Alabama district considers stricter dress code for teachers...

Cade Is Here

Troll Magnet
Jul 11, 2005

MOBILE, Ala. – The Mobile, Alabama school district is considering revisions to its employee dress code to include specific examples of inappropriate attire, such as overalls, spandex, midriffs, flip-flops and sweat suits.

Office girlDistrict officials contend no one incident prompted the proposed additions, but “school officials felt it was time to consider an update,” reports.

Superintendent Martha Peek told the news site a copy of the proposed new dress code was distributed to all of the district’s 7,600 employees, and the board of education is soliciting feedback on the policy change this month.

“Jessie McDaniel, a director of the Mobile County office of the Alabama Education Association teachers union, predicted that the public hearings would be well-attended by school system employees,” reports.

That’s likely because teachers unions typically object to district rules that force teachers to dress like professionals. EAGnews has reported on numerous school districts that have attempted to rein in teachers’ inappropriate attire, only to face the wrath of the local teachers union.

In Little Rock, Arkansas this month, the district attempted to implement a new “restrictive” dress code that included required “foundation garments,” also known as underwear. School officials later decided “to give staff time to adjust” to the underwear requirement after “complaints arose,” the Arkansas Times reports.

Little Rock school union president Cathy Koehler told her members, “No dress Code could ever meet every person’s concerns or point –of-view. At best, one could hope to have something that did the least amount of harm to employees.”

We fail to see how wearing underwear or leaving miniskirts and midriffs at home could possibly harm anyone. If anything, it will force teachers to dress like education professionals, and help to keep students focused on academics, instead of their teachers’ distracting attire.

We suspect school employees in Mobile will present the same objections as their counterparts in other districts that have attempted to similar changes.

And despite the assertion from Mobile officials that the changes aren’t the result of any particular complaints, it seems obvious there would be no need to revise the policy if school staff dressed appropriately.

Here are some examples of clothes that would be prohibited under the Mobile district’s proposed policy changes, according to

- Jeans
- Overalls
- Pants shorter than ankle length
- Shorts
- Athletic shoes
- Spandex or bicycling-type attire
- Visible piercings, except to ears
- Clothing that is provocative, revealing, indecent, vulgar or obscene
- Low cut blouses
- Midriffs
- Excessively tight clothes
- Visibly torn or ragged attire
- Sweat suit-type attire
- Footwear that is considered beachwear – flip-flops, Crocs
- Clothing that promotes alcohol, tobacco or drug use by words or symbols
- Clothing that promotes schools outside of Mobile
I hate the fucking dress code too- here it's worse than that. Guys have to wear button ups and dress pants with ties. You can have short sleeve button ups but you can't show tattoos and piercings (not even on your goddamn ears) so you have to get those clear plugs for piercings and bandages over tattoos, least the impressionable youngsters be *gasp* made aware of an art form performed throughout the centuries.

Seriously, school board, wtf? Half the kids in high school have tattoos.

But I hate the dress codes for the students too. Not letting kids wear shorts and tank tops and T-shirts and shit. Either go with uniforms or shut the fuck up. Stop teaching little boys that they're rapey animals who can't keep their mind on their lessons because they see a shoulder. That's setting the stage for the 'what was the victim wearing' rapist mentality. It's programming little girls with unnecessary fears that they might not get to learn that day because their fucking Adventure Time tank top straps weren't regulation.

Uniforms or stfu.

Oh! And something about those undergarmets. That rule isn't a "you have to wear panties" it's "you have to wear an undershirt under your button up even if the room you're in has a broken AC and it's 90 fucking degrees in there we're still requiring you to wear 2 shirts for no good reason". They're already requiring you to wear pants- guy teachers can't wear shorts unless they teach PE, and now they want you to wear 2 shirts. In August.

Seriously, just fuck the dress code.
I hate the fucking dress code too- here it's worse than that. Guys have to wear button ups and dress pants with ties. You can have short sleeve button ups but you can't show tattoos and piercings (not even on your goddamn ears) so you have to get those clear plugs for piercings and bandages over tattoos, least the impressionable youngsters be *gasp* made aware of an art form performed throughout the centuries.

Seriously, school board, wtf? Half the kids in high school have tattoos.

But I hate the dress codes for the students too. Not letting kids wear shorts and tank tops and T-shirts and shit. Either go with uniforms or shut the fuck up. Stop teaching little boys that they're rapey animals who can't keep their mind on their lessons because they see a shoulder. That's setting the stage for the 'what was the victim wearing' rapist mentality. It's programming little girls with unnecessary fears that they might not get to learn that day because their fucking Adventure Time tank top straps weren't regulation.

Uniforms or stfu.

Oh! And something about those undergarmets. That rule isn't a "you have to wear panties" it's "you have to wear an undershirt under your button up even if the room you're in has a broken AC and it's 90 fucking degrees in there we're still requiring you to wear 2 shirts for no good reason". They're already requiring you to wear pants- guy teachers can't wear shorts unless they teach PE, and now they want you to wear 2 shirts. In August.

Seriously, just fuck the dress code.

Huh? That's not it style?
It's sad that professional people like teachers have to be told what is appropriate attire. I worked as a teacher for 39 years and have seen it all. Teaching and schools are a business and there is an expected way to dress. If the staff doesn't model the appropriate attire how are the children supposed to learn how to dress for the business world. American have become such slobs in the way they dress. Just my 2 cents.

MOBILE, Ala. – The Mobile, Alabama school district is considering revisions to its employee dress code to include specific examples of inappropriate attire, such as overalls, spandex, midriffs, flip-flops and sweat suits.

Office girlDistrict officials contend no one incident prompted the proposed additions, but “school officials felt it was time to consider an update,” reports.

Superintendent Martha Peek told the news site a copy of the proposed new dress code was distributed to all of the district’s 7,600 employees, and the board of education is soliciting feedback on the policy change this month.

“Jessie McDaniel, a director of the Mobile County office of the Alabama Education Association teachers union, predicted that the public hearings would be well-attended by school system employees,” reports.

That’s likely because teachers unions typically object to district rules that force teachers to dress like professionals. EAGnews has reported on numerous school districts that have attempted to rein in teachers’ inappropriate attire, only to face the wrath of the local teachers union.

In Little Rock, Arkansas this month, the district attempted to implement a new “restrictive” dress code that included required “foundation garments,” also known as underwear. School officials later decided “to give staff time to adjust” to the underwear requirement after “complaints arose,” the Arkansas Times reports.

Little Rock school union president Cathy Koehler told her members, “No dress Code could ever meet every person’s concerns or point –of-view. At best, one could hope to have something that did the least amount of harm to employees.”

We fail to see how wearing underwear or leaving miniskirts and midriffs at home could possibly harm anyone. If anything, it will force teachers to dress like education professionals, and help to keep students focused on academics, instead of their teachers’ distracting attire.

We suspect school employees in Mobile will present the same objections as their counterparts in other districts that have attempted to similar changes.

And despite the assertion from Mobile officials that the changes aren’t the result of any particular complaints, it seems obvious there would be no need to revise the policy if school staff dressed appropriately.

Here are some examples of clothes that would be prohibited under the Mobile district’s proposed policy changes, according to

- Jeans
- Overalls
- Pants shorter than ankle length
- Shorts
- Athletic shoes
- Spandex or bicycling-type attire
- Visible piercings, except to ears
- Clothing that is provocative, revealing, indecent, vulgar or obscene
- Low cut blouses
- Midriffs
- Excessively tight clothes
- Visibly torn or ragged attire
- Sweat suit-type attire
- Footwear that is considered beachwear – flip-flops, Crocs
- Clothing that promotes alcohol, tobacco or drug use by words or symbols
- Clothing that promotes schools outside of Mobile

That's a ten year old photo from College Humor.
- Clothing that promotes schools outside of Mobile <-- Prohibited?

Like a college sweatshirt from schools across the other 49 states?
It's sad that professional people like teachers have to be told what is appropriate attire. I worked as a teacher for 39 years and have seen it all. Teaching and schools are a business and there is an expected way to dress. If the staff doesn't model the appropriate attire how are the children supposed to learn how to dress for the business world. American have become such slobs in the way they dress. Just my 2 cents.

There isn't an expected way to dress. No one expects an English teacher giving a lecture to dress the same way as a PE teacher in a weight room.
There isn't an expected way to dress. No one expects an English teacher giving a lecture to dress the same way as a PE teacher in a weight room.

But the guy who's going to be surrounded by teenagers slinging paint is expected to wear dress clothes like the English teacher.
Why does a story about teachers include a picture of a woman Photoshopped into an office picture?

Cade, is this another display of your famous confusion re: images? :)
That's why the policy won't get adopted.

Here, it already is. See my previous bitching. Dress codes are set per district. In this one, the only teacher who is exempt from the dress code are coaches who are currently in the gym. If you go to teach health or something you have to change into dress clothes. It's such bullshit. On the plus side, since I started subbing I've discovered that I can run way faster than I thought I could in dress shoes.
That's a ten year old photo from College Humor.

Why does a story about teachers include a picture of a woman Photoshopped into an office picture?

Cade, is this another display of your famous confusion re: images? :)

Hi Cade,

Why are you using a picture that doesn't pertain to the story?

Was there a reason you chose that particular photo?

Inquiring minds want to know!
