were long-time enemies of the Greeks.
In this way, satyrs, fools, and foes served as foils to male gods and heroes, who were honored for their self-control and intelligence (along with other qualities requiring restraint, like loyalty and prudence). If large phalluses represented gluttonous appetites, then “the conclusion can be drawn that the small, flaccid penis represented self-control,” explains Lear.
While today, being well-endowed is often equated with power and even sound leadership, “the penis was never a badge or virility or manliness in ancient Greece as it was in other cultures,” Chrystal writes. “Potency came from the intellect needed to power man’s responsibility to father children, prolong the family line and the oikos [the family unit or household], and sustain the polis [the city-state].”
There is no doubt that across ancient Greek art, the representation of the phallus—and its varying size—was symbolic. As Lear suggests, this might hint at why artists of the age depicted male nudes so often, even when a character or narrative might not require it. “They used the penis as an index of character,” explains Lear. “It said something.”
Back then, it indicated whether or not a man was upstanding. But while the cultural symbolism of the penis has since shifted, some things haven’t changed. Then, as now, the male sex was seen to be the distillation of a man’s ability to dominate.
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Here's an interesting post about penis size--among the ancient Greeks:

Why Ancient Greek Sculptures
Have Small Penises
The ancient Greeks famously fetishized the male body in sculptures that represent powerful, illustrious men as hulking figures with taut, rippling muscles. Sometimes these figures appear partially clothed in drapery or cloth; often, they are stark naked.
To the contemporary eye, their bodies are ideal—except for one, ahem, seminal detail. “They have small to very small penises, compared to the average of humanity,” art historian Andrew Lear, a specialist in ancient Greek art and sexuality, says. “And they’re usually flaccid.”
Countless contemporary art lovers and historians have been struck by the modest nature of the phalluses that feature in classical sculptures of gods, emperors, and other elite men—from Zeus to celebrated athletes. The small members seem at odds with the massive bodies and mythically large personalities they accompany. But the ancient Greeks had their reasons for this aesthetic choice.
Rewind to the ancient Greek world of around 400 BC, and you’ll find that large, erect penises were not considered desirable, nor were they a sign of power or strength. In his play The Clouds (c. 419–423 BC), ancient Greek playwright Aristophanes summed up the ideal traits of his male peers as “a gleaming chest, bright skin, broad shoulders, tiny tongue, strong buttocks, and a little prick.”
Historian Paul Chrystal has also conducted research into this ancient ideal. “The small penis was consonant with Greek ideals of male beauty,” he writes in his book In Bed with the Ancient Greeks (2016). “It was a badge of the highest culture and a paragon of civilization.”
In ancient Greek art, most of a great man’s features were represented as ample, firm, and shiny—so why weren’t these same aesthetic principles applied to the penis? As Lear and other historians suggest, part of the answer lies in how the phalluses of less admirable men were portrayed.
Lustful, depraved satyrs, in particular, were rendered with very large, erect genitals, sometimes almost as tall as their torsos. According to mythology, these creatures were part-man, part-animal, and totally lacked restraint—a quality reviled by Greek high society. “Big penises were vulgar and outside the cultural norm, something sported by the barbarians of the world,” writes Chrystal. Indeed, across many an amphora pot and frieze, well-endowed satyrs can be seen drinking and pleasuring themselves with abandon.
In Greek comedy, fools also routinely sported large genitals—“the sign of stupidity, more of a beast than a man,” according to Chrystal. So, too, did artistic representations of the Egyptians, says Lear, who were long-time enemies of the Greeks.
In this way, satyrs, fools, and foes served as foils to male gods and heroes, who were honored for their self-control and intelligence (along with other qualities requiring restraint, like loyalty and prudence). If large phalluses represented gluttonous appetites, then “the conclusion can be drawn that the small, flaccid penis represented self-control,” explains Lear.
While today, being well-endowed is often equated with power and even sound leadership, “the penis was never a badge or virility or manliness in ancient Greece as it was in other cultures,” Chrystal writes. “Potency came from the intellect needed to power man’s responsibility to father children, prolong the family line and the oikos [the family unit or household], and sustain the polis [the city-state].”
There is no doubt that across ancient Greek art, the representation of the phallus—and its varying size—was symbolic. As Lear suggests, this might hint at why artists of the age depicted male nudes so often, even when a character or narrative might not require it. “They used the penis as an index of character,” explains Lear. “It said something.”
Back then, it indicated whether or not a man was upstanding. But while the cultural symbolism of the penis has since shifted, some things haven’t changed. Then, as now, the male sex was seen to be the distillation of a man’s ability to dominate.
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I once had a night of/on ecstasy with two girls who told me I had a body like the statue of David. This post brings that to a whole new light. :rolleyes: :LOL:

I’m small when soft, really small. I've been teased about it but it never really bothered me, besides, as a CD it’s nice to be able to tuck so easily - having small retracting testicles helps too. But I’m also a classic grower and get larger than average when turned on.

The first guy I was with had a big flaccid cock that I first saw while in a hot tub. I was scared he was going to be huge, but it didn’t grow much at all when hard. I was actually a little bit bigger.
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I don't think I have a small dick when it's hard (right around that 5 inch average), bit when I'm soft I have basically nothing. I'm the definition of grower not shower. The only time I feel uncomfortable naked is when I'm soft, although now only my wife sees it and she doesn't care
Here's an interesting post about penis size--among the ancient Greeks:

Why Ancient Greek Sculptures
Have Small Penises
The ancient Greeks famously fetishized the male body in sculptures that represent powerful, illustrious men as hulking figures with taut, rippling muscles. Sometimes these figures appear partially clothed in drapery or cloth; often, they are stark naked.
To the contemporary eye, their bodies are ideal—except for one, ahem, seminal detail. “They have small to very small penises, compared to the average of humanity,” art historian Andrew Lear, a specialist in ancient Greek art and sexuality, says. “And they’re usually flaccid.”
Countless contemporary art lovers and historians have been struck by the modest nature of the phalluses that feature in classical sculptures of gods, emperors, and other elite men—from Zeus to celebrated athletes. The small members seem at odds with the massive bodies and mythically large personalities they accompany. But the ancient Greeks had their reasons for this aesthetic choice.
Rewind to the ancient Greek world of around 400 BC, and you’ll find that large, erect penises were not considered desirable, nor were they a sign of power or strength. In his play The Clouds (c. 419–423 BC), ancient Greek playwright Aristophanes summed up the ideal traits of his male peers as “a gleaming chest, bright skin, broad shoulders, tiny tongue, strong buttocks, and a little prick.”
Historian Paul Chrystal has also conducted research into this ancient ideal. “The small penis was consonant with Greek ideals of male beauty,” he writes in his book In Bed with the Ancient Greeks (2016). “It was a badge of the highest culture and a paragon of civilization.”
In ancient Greek art, most of a great man’s features were represented as ample, firm, and shiny—so why weren’t these same aesthetic principles applied to the penis? As Lear and other historians suggest, part of the answer lies in how the phalluses of less admirable men were portrayed.
Lustful, depraved satyrs, in particular, were rendered with very large, erect genitals, sometimes almost as tall as their torsos. According to mythology, these creatures were part-man, part-animal, and totally lacked restraint—a quality reviled by Greek high society. “Big penises were vulgar and outside the cultural norm, something sported by the barbarians of the world,” writes Chrystal. Indeed, across many an amphora pot and frieze, well-endowed satyrs can be seen drinking and pleasuring themselves with abandon.
In Greek comedy, fools also routinely sported large genitals—“the sign of stupidity, more of a beast than a man,” according to Chrystal. So, too, did artistic representations of the Egyptians, says Lear, who were long-time enemies of the Greeks.
In this way, satyrs, fools, and foes served as foils to male gods and heroes, who were honored for their self-control and intelligence (along with other qualities requiring restraint, like loyalty and prudence). If large phalluses represented gluttonous appetites, then “the conclusion can be drawn that the small, flaccid penis represented self-control,” explains Lear.
While today, being well-endowed is often equated with power and even sound leadership, “the penis was never a badge or virility or manliness in ancient Greece as it was in other cultures,” Chrystal writes. “Potency came from the intellect needed to power man’s responsibility to father children, prolong the family line and the oikos [the family unit or household], and sustain the polis [the city-state].”
There is no doubt that across ancient Greek art, the representation of the phallus—and its varying size—was symbolic. As Lear suggests, this might hint at why artists of the age depicted male nudes so often, even when a character or narrative might not require it. “They used the penis as an index of character,” explains Lear. “It said something.”
Back then, it indicated whether or not a man was upstanding. But while
That is interesting. When I was young two buddies and I used to play strip poker with this girl and her sister and a friend. It was the first time I had seen my friends fully naked and being young and horny all 3 of us were fully hard. One friend was already about 8" I was almost 7" back then, but our other buddy had a very thin short penis it looked like a finger but his balls were huge in comparison and this kid could produce a ton of cum (yes, we all witnessed it one time) I felt bad for him because the girls pointed out the difference. But I think he ignored it because we were all seeing real live pussies for the first time ever. Unfortunately that was the start of a lot of small dick jokes for him. I mean I heard he is doing well and has a big family so he must have gotten over it.
Here's an interesting post about penis size--among the ancient Greeks:

Why Ancient Greek Sculptures
Have Small Penises
The ancient Greeks famously fetishized the male body in sculptures that represent powerful, illustrious men as hulking figures with taut, rippling muscles. Sometimes these figures appear partially clothed in drapery or cloth; often, they are stark naked.
To the contemporary eye, their bodies are ideal—except for one, ahem, seminal detail. “They have small to very small penises, compared to the average of humanity,” art historian Andrew Lear, a specialist in ancient Greek art and sexuality, says. “And they’re usually flaccid.”
Countless contemporary art lovers and historians have been struck by the modest nature of the phalluses that feature in classical sculptures of gods, emperors, and other elite men—from Zeus to celebrated athletes. The small members seem at odds with the massive bodies and mythically large personalities they accompany. But the ancient Greeks had their reasons for this aesthetic choice.
Rewind to the ancient Greek world of around 400 BC, and you’ll find that large, erect penises were not considered desirable, nor were they a sign of power or strength. In his play The Clouds (c. 419–423 BC), ancient Greek playwright Aristophanes summed up the ideal traits of his male peers as “a gleaming chest, bright skin, broad shoulders, tiny tongue, strong buttocks, and a little prick.”
Historian Paul Chrystal has also conducted research into this ancient ideal. “The small penis was consonant with Greek ideals of male beauty,” he writes in his book In Bed with the Ancient Greeks (2016). “It was a badge of the highest culture and a paragon of civilization.”
In ancient Greek art, most of a great man’s features were represented as ample, firm, and shiny—so why weren’t these same aesthetic principles applied to the penis? As Lear and other historians suggest, part of the answer lies in how the phalluses of less admirable men were portrayed.
Lustful, depraved satyrs, in particular, were rendered with very large, erect genitals, sometimes almost as tall as their torsos. According to mythology, these creatures were part-man, part-animal, and totally lacked restraint—a quality reviled by Greek high society. “Big penises were vulgar and outside the cultural norm, something sported by the barbarians of the world,” writes Chrystal. Indeed, across many an amphora pot and frieze, well-endowed satyrs can be seen drinking and pleasuring themselves with abandon.
In Greek comedy, fools also routinely sported large genitals—“the sign of stupidity, more of a beast than a man,” according to Chrystal. So, too, did artistic representations of the Egyptians, says Lear, who were long-time enemies of the Greeks.
In this way, satyrs, fools, and foes served as foils to male gods and heroes, who were honored for their self-control and intelligence (along with other qualities requiring restraint, like loyalty and prudence). If large phalluses represented gluttonous appetites, then “the conclusion can be drawn that the small, flaccid penis represented self-control,” explains Lear.
While today, being well-endowed is often equated with power and even sound leadership, “the penis was never a badge or virility or manliness in ancient Greece as it was in other cultures,” Chrystal writes. “Potency came from the intellect needed to power man’s responsibility to father children, prolong the family line and the oikos [the family unit or household], and sustain the polis [the city-state].”
There is no doubt that across ancient Greek art, the representation of the phallus—and its varying size—was symbolic. As Lear suggests, this might hint at why artists of the age depicted male nudes so often, even when a character or narrative might not require it. “They used the penis as an index of character,” explains Lear. “It said something.”
Back then, it indicated whether or not a man was upstanding. But while the cultural symbolism of the penis has since shifted, some things haven’t changed. Then, as now, the male sex was seen to be the distillation of a man’s ability to dominate.
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I always find history to be fascinating. It's interesting on how one culture can look at the same thing and fell different about it. No matter what that thing is.
One of the best lovers I ever had was a man with a small penis. He tried harder to please me, and was the one that gave me my first orgasm! Smaller penises are so much fun to give head to! You can get really creative. I never had kids and am abnormally tight, so anything average or above, HURTS! Be proud of your member! Some of us women prefer them that size!
Thank you for your post. It's nice to hear there are women out there who like a smaller cocked guy.
I posed this question on the "BBC" picture thread, but do you think the experience of a small penis is even worse for a Black man? I mean with some of the examples in the porn world and the ongoing assumption about Black penis being much larger than others is there a lot of pressure and expectations to have a large penis if you are a Black man.
What exactly is considered small? Anyone can chime in on my question it’s not specific to the OP.

I’ve heard quite a few women say over the years that smaller or even average penis sized men are more generous lovers in the bedroom in the sense that they’re often more willing to use their tongue.
This is not 1977. I don't know many guys who refuse to eat pussy. Even the hung guys eat pussy.
For the men:
1) If you have a small cock what has been your experience?
2) Have you had a really negative experience because of your small penis? (don't be rude)
3) Have you had a partner who was looking for or really into small cocks?
4) What has been the positives about having a small cock?
5) Are you tired of this discussion?

First SPH was at school in change rooms by the other boys, I never thought of myself big or small before that. I never played doctors and nurses due to that either as by that stage I knew I was small. Some of the girls knew from what the boys said and they would look at me with an understanding smile sometimes.

As I got older I relaxed and when I became sexually active I was told often I was average or even above average. I still had that Small Penis thing though and I finally ended up exploring SPH which I loved and found carthartic. I enjoyed revealing myself to women on request via cam and having them comment, laugh or whatever. I also like CFNM so one sided nudity is a turn on for me.

Negative experiences? Just at school and once I was in a brothel and the prostitute was a bit rude as she was not fond of my size.

Kind of, they liked gentler sex and I guess a small cock would hurt less.

Positives? I have always thought having a huge cock hanging there would have to make you aware of it all the time and probably make you want and think about sex a lot, I could be wrong. But having a small(er) one, I am also a grower not a shower, I tend to forget it is even there a lot of the time.

No, new here not tired of discussion.