Alaska man charged with threats to 6 of the 9 SCOTUS judges


High on a Hill
Jul 2, 2009

An Alaska man has been arrested after allegedly threatening to torture and assassinate six Supreme Court justices and their relatives, the Justice Department announced Thursday.

Panos Anastasiou, 76, allegedly sent more than 465 messages through the Supreme Court’s public website — many of them violent, racist and homophobic, according to an indictment filed Wednesday.
22 charges, 9 were threats against a judge and 13 for making threats in interstate commerce
“We allege that the defendant made repeated, heinous threats to murder and torture Supreme Court Justices and their families to retaliate against them for decisions he disagreed with,” Attorney General Merrick Garland said in a statement announcing the charges. “Our justice system depends on the ability of judges to make their decisions based on the law, and not on fear. Our democracy depends on the ability of public officials to do their jobs without fearing for their lives or the safety of their families.”

i sometimes wonder if these old guys making the threats are motivated more by their inherent hatred or by the desire to be assured a roof over their heads, 3 meals a day and free medical attention in their dotage

22 charges, 9 were threats against a judge and 13 for making threats in interstate commerce

i sometimes wonder if these old guys making the threats are motivated more by their inherent hatred or by the desire to be assured a roof over their heads, 3 meals a day and free medical attention in their dotage

Or MAYBE it's because they swallowed the hatred you and the rest of the left spew everyday until it curdled their brains into turning violent.

Which, if true, makes you responsible.
Or MAYBE it's because they swallowed the hatred you and the rest of the left spew everyday until it curdled their brains into turning violent.

Which, if true, makes you responsible.

By that same flawed logic, the Deplorables on your side should all be imprisoned for life.

But your reckoning is coming. 😘
flawed logic is all carbon water boy has. sad, no?

Logic is what you use to examine events and come to a reasoned, rational conclusion based on facts instead of bullshit and emotion.

You have yet to display any modicum of actual logic.
over the past 8 years he's donated $700 to democrats, but his behaviour and language shows he's the antithesis of democratic thinking:

The messages, which were sent between March 10, 2023, and July 16, 2024, reportedly contained "violent, racist, and homophobic rhetoric coupled with threats of assassination via torture, hanging, and firearms, and encouraged others to participate in the acts of violence."

According to the Department of Justice's press release and the court filing, the messages escalated in violent imagery starting on January 4, 2024, when he sent a threat to murder "Supreme Court Justice 1 by 'providing the rope' to 'hang[]...from an Oak tree.'" Anastasiou also threatened Justice and Justice 2 to send "'fellow veterans' to 'spray' their homes with bullets 'hopefully killing' them," the court documents say.

Anastasiou has no public party voter registration, according to records obtained by Newsweek. However, according to the Federal Election Commission, he has donated $786 to ActBlue, a fundraising platform for Democratic candidates. The most recent donation was on July 25. On March 8, he donated his highest amount of $50.

another ugly-minded old white guy who didn't understand today's technology enough to realise he'd get caught doing this shit.

no matter your job, you should be able to do it without fear of being threatened/targeted by violence... including being a judge or politician. it is unacceptable.
Logic is what you use to examine events and come to a reasoned, rational conclusion based on facts instead of bullshit and emotion.

You have yet to display any modicum of actual logic.
What logic did you employ with your carbon fiasco and doxxing yourself? You're about as logical as the platypus existing.
over the past 8 years he's donated $700 to democrats...
another ugly-minded old white DEMOCRAT

Fixed your post to show everyone how fucked up you are when it comes to politics and all things American.

22 charges, 9 were threats against a judge and 13 for making threats in interstate commerce

i sometimes wonder if these old guys making the threats are motivated more by their inherent hatred or by the desire to be assured a roof over their heads, 3 meals a day and free medical attention in their dotage
He's motivated by people like Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Hillary Clinton, and their media. The same media you listen to.
Or MAYBE it's because they swallowed the hatred you and the rest of the left spew everyday until it curdled their brains into turning violent.

Which, if true, makes you responsible.
Interesting take by a lawyer
Or MAYBE it's because they swallowed the hatred you and the rest of the left spew everyday until it curdled their brains into turning violent.

Which, if true, makes you responsible.
You are so unselfaware, it's hilarious.
What logic did you employ with your carbon fiasco and doxxing yourself? You're about as logical as the platypus existing.
Speaking of Harpy's history, do you happen to remember the poster who gave Harpy the moniker "Rapey McRaperson"?
Maybe Rob will remember the story. He's one of our resident historians.
I usually only read the first paragraph of a Depry post. By then, he's said something so monumentally stupid that I don't bother with the rest.
Maybe Rob will remember the story. He's one of our resident historians.
he'll probably know... i think it may have had something to do with stories he either wrote or liked? non-consent ick stuff
“In 2020 Chuck Schumer stood outside the Supreme Court and threatened Justices Brett Kavanaugh and Neil Gorsuch by name. ‘You have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price. You won’t know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions.'”

It’s (D)ifferent when they do it.
If this was the Orange Fuhrer’s bizarro upside down, he’d be handing out the now worthless Medull of Freedumb to the J6 “heroes.”