

Really Really Experienced
Jul 29, 2012

Alexander has just conquered babylon. He has succesfully driven away Darius and has marched and captured the city . He knew Darius will return with an army soon . but enough of that. For tonight he and his soldiers will party and have fun . Its been a long march full of battles . He is tired and so is his men . A week or 2 of fun and relaxation will not hurt him nor his ambition. Hell if he like it here he will stay here for a month atleast. The future can wait . He is more concered about the present now. Besides. He has a lot of stress built up in him. He would love to get rid of some of it before he marches off for new conquest .

He has his mind on one of the princeses in the city . He did not harm them , despite them being his enemy's sisters/daughter/ wives/nieces. But still he has his eyes on a particular princess who he heard to be the sister of darius. possibly his youngest sister. Alexander knew he simply must have her. But he decieded to not force himself on her.

He made his way to the princess quarters in the palace where a servant informed him that the princess is having her bath. Alexander dismissed the servant after he deduced the location of where the princess is bathing. The thought of such a beauty in ...oh god ...thought alexander. His lust was getting the better of him but he kept his composure as he made his way to the bathing quarters. Hopefully he will find her in a postion he likes and alone for them to have a little chat

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Amy had been having a good day and she was really a quite girl, she was only eighteen years old and knew that her brother was going to be king once there father died which means she would be a nobody unless she got married. And that didn't seem likely since she was still single, still a virgin. Her brother and herself didn't see eye to eye on everything, but they didn't have a terrible relationship. Though it wasn't the best either, but she made due.

She was alone in the bathing chambers as she enjoyed the warmth of the water, seeing the bubbles and smelling them. She was really happy about everything, and right now she had just finished washing her hair and she relaxed her head back. Her arms out and stretched on the back of the tube and closed her eyes, her body was hidden from the bubbles so what she looked like body wise was hard to see. Smiling she thought of a few things.

alex walked into the chamber and saw the princess. with most of her body hidden . A bit dissapointed as he hoped he would find her naked or atleast half. No matter he will soon have her in the postions he wanted.

"Ahem. i suppose it is the custume of the women here to not lock the doors of their bathing chamber yes ? he said . he didnt need to be discreet. he dosent want to be .
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She opened up her eyes surprised seeing a man there "And is it costumed for you to barge in without even knocking to see if someone is in here?" She said shooting back at him, unsure of who he was. Her grey eyes narrowed a bit as she sat up in a way where now her bare torso could be seen since the bubbles were slowly going away
" barge in ? i would say i was invited , seeing how open the door was " alex chuckled and knelt just at the edge of the pool oposite to her.

" Name is Alexander king of mecedonia , though i would not mind you calling me alex. and you are one of darius's sisters " his eyes filling up with the beauty the he can see before him .
Looking at him she had heard of him and sighed a bit "I am the youngest which means id never be ruling this kingdom" She said and watched him. "So Alex what are you doing here? If you do not mind my curiosity in asking" She said being respectful with her tone.
"well i heard there is a lonely princess here taking a bath , so i thought i would join her "

He stood up erect , and stated to take his clothes off , its been a while since he had taken a shower or had a sexual release. actaully its been 6 months since he had his release. Hence his cock stood fully erect once he took off his under garments. Fully naked he jumped in the bath , but kept his distance from her ( a comfortable one ) .

" i was a bit dissapointed not to see you today at my coronation as your city's new ruler. " his body enjoying the warmth of the water. His mind going through imaginations of what she looked like under all those bubbles . Heck it took great restraint from him not to just shuv his hard cock in her .
She looked at him and didn't like this, taking a deep silent breath as she saw him removing his clothing. She was a virgin and didn't know what to say, thinking about a hundred things and when he said about her not being there. "I was told to stay in my room during your coronation or I would have gone just out of respect" She said being very honest. Looking down as she sat back a little bit and didn't know what he planned on doing with her. Her heart was pounding, she was a bit overly worried about this.
" Ha well i must say that i was expecting a rebellious princess ! but then again i guess if you persians were any good at fighting then i would be on my way to greece , your brotheer would still be king and you would not be sitting here naked trying to cover up your beautifull body from my roving eyes now would you ? " he roared with laughter.
She sighed a bit "Why so you could have me whipped, you have a reputation for being cruel taking what you want from women. You maybe the new ruler here but I will not allow you to take advantage I am not some fuck doll."
" ah nor will you be anyones fuck doll ! and i myself have never forced myself on any women ! and nor has any sould in your city has been hurt ! " he said smiling .

" you wound me with your cruel, CRUEL words princess , " he said in a mock sad tone. To be honest even though it is true he has never forced himself on anyone , that same thing cannot be said for his men. and alex has been smart enought to not to try and stop them.
She was taken back and looked down realizing perhaps she had been a bitch and shouldn't have been, but she just didn't know. "What do you want from me Alex, if it's sex what happens if I do have sex with you then what happens to me? I am a virgin and never even kissed a man father wouldn't allow me to do anything for men, another reason why I wasn't at your coronation because of him"