

May 19, 2011
An alien species much like the Vulcan, (70%male female ratio) Make contact with earth. Years later a cultural exchange begins, many Americans are still oprehensive.

-In a club one day a female alien is playing pool in a bar st Louis, while all the men stand far away whispering. Chuck decides to go in showing her some respect. He finds her warm nd witty. Wild sex ensues.
You kinda need more than that. The set up doesn't work particularly well for an erotic story. It might be nice as a side story to an existint series but not by itself.
You kinda need more than that. The set up doesn't work particularly well for an erotic story. It might be nice as a side story to an existint series but not by itself.

Originally it was going to be a highschool setting. Where a cutural exchange starts with a female alien staying with the guidance counseor/Vice principal and her son.
Now if you want something short term you're better off honestly just going Star Wars, Star Trek, or Mass Effect. Something where you're just going to pick an alien people are already familar with and go with it. It takes a while to really establish an alien culture. It's one of those things that people forget that it took years for us to know how the various Star Trek races are supposed to act, we still don't know how most Star Wars races act because most of them are fairly unique. We basically know humans, Gungans and Ewoks. We haven't seen enough Hutts to know if Jabba is normal or Twi-leks to know if they are sluts or if that one was Jabba's slave.

It's also the advantage of fantasy. Elves, dwarves, orcs and the like are already well established so you don't have to waste time explaining why they are acting like they are.

I'm mentioning this because you didn't give any description of how the aliens look, only a brief explaination of their gender ratio and culture so I have to assume that you wanted THAT to be the focus and not green skin babe you may as well come from San Francisco except you need an excuse for why she has green skin.
Now if you want something short term you're better off honestly just going Star Wars, Star Trek, or Mass Effect. Something where you're just going to pick an alien people are already familar with and go with it. It takes a while to really establish an alien culture. It's one of those things that people forget that it took years for us to know how the various Star Trek races are supposed to act, we still don't know how most Star Wars races act because most of them are fairly unique. We basically know humans, Gungans and Ewoks. We haven't seen enough Hutts to know if Jabba is normal or Twi-leks to know if they are sluts or if that one was Jabba's slave.

It's also the advantage of fantasy. Elves, dwarves, orcs and the like are already well established so you don't have to waste time explaining why they are acting like they are.

I'm mentioning this because you didn't give any description of how the aliens look, only a brief explaination of their gender ratio and culture so I have to assume that you wanted THAT to be the focus and not green skin babe you may as well come from San Francisco except you need an excuse for why she has green skin.

I have a star trek like story. This idea to me there is something fleeting and deeper there i'll think more on it.